Who Dumped Thousands Of Haitian Illegals (Headed For Florida) In Del Rio Texas

Mudwhistle OP of the thread and somebody else was telling how the thing with the Haitians showing up is part of a plot to turn American people out of their homes, give them to the immigrants and basically turn the US into a socialist collective and said he knew basically from his experience as a Sergeant in the Army in a civil affairs positions, telling me of the briefings he had sat in, back in the day. Only he could not or would not tell me where it was happening, and for good reason. It isn't.
It's nothing Beagle, just somebody else, getting carried away. I sometime just lack the requisite to play along with some fantasies.
If you're referring to my military service in the USAF your a fool and a bigot. Perhaps you should read up about the 8th Air Force in the U.K. while the best part of you rolled down your momma's leg.n
Never a dull moment.. lol
Mudwhistle OP of the thread and somebody else was telling how the thing with the Haitians showing up is part of a plot to turn American people out of their homes, give them to the immigrants and basically turn the US into a socialist collective and said he knew basically from his experience as a Sergeant in the Army in a civil affairs positions, telling me of the briefings he had sat in, back in the day. Only he could not or would not tell me where it was happening, and for good reason. It isn't.
It's nothing Beagle, just somebody else, getting carried away. I sometime just lack the requisite to play along with some fantasies.
It was a good analogy that needed debating though. Don't you think ??
It was a good analogy that needed debating though. Don't you think ??
Not really as it does not relate to what is going on here or has gone on here or what is being proposed here, not to mention the legal resistance it would immediately face prior to any type of implementation here. You can't debate unreality. It isn't real.
WTF is going on?
How does thousands of people, from a island located thousands of miles away, end up in Texas.....and where are they going?
Many say they're headed to Florida so Biden can make good on his threat to attack DeSantis.

I asked the same question.
Not really as it does not relate to what is going on here or has gone on here or what is being proposed here, not to mention the legal resistance it would immediately face prior to any type of implementation here. You can't debate unreality. It isn't real.
Today, who knows what's real anymore ?
Today, who knows what's real anymore ?
I got to go with reporting of credible sources, especially if not even hear mass reports from uncredited sources to the contrary stating incredible analysis. Not that I don't trust form S-5/G-5 personnel to give me accurate intel, I just trust G-3 and G-2 personnel to have the short form skinny on what is or has been happening on the ground, pertaining to intel assessments unless I know them personally. Anonymous people on internet message boards just don't carry much weight.
I got to go with reporting of credible sources, especially if not even hear mass reports from uncredited sources to the contrary stating incredible analysis. Not that I don't trust form S-5/G-5 personnel to give me accurate intel, I just trust G-3 and G-2 personnel to have the short form skinny on what is or has been happening on the ground, pertaining to intel assessments unless I know them personally. Anonymous people on internet message boards just don't carry much weight.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhh ok then (me walking slowly back out of the sanatarium upon visiting you). ROTFLMBO... Kidding lol.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhh ok then (me walking slowly back out of the sanatarium upon visiting you). ROTFLMBO... Kidding lol.
No sweat. dude.
The Haitians entered Mexico legally.

Nobody "dumped" them.

Nothing like a big bunch of black people to get the right's panties in a twist.
Under President Trump, Mexico was actively keeping other countries illegals from entering the US.......under Biden they are now facilitating illegals with all their crimes, welfare breeding, uneducated and diseased people flooding over who will be a burden for generations on the welfare and criminal systems here.
Mudwhistle OP of the thread and somebody else was telling how the thing with the Haitians showing up is part of a plot to turn American people out of their homes, give them to the immigrants and basically turn the US into a socialist collective and said he knew basically from his experience as a Sergeant in the Army in a civil affairs positions, telling me of the briefings he had sat in, back in the day. Only he could not or would not tell me where it was happening, and for good reason. It isn't.
It's nothing Beagle, just somebody else, getting carried away. I sometime just lack the requisite to play along with some fantasies.
I can tell you exactly who is responsible.
We used to get memos about everything that the Obama Administration was up to. Biden is up to the same thing. He signed a directive that anyone who criticized his handling of the Afghan withdrawal would be fired.

Communists always accuse others of what they are doing to confuse the issue.....so when Obama was committing the crime of human-trafficking of illegal migrants or shipping Muslim refugees into Michgan or Wisconsin to turn states blue...he would send out memos telling us in the government what the penalty is for human-trafficking.

They also sent out directives that we weren't allowed to campaign for one party or another...essentially making it illegal to say anything on Facebook or Twitter that supports a Republican policy. Yet you have people like AOC wearing a dress that says "TAX THE RICH" or the simple fact that almost every trip Obama took on Air Force One was to give a political speech somewhere or to attend a fundraiser.

Then there's the fact that Congressional Democrats can commit the crime of insider trading but are exempt from prosecution. Many of them are getting rich because they are given gifts of Big Pharma stocks at the same time they're voting on bills that use taxpayers money to pay for vaccines.
I can tell you exactly who is responsible.
We used to get memos about everything that the Obama Administration was up to. Biden is up to the same thing. He signed a directive that anyone who criticized his handling of the Afghan withdrawal would be fired.

Communists always accuse others of what they are doing to confuse the issue.....so when Obama was committing the crime of human-trafficking of illegal migrants or shipping Muslim refugees into Michgan or Wisconsin to turn states blue...he would send out memos telling us in the government what the penalty is for human-trafficking.

They also sent out directives that we weren't allowed to campaign for one party or another...essentially making it illegal to say anything on Facebook or Twitter that supports a Republican policy. Yet you have people like AOC wearing a dress that says "TAX THE RICH" or the simple fact that almost every trip Obama took on Air Force One was to give a political speech somewhere or to attend a fundraiser.

Then there's the fact that Congressional Democrats can commit the crime of insider trading but are exempt from prosecution. Many of them are getting rich because they are given gifts of Big Pharma stocks at the same time they're voting on bills that use taxpayers money to pay for vaccines.
Still doesn't address what you said. I guess you probably won't.
Still doesn't address what you said. I guess you probably won't.
Nonsense. It spells out exactly what I said....but you're too thick to understand when it's spelled out to you.

You just cannot grasp that Democrats are using illegals to human-traffic into Red States. You just cannot admit that they could possibly be that evil....but they are. They're Communists....and Globalists....it's what they do. They fully intend to murder as many people as they can before they all die and go to Hell.
The Clintons took in a few billion to help the people of Haiti..but a couple of years ago Haiti was suing them in court for fraud. They didn't help anyone but themselves.

I've read about the differences between the Senior Bush White House and the Clinton White House. GHWB was a perfectionist who ran a clean ship. As soon as Bubba took over....everything went to shit. Snot-nosed kids were walking up to Army Colonels in uniform telling them they weren't wanted in the White House. Hillary was always going around throwing temper-tantrums. Some of the staff were coke addicts. ETC.

Democrats don't help people....they create one humanitarian crisis after another causing a predictable mass-exodus from these 3rd World Countries. And the refugees are shipped into Europe and the United States.

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