Who do you think will be frog marched in cuffs on Monday?

Who is Mueller going to indict?

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Trying to impede the actions of a president seems virtually impossible to prove unless they have a recording or email of him stating that intent.

As for your second charge.... when did McCain present the documents to the FBI and how do you prove that he knew they were false?
Donna Brazil trying to effect the outcome of an election (felony)
Read my OP/ED pissgate in the FZ for a longer list.
Thanks but I’m not interested in partisan flame zone rants
Not a rant idiot.
Then why is it in the flame zone
Because 54% of the USMB think it's going to be a Clinton Associate who colluded with the Russians to get Trump elected president. Democrats see that as laughable. For some reason, the Republicans don't.

To get trump elected? No one was stupid enough to believe that narrative
Oh what a sight to see. Who do you think will be charged on Monday? Carter "The Mouth" Page? Paul "Short time on staff" Manafort? Donald "All about adoptions baby" Trump Jr.?

Kelly Ann Conman? IDK, she just should be arrested for air pollution and bold faced liary

Who you got?
Page was on the Hill testifying the day before so he is unlikely, imo.

Flynn is a possibility, because the Grand Jury covering Flynn was initiated before the later, 2nd grand jury and maybe Flynn will be the first indictment...and Flynn has some deep ties to the Russians himself with telling the Ambassador that Trump would work on removing sanctions when sworn in and not to react to the expelling of their diplomats by Obama.... and he lied to the FBI, the rumor mill has been saying for months....plus Flynn's involvement with the Turks and offer to kidnap the man the Turkish gvt wanted back in their country so they could imprison or kill him thingy... and General Clarke was on the hill testifying or before Mueller a week ago, who witnessed Flynn's illegal offer....supposedly Gen Clark testified for more than 5 hours....

Flynn and President Trump have a much deeper relationship than Manafort and Trump.... Flynn tried to get Hillary Clinton stolen emails from the Russians as well....

Flynn, and breaking Flynn, would give Mueller a better shot at him squealing on Trump and making a plea bargain.

But it is possible, that it is Manafort, though I heard he is out of the country and the FBI know this, so I have come to think that it is not Manafort, if he is out of the country, the FBI/Mueller would know this and not chance serving him when he is not present to be arrested and then bonded and released....

You make some great points with this post. I almost forgot about the news he was meeting with Turkish thugs to work out a kidnap plan. Has kidnapping also been officially excused yet?
The Mueller investigation is about trump and Russia. If they find anything on Obama or Hillary, it should be thrown out because that’s not the investigation. Mueller needs to remove Trump from office for the good of the country. He is racist.
Wrong; The mandate was ANYTHING involving Russian interference.. Democrats don't get a free pass..

The investigation is into Russian interference in the election. Trump won. Hillary lost. Trump is the one who colluded. If Hillary colluded she would have won.

You are either a comedic genius or an idiot. Which is it?
How about "correct"?

And why would we lie?
Collusion is NOT illegal, even if he did, for which there is zero evidence.

Have a nice day!
Trump's outrageous defense of Russia and Putin is evidence of something.

"Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.

2008? You think a comment 8 years before the election is evidense of "collusion?" All that shows is how utterly desperate you snowflakes are.
Comment or evidence of close Russian ties that only strengthened over time?
Nothing has strengthened, moron. There isn't a shred of evidence that anyone in the Trump campaign "colluded" with the Russians.
There is evidence enough to push an indictment. We are about to find out The Who and what, I hope. It could very well stay sealed but I’m sure something will leak out

Evidence of what? Certainly not the mythical "collusion."
If it were a Trump staffer the name would have been leaked... Its an attempt to deflect from the DNC/Clinton treason scandal.

I am going to laugh my ass off, if on Monday they say "false alarm, we got nothing"....
Debbie Wasserman Shultz is a 3 to 1 favorite in Vegas!
The odds are long for everyone else... now that's funny! Podesta is 5-1 and the rest (Trump people) are far behind.. We at least know where the big money thinks things are going to land..
Why isn’t Fox running with that narrative?
FOX has integrity.. They don't run with crap until it has cooberating evidence.. They don't run with bets... Unlike CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC etc who will run with any form of crap and lie about it incessantly trying to make it stick in the minds of mindless left wing dupes..

I found it amusing where people who are putting up their money are going... Money talks and bull shit walks...
They have been running with the Clinton Collusion story for the past couple of days, saying all kinds of presumptive falsehoods! What are talking about?
Trump's outrageous defense of Russia and Putin is evidence of something.

"Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.

2008? You think a comment 8 years before the election is evidense of "collusion?" All that shows is how utterly desperate you snowflakes are.
Comment or evidence of close Russian ties that only strengthened over time?
Nothing has strengthened, moron. There isn't a shred of evidence that anyone in the Trump campaign "colluded" with the Russians.
There is evidence enough to push an indictment. We are about to find out The Who and what, I hope. It could very well stay sealed but I’m sure something will leak out

Evidence of what? Certainly not the mythical "collusion."
Evidence to this moron is what his masters tell him to spout.... even if its a total fabrication.. He wouldn't know what a fact was if it hit his ass in the head.
It’s interesting that this indictment news is getting nothing more than a whisper on Fox News while they continue to be quite loud about the Clinton collusion conspiracy theory. Makes me think the inside scoop is leaning towards an indictment of a Trump staffer.

Manafort and Flynn are the obvious suspects but it could also be a lower level staffer.

Also, I find it interesting that I don’t hear people from the Right spinning the scenario that the FBI informant who Trump just freed from the “gag order” may have provided evidence that could incriminate a Clinton associate.

What do you think is going to happen?

Tony Podesta. Likely manafort too since he was working with podesta to funnel Russian money to the clinton foundation....but since mueller helped hide that investigation at the time..who knows what mueller is going to do...
If it were a Trump staffer the name would have been leaked... Its an attempt to deflect from the DNC/Clinton treason scandal.

I am going to laugh my ass off, if on Monday they say "false alarm, we got nothing"....
Debbie Wasserman Shultz is a 3 to 1 favorite in Vegas!
The odds are long for everyone else... now that's funny! Podesta is 5-1 and the rest (Trump people) are far behind.. We at least know where the big money thinks things are going to land..
Why isn’t Fox running with that narrative?
FOX has integrity.. They don't run with crap until it has cooberating evidence.. They don't run with bets... Unlike CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC etc who will run with any form of crap and lie about it incessantly trying to make it stick in the minds of mindless left wing dupes..

I found it amusing where people who are putting up their money are going... Money talks and bull shit walks...
They have been running with the Clinton Collusion story for the past couple of days, saying all kinds of presumptive falsehoods! What are talking about?
LOL... FOX has facts to back up their reporting... You have what again to prove collusion?
Trump's outrageous defense of Russia and Putin is evidence of something.

"Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.

2008? You think a comment 8 years before the election is evidense of "collusion?" All that shows is how utterly desperate you snowflakes are.
Comment or evidence of close Russian ties that only strengthened over time?
Nothing has strengthened, moron. There isn't a shred of evidence that anyone in the Trump campaign "colluded" with the Russians.
There is evidence enough to push an indictment. We are about to find out The Who and what, I hope. It could very well stay sealed but I’m sure something will leak out

Evidence of what? Certainly not the mythical "collusion."
Evidence of whatever crime they are indicting somebody for... did I really need to explain that to you?
It’s interesting that this indictment news is getting nothing more than a whisper on Fox News while they continue to be quite loud about the Clinton collusion conspiracy theory. Makes me think the inside scoop is leaning towards an indictment of a Trump staffer.

Manafort and Flynn are the obvious suspects but it could also be a lower level staffer.

Also, I find it interesting that I don’t hear people from the Right spinning the scenario that the FBI informant who Trump just freed from the “gag order” may have provided evidence that could incriminate a Clinton associate.

What do you think is going to happen?

Tony Podesta. Likely manafort too since he was working with podesta to funnel Russian money to the clinton foundation....but since mueller helped hide that investigation at the time..who knows what mueller is going to do...
Mueller could use this as a get out of jail free card by prosecuting the crime now and stating he didn't have the full story then... CYA is not out of the realm of possibilities here.
2008? You think a comment 8 years before the election is evidense of "collusion?" All that shows is how utterly desperate you snowflakes are.
Comment or evidence of close Russian ties that only strengthened over time?
Nothing has strengthened, moron. There isn't a shred of evidence that anyone in the Trump campaign "colluded" with the Russians.
There is evidence enough to push an indictment. We are about to find out The Who and what, I hope. It could very well stay sealed but I’m sure something will leak out

Evidence of what? Certainly not the mythical "collusion."
Evidence to this moron is what his masters tell him to spout.... even if its a total fabrication.. He wouldn't know what a fact was if it hit his ass in the head.
How does a grand jury give the go ahead to indict after months of FBI investigation with No evidence? Please explain how that is possible
It’s interesting that this indictment news is getting nothing more than a whisper on Fox News while they continue to be quite loud about the Clinton collusion conspiracy theory. Makes me think the inside scoop is leaning towards an indictment of a Trump staffer.

Manafort and Flynn are the obvious suspects but it could also be a lower level staffer.

Also, I find it interesting that I don’t hear people from the Right spinning the scenario that the FBI informant who Trump just freed from the “gag order” may have provided evidence that could incriminate a Clinton associate.

What do you think is going to happen?

Tony Podesta. Likely manafort too since he was working with podesta to funnel Russian money to the clinton foundation....but since mueller helped hide that investigation at the time..who knows what mueller is going to do...
That would be wild. 2 birds with one stone. One from each camp
Comment or evidence of close Russian ties that only strengthened over time?
Nothing has strengthened, moron. There isn't a shred of evidence that anyone in the Trump campaign "colluded" with the Russians.
There is evidence enough to push an indictment. We are about to find out The Who and what, I hope. It could very well stay sealed but I’m sure something will leak out

Evidence of what? Certainly not the mythical "collusion."
Evidence to this moron is what his masters tell him to spout.... even if its a total fabrication.. He wouldn't know what a fact was if it hit his ass in the head.
How does a grand jury give the go ahead to indict after months of FBI investigation with No evidence? Please explain how that is possible

We should have had ham sandwich as a choice. Any good prosecutor ca get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich.
Debbie Wasserman Shultz is a 3 to 1 favorite in Vegas!
The odds are long for everyone else... now that's funny! Podesta is 5-1 and the rest (Trump people) are far behind.. We at least know where the big money thinks things are going to land..
Why isn’t Fox running with that narrative?
FOX has integrity.. They don't run with crap until it has cooberating evidence.. They don't run with bets... Unlike CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC etc who will run with any form of crap and lie about it incessantly trying to make it stick in the minds of mindless left wing dupes..

I found it amusing where people who are putting up their money are going... Money talks and bull shit walks...
They have been running with the Clinton Collusion story for the past couple of days, saying all kinds of presumptive falsehoods! What are talking about?
LOL... FOX has facts to back up their reporting... You have what again to prove collusion?
I never claimed collusion and fox has had their fair share of fake news. Google the Bret Baier story about the FBI indicting Clinton just before the election. That’s a pretty big fake news fuck up. And don’t get me started on Hannity or the crazy Judge
It’s interesting that this indictment news is getting nothing more than a whisper on Fox News while they continue to be quite loud about the Clinton collusion conspiracy theory. Makes me think the inside scoop is leaning towards an indictment of a Trump staffer.

Manafort and Flynn are the obvious suspects but it could also be a lower level staffer.

Also, I find it interesting that I don’t hear people from the Right spinning the scenario that the FBI informant who Trump just freed from the “gag order” may have provided evidence that could incriminate a Clinton associate.

What do you think is going to happen?
I think going after the Clinton's again is wishful thinking on the side of the GOP.
We already know about lies told by:

Mike Flynn
Paul Manafort
Jared Kushner
Carter Page
Jeff Sessions
Trump Jr.
Mike Cohen
Roger Stone

These lies are well documented. They can't be denied.

But my personal feeling is all these guys are too high in the food chain to be charged this early in the investigation. Remember, Clinton's investigation was already going on forever before Monica even started working at the White House. She was a Godsend for the GOP after spending all that money and wasting all that time.

So my feeling is it's going to be Flynn's son for several reasons.

He's high up enough to know what's going on but still low in the food chain.
Flynn Sr. will freak out if his son is charged.
Flynn Jr. went every where his father went and knew everything that was going on.
Flynn Jr. doesn't have the money to defend himself.

But I guess we'll see.

For the Republicans to hang their hats on an investigation of Hillary on a transaction she had nothing to do with they've been litigating for nearly a decade is a stretch. Even for them. What it shows is how clean the Obama administration was because that's all they could come up with. They've already tried wire tapping which was laughable. And Fast and Furious which was ridiculous. All they have is he was born in Kenya and only the most insane of the GOP hold on to that nonsense.
Notice when I list the Trump team members who lied, not a single Republican denies it. Thank God for video tape and interviews and email.
These nits won't even believe video tapes They are blinded to the truth

Those video tapes where planned parenthood employees talk about selling body parts?

Oh wait. That's you guys who don't believe them
Mueller has to tread carefully as any "Russian" indictment leads back to Hillary selling uranium for a $145,000,000 payday plus the murder of Seth Rich.

I suspect its Manafort for Jay walking. He indicts any Trump and it's Civil War
Mueller has to tread carefully as any "Russian" indictment leads back to Hillary selling uranium for a $145,000,000 payday plus the murder of Seth Rich.

I suspect its Manafort for Jay walking. He indicts any Trump and it's Civil War
Man, you are in deep
It’s interesting that this indictment news is getting nothing more than a whisper on Fox News while they continue to be quite loud about the Clinton collusion conspiracy theory. Makes me think the inside scoop is leaning towards an indictment of a Trump staffer.

Manafort and Flynn are the obvious suspects but it could also be a lower level staffer.

Also, I find it interesting that I don’t hear people from the Right spinning the scenario that the FBI informant who Trump just freed from the “gag order” may have provided evidence that could incriminate a Clinton associate.

What do you think is going to happen?
An unconfirmed rumor is all it is at this point...
You can only play that card for a few days but we all know something is coming. Reporters saw Mueller meet with the grand jury and they had inside sources tell them an indictment is coming. Question now is who? And why is Fox avoiding the story and not running with the Podesta/Clinton scenario? I would think this news would fall right in line with the narrative of their Clinton collusion story they’ve been pounding into for the past few days.

Stop lying already, the story was covered in every show last night and this morning on Fox. They just said they have yet to independently confirm it. It's amazing how easily you regressives lie your ass off.

Don't know who but they have to make a move now. They need a BIG distraction now that the REAL collusion of the DNC is beginning to blow up in their faces. The Hitler tactic of accusing your enemy of doing what you did is about to be exposed. Mueller has no choice but to indict somebody but in the end, he will be indicted (along with Hillary, Comey, and the big fish, our former president.
nahhhh, the administration has known for a few weeks indictments were close to coming down and this is why they put the Hillary conspiracy crap out there in to overdrive by all their political pawns....to deflect from actual crimes and indictments.... :p
Much like Y2K so many years ago I suspect this will be a lot of build-up and hype that won't amount to much if anything.

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