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Who fox just invited to debate makes Trumps decision look brilliant.

I don't see any political trick. I see a man who has a beef with a journalist who refused to be on a debate upon which she is moderating, nothing more. It's not like Trump is the only candidate in history who has ever bowed out of a political debate. Besides, it is early yet. There will be other debates.
Well, they've got you then.

You really don't have anything to add to the discussion do you? I understand.
You're the one who said they don't see any political trick. That indicates a degree of dense-ness that Trump is counting on.
I am not bad mouthing you. I am simply going by what YOU said....that you "don't see any political trick"....That, in what is a penultimate political move, says it all.

All you're doing is bad-mouthing me. You are adding nothing to the discussion.

I am not bad mouthing you. I am simply going by what YOU said....that you "don't see any political trick"....That, in what is a penultimate political move, says it all.

No I don't. You mean like wiping a hard drive with a dust cloth?
Wow: Who Fox News Just Invited To GOP Debate Makes Trump's Decision Look Brilliant

Ya know...Fox is REALLY starting to act like controlled opposition to me. Murdoch RUNS and SITS ON the board of an open borders group,they INVITED an illegal and a Muslim to shoot GOTCHA questions at the candidates in an attempt to drag down the candidates.....this is turning into something REAL fishy

So Fox has invited a Muslim, and a Mexican who has served in our military.



What a bunch of cowards you people are.

If the rest of the GOP slate has any intelligence (and I have my doubts), they will totally ignore Trump during the debate and act like he's dropped out of the race. AND they will kiss the ass of the Latina instead of insulting her in front of all those other Latinos watching the debate (or reading about it the next day).
And what about the Hitler Quoting Muslim that's a Sanders supporter? Hm?
Hitler quoting? Methinks you are confused. She has compared Trump to Hitler. But no one will really care about her. Except Trump, since she is part of the reason he's afraid to attend the debate.
Wow: Who Fox News Just Invited To GOP Debate Makes Trump's Decision Look Brilliant

Ya know...Fox is REALLY starting to act like controlled opposition to me. Murdoch RUNS and SITS ON the board of an open borders group,they INVITED an illegal and a Muslim to shoot GOTCHA questions at the candidates in an attempt to drag down the candidates.....this is turning into something REAL fishy

So Fox has invited a Muslim, and a Mexican who has served in our military.



What a bunch of cowards you people are.

If the rest of the GOP slate has any intelligence (and I have my doubts), they will totally ignore Trump during the debate and act like he's dropped out of the race. AND they will kiss the ass of the Latina instead of insulting her in front of all those other Latinos watching the debate (or reading about it the next day).
And what about the Hitler Quoting Muslim that's a Sanders supporter? Hm?
Hitler quoting? Methinks you are confused. She has compared Trump to Hitler. But no one will really care about her. Except Trump, since she is part of the reason he's afraid to attend the debate.
1. She quotes Hitler
2. She is a Sanders supporter and hence has ZERO reason to even BE at the debate much less be invited by FOX who is sponsoring the debate unless its SPECIFICALLY for her to cause problems and attack Trump
3. Trump is SMART because he refuses to stand by and have pot shots taken at you by an ILLEGAL and a MUSLIM SANDERS SUPPORTER. Even the dumbest among us aka YOU should realize YOU would not want a republicans supporter at a Clinton or Sanders debate shooting shots at them trying to bring them down.Stop being a hypocrite and if you are against Trump doing his Veterans deal then you are against Veterans. Reagan skipped debate before Iowa as well,give me ONE reason Trump would attend....he is ahead in Iowa as he is everywhere else,they want to bring him down and he isn't falling for it and will be helping our veterans since YOUR PRESIDENT has ignored them.
Wow: Who Fox News Just Invited To GOP Debate Makes Trump's Decision Look Brilliant

Ya know...Fox is REALLY starting to act like controlled opposition to me. Murdoch RUNS and SITS ON the board of an open borders group,they INVITED an illegal and a Muslim to shoot GOTCHA questions at the candidates in an attempt to drag down the candidates.....this is turning into something REAL fishy

So Fox has invited a Muslim, and a Mexican who has served in our military.



What a bunch of cowards you people are.

If the rest of the GOP slate has any intelligence (and I have my doubts), they will totally ignore Trump during the debate and act like he's dropped out of the race. AND they will kiss the ass of the Latina instead of insulting her in front of all those other Latinos watching the debate (or reading about it the next day).
And what about the Hitler Quoting Muslim that's a Sanders supporter? Hm?
Hitler quoting? Methinks you are confused. She has compared Trump to Hitler. But no one will really care about her. Except Trump, since she is part of the reason he's afraid to attend the debate.
1. She quotes Hitler
2. She is a Sanders supporter and hence has ZERO reason to even BE at the debate much less be invited by FOX who is sponsoring the debate unless its SPECIFICALLY for her to cause problems and attack Trump
3. Trump is SMART because he refuses to stand by and have pot shots taken at you by an ILLEGAL and a MUSLIM SANDERS SUPPORTER. Even the dumbest among us aka YOU should realize YOU would not want a republicans supporter at a Clinton or Sanders debate shooting shots at them trying to bring them down.Stop being a hypocrite and if you are against Trump doing his Veterans deal then you are against Veterans. Reagan skipped debate before Iowa as well,give me ONE reason Trump would attend....he is ahead in Iowa as he is everywhere else,they want to bring him down and he isn't falling for it and will be helping our veterans since YOUR PRESIDENT has ignored them.
Oh, and the Latina isn't illegal but I hope your on stage GOPers call her one.

So Fox has invited a Muslim, and a Mexican who has served in our military.



What a bunch of cowards you people are.

If the rest of the GOP slate has any intelligence (and I have my doubts), they will totally ignore Trump during the debate and act like he's dropped out of the race. AND they will kiss the ass of the Latina instead of insulting her in front of all those other Latinos watching the debate (or reading about it the next day).
And what about the Hitler Quoting Muslim that's a Sanders supporter? Hm?
Hitler quoting? Methinks you are confused. She has compared Trump to Hitler. But no one will really care about her. Except Trump, since she is part of the reason he's afraid to attend the debate.
1. She quotes Hitler
2. She is a Sanders supporter and hence has ZERO reason to even BE at the debate much less be invited by FOX who is sponsoring the debate unless its SPECIFICALLY for her to cause problems and attack Trump
3. Trump is SMART because he refuses to stand by and have pot shots taken at you by an ILLEGAL and a MUSLIM SANDERS SUPPORTER. Even the dumbest among us aka YOU should realize YOU would not want a republicans supporter at a Clinton or Sanders debate shooting shots at them trying to bring them down.Stop being a hypocrite and if you are against Trump doing his Veterans deal then you are against Veterans. Reagan skipped debate before Iowa as well,give me ONE reason Trump would attend....he is ahead in Iowa as he is everywhere else,they want to bring him down and he isn't falling for it and will be helping our veterans since YOUR PRESIDENT has ignored them.
Oh, and the Latina isn't illegal but I hope your on stage GOPers call her one.

Yeah she is actually. She came here as a child but thanks for ignoring my entire post. Why ANYONE gives a shit about the opinion of a libtard about Trump is beyond me. I mean they got a communist and soon to be indicted criminal as their candidates.
Why would anyone donate to a Navy Relief Fund? My wife and I took a couple of trips on Carnival Cruise Lines. It's about like being in the Navy. Rib-eye steak, center cut pork chops, real tough duty. Bobbing up and down 500 miles from any action. Great liberty.
Let me just tell you, I am a centrist, and this certainly does NOT make him look any more attractive. :D So go on and gloat about nothing.

I agree. I can't defend his decision and I really hope it helps Cruz defeat him in Iowa.

OMG! I can't believe you agree with me about something! :razz:

Anyways, he would have to face much more challenging opposition than Kelly from Fox News if he wants to be the president. Some of these people are not going to be able to just be brushed aside. Lol.
Yeah that Michael Moore interview with Meigin Kellee was bizarre. Right-wing whacks hate this guy and this interview was like a discussion between old friends.

I think Moore was hitting on her.
Let me just tell you, I am a centrist, and this certainly does NOT make him look any more attractive. :D So go on and gloat about nothing.

I agree. I can't defend his decision and I really hope it helps Cruz defeat him in Iowa.

OMG! I can't believe you agree with me about something! :razz:

Anyways, he would have to face much more challenging opposition than Kelly from Fox News if he wants to be the president. Some of these people are not going to be able to just be brushed aside. Lol.

To me, it's not about how he'd deal with Putin or all that crap. I would hope that any president dealing with a foreign leader would behave in a different manner than dealing with a TV network. I do think this was about Trump's ego more than anything else. After the last debate with Megyn Kelly, Fox "promoted" her to lead moderator and Trump kind of felt that was rubbing his nose in it.... and it probably was. So he took what he thinks to be a principled stand and that's fine... but I think it will hurt him with the people of Iowa.
It doesn't make him look brilliant. It makes him look like a little wimp! ;) God forbid a lady confront him about his statements about women! Right??? That means she is being too hard on the LITTLE guy. :D

What does Trump have to gain by showing up at the debate?
So you're saying the great deal maker couldn't handle 3 civilians and come out on top? Evidently your faith in him ain't all that sound.

What does Trump gain by participating in the debate?

Nothing. Fox would have gained a lot of bucks. Trump will gain more with his veterans benefit. Trump will get the military and veteran vote.
Except for the loser POWs, right?

Care to elaborate on an event for the veterans that either Hillary or Bernie has hosted?
Care to elaborate on how RWrs need a Trump event to donate to Vets? You think we are stupid, don't you? You think that all it takes to get vets to vote for Trump is one fundraiser for a dubious charity with a cool name for OBVIOUSLY political reasons. Yes, you think vets are stupid.
We don't need one. Now explain how that's relevant to anything.

Wounded Warriors is not a "dubious charity."
Care to elaborate on how RWrs need a Trump event to donate to Vets? You think we are stupid, don't you? You think that all it takes to get vets to vote for Trump is one fundraiser for a dubious charity with a cool name for OBVIOUSLY political reasons. Yes, you think vets are stupid.
1. "Dubious" charity ? where did you get that from. Got something to base that on ? I've never heard of the wonded warrior project referrred to as "dubious."

2. The WWP is not "one fundraiser" for Trump. He has donated to it before.

Donald Trump: Charity Work & Causes - Look to the Stars
Dubious....that's what I said. Just like the Red Cross is dubious...as in, it is dubious how much gets to those who need help compared to those who "run" it.
60% of their donations go to those it was created to help. Most of the rest goes to fund raising costs.
Dubious....that's what I said. Just like the Red Cross is dubious...as in, it is dubious how much gets to those who need help compared to those who "run" it.
Got a source ? Got a link ? Got anything ? Or are we all just supposed to take this "dubious"judgement of yours, on faith ? :link:
You don't have to. I'm not making you do so. Donate if you want to....I find better charities that do more for our Vets and active military, like Navy Relief. That's where my money goes.....and I don't need a political trick fundraiser in order to donate.

So what? This isn't about which charity is the best for vets.
Care to elaborate on an event for the veterans that either Hillary or Bernie has hosted?
Care to elaborate on how RWrs need a Trump event to donate to Vets? You think we are stupid, don't you? You think that all it takes to get vets to vote for Trump is one fundraiser for a dubious charity with a cool name for OBVIOUSLY political reasons. Yes, you think vets are stupid.

Again, post your links attesting to what either Hillary or Bernie has done for veterans.
How is this about Hillary or Bernie?

That's what I knew. No links. No support either.
How is this about Hillary or Bernie?

You're attacking conservatives for their supposedly phony support for veterans. It's only reasonable to see how your Dim heroes stack up.
Wow: Who Fox News Just Invited To GOP Debate Makes Trump's Decision Look Brilliant

Ya know...Fox is REALLY starting to act like controlled opposition to me. Murdoch RUNS and SITS ON the board of an open borders group,they INVITED an illegal and a Muslim to shoot GOTCHA questions at the candidates in an attempt to drag down the candidates.....this is turning into something REAL fishy

So Fox has invited a Muslim, and a Mexican who has served in our military.



What a bunch of cowards you people are.

If the rest of the GOP slate has any intelligence (and I have my doubts), they will totally ignore Trump during the debate and act like he's dropped out of the race. AND they will kiss the ass of the Latina instead of insulting her in front of all those other Latinos watching the debate (or reading about it the next day).
And what about the Hitler Quoting Muslim that's a Sanders supporter? Hm?
Hitler quoting? Methinks you are confused. She has compared Trump to Hitler. But no one will really care about her. Except Trump, since she is part of the reason he's afraid to attend the debate.

Why should he attend a "debate" where he has nothing to gain? Are you "afraid" to stick your finger in a light socket? That's the exact kind of stupid accusation you're making about Trump.
Take it or leave it, because Trump's the only candidate to support deportations. Cruz is against deportations and supports a middle ground 'non citizen legal status'. Basically permanent residency for illegals, cruz's policy is closer to rubio's and the amnesty candidates.
True what you say about Cruz, but they are positions of the past. In the immigration grade ratings of numbersusa, Cruz has the highest rating (A) tied with Santorum. Trump is close second with A- They take into account more what the candidate is standing for now, and if the candidates are willing to change for the better outcome for American citizens. Every candidate except perhaps O'Malley has changed at least one immigration position significantly over time.

These are their current ratings on immigration >>>

A (Santorum)
A (Cruz)
A-minus (Trump)

C+ (Christie)
C (Huckabee)
C (Carson)
C-minus (Bush)
C-minus (Paul)

D+ (Fiorina)
D (Kasich)
D (Rubio)
F (Clinton)
F-minus (Sanders)
F-minus (O'Malley)

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