Who do YOU Think Will have the GOP Nomination?

Which GOP candidate will have a majority of delegates on March 2nd?

  • Jeb! Bush

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco Rubio

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ted Cruz

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 10 62.5%
  • John Kasich

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Ben Carson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The delegates will be too evenly divided to know who gets Nominated

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Another candidate will win it

    Votes: 1 6.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
John Kasich would have a chance but he doesnt hate enough or provide enough entertainment for the GOP base.
Trump could win the delegates but the RNC could pull the rug out from under him. Then he would probably run as a third party guy and then Hillary would be madam President.

Arf arf.
Trump could win the delegates but the RNC could pull the rug out from under him. Then he would probably run as a third party guy and then Hillary would be madam President.
How do you imagine Trump having the rug pulled out from under him if he has the delegates to win on the first ballot?

They are locked in for the first vote, which seems to be Establishment proof.
It isn't the same as the Democrats but they do have some super delegates so it depends how many Trump scoops up.
Hmm, I dont think that there are enough superdelegates to offset a candidate that has enough delegates to win on the first ballot.
I think Karl Rove started the rumor, after some research:

Can GOP 'superdelegates' stop Trump?
"With due respect to Karl," RNC communications director Sean Spicer told the Examiner, "there are 168 members of the RNC, not 210." Those members comprise 7 percent of the estimated 2,472 delegates who will be seated at the convention, slightly less than the 9 percent Rove estimated.

Secondly, convention rules obligate those RNC members to vote according to the result of primary elections held in their states.

"Karl is dead wrong, which is demonstrated if you read the delegate packet that was issued," said Virginia Republican National Committeeman Morton Blackwell. That packet, Blackwell told the Examiner, "points to a section of the rules to which people have not paid attention. It says that all of the delegates shall be bound by the results of the primary."

"There aren't any delegates in a state that has a primary that are not going to be bound," Blackwell said. "Karl's article is just dead wrong. He didn't understand the rules, and suggested there are 210 superdelegates who are free to vote as they please."

Specifically, a cover letter to the packet states, "Each state's delegation (other than delegates elected on a primary ballot) is bound by the results of the state's presidential preference vote."

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