Who do you think will be frog marched in cuffs on Monday?

Who is Mueller going to indict?

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Nothing has strengthened, moron. There isn't a shred of evidence that anyone in the Trump campaign "colluded" with the Russians.
There is evidence enough to push an indictment. We are about to find out The Who and what, I hope. It could very well stay sealed but I’m sure something will leak out

Evidence of what? Certainly not the mythical "collusion."
Evidence to this moron is what his masters tell him to spout.... even if its a total fabrication.. He wouldn't know what a fact was if it hit his ass in the head.
How does a grand jury give the go ahead to indict after months of FBI investigation with No evidence? Please explain how that is possible
You don't really understand how this works, do you? Just because YOU don't have evidence, just because it has not been made public, does not mean that there is no evidence. Grand juries operate largely in secret. Mueller has been feeding them EVIDENCE all along.

So you think a grand jury votes tod indict with no evidence? Either you're really stupid, or you believe our system of "justice" is totally corrupt.

Which is it?
Berstein stated 'Trump officials are looking at 20...30...40...50 years for WHATEVER these charges are'.

'Whatever they are'? That's someone talking out of their ass.

If they have evidence someone broke the law that person needs to be held accountable.

I only wish that happened equally across the board, not partisanly. If that happened, they would need to build a prison just for politicians because there would be so many.

So when is Hillary going to be held accountable?
It is a distraction. To get everyone's minds off off the fake dossier.They had done this a lots of time. Even during Hillary's email scandal hearings. While she was being drilled, they had BLM protesters causing havoc so that everyone's focused on them rather than the hearings.

Whoever it is getting indicted, they already know. Having second hand experience with this, (second hand meaning I knew someone who was investigated and indicted then subsequently released), Mueller's team has by way of professional courtesy, informed the lawyer(s), who in turn have informed their clients of what they might expect on Monday. Where to be, who to have around them if anyone, what to say, what not to say and what happens next.
Oh what a sight to see. Who do you think will be charged on Monday? Carter "The Mouth" Page? Paul "Short time on staff" Manafort? Donald "All about adoptions baby" Trump Jr.?

Kelly Ann Conman? IDK, she just should be arrested for air pollution and bold faced liary

Who you got?

Berstein stated 'Trump officials are looking at 20...30...40...50 years for WHATEVER these charges are'.

'Whatever they are'? That's someone talking out of their ass.

If they have evidence someone broke the law that person needs to be held accountable.

I only wish that happened equally across the board, not partisanly. If that happened, they would need to build a prison just for politicians because there would be so many.

So when is Hillary going to be held accountable?

First you have to find something to actually hold her accountable for.
Oh what a sight to see. Who do you think will be charged on Monday? Carter "The Mouth" Page? Paul "Short time on staff" Manafort? Donald "All about adoptions baby" Trump Jr.?

Kelly Ann Conman? IDK, she just should be arrested for air pollution and bold faced liary

Who you got?
I thought the trumpies say M hadn't found anything.
Oh what a sight to see. Who do you think will be charged on Monday? Carter "The Mouth" Page? Paul "Short time on staff" Manafort? Donald "All about adoptions baby" Trump Jr.?

Kelly Ann Conman? IDK, she just should be arrested for air pollution and bold faced liary

Who you got?
I thought the trumpies say M hadn't found anything.

They did say he hadnt found anything, they also said that if he did find anything it was fake before they can see it just to cover all bases. They are reacting the way guilty people act
Berstein stated 'Trump officials are looking at 20...30...40...50 years for WHATEVER these charges are'.

'Whatever they are'? That's someone talking out of their ass.

If they have evidence someone broke the law that person needs to be held accountable.

I only wish that happened equally across the board, not partisanly. If that happened, they would need to build a prison just for politicians because there would be so many.

So when is Hillary going to be held accountable?

First you have to find something to actually hold her accountable for.

She broke numerous laws regarding the handling of classified information. She also obstructed justice by delting emails that were under subpoena and committed perjury numerous times.
Oh what a sight to see. Who do you think will be charged on Monday? Carter "The Mouth" Page? Paul "Short time on staff" Manafort? Donald "All about adoptions baby" Trump Jr.?

Kelly Ann Conman? IDK, she just should be arrested for air pollution and bold faced liary

Who you got?
I thought the trumpies say M hadn't found anything.

They did say he hadnt found anything, they also said that if he did find anything it was fake before they can see it just to cover all bases. They are reacting the way guilty people act
You mean the way Hillary acts?
A Clinton associate
  1. 9 vote(s)

Yeah, I know!
Much like Y2K so many years ago I suspect this will be a lot of build-up and hype that won't amount to much if anything.

Y2k was a theory. Indictments are different. In one clear way there is a difference...Y2k disn't happen but these indictments sure did.
You have no idea who is being indicted or what the charges are yet your acting like your about to see Indictments for the crime of the century that is your build-up and hype. For all you know this could some low level nobody getting indicted it's not like the media has never oversold a story before especially in regards to Trump.

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