Who gets to decide when and how we die?

If we were to out and look for fentanyl, wouldn't that end your life?

Euthanasia is complex beyond the scope of this column, but its essential question deserves attention: Who has the right to decide when and how we die?

Christian says suicide go to hell?
The religious often accept the principle, as well, deferring to their perception of the will of God, even if it means enduring prolonged suffering.

n fact, the Canadian Minister of Health’s recent annual report notes that among the reasons cited by patients who chose euthanasia, only 58% mentioned “inadequate control of pain.” Eighty-six percent said they prefer to die because of the “loss of ability to engage in meaningful activities.”
Euthanasia, sometimes called mercy killing, is the ending of a person’s life who is terminally ill and suffering in pain. It is different from assisted suicide, which refers to a physician assisting the person in ending their life.
Euthanasia is more commonly performed on sick or injured animals, as euthanasia for humans is illegal in the majority of the United States. As of June 2021, the only jurisdictions that allow this procedure are Oregon, Washington D.C., Hawaii, Washington, Maine, Colorado, New Jersey, California, and Vermont.

Euthanasian should be the law of the land in the US, but with conservatives on the SC would never go for it, because they believe in heaven and hell.
What zealots.

Kill yourself then, we'll approve.
If we were to out and look for fentanyl, wouldn't that end your life?

Euthanasia is complex beyond the scope of this column, but its essential question deserves attention: Who has the right to decide when and how we die?

Christian says suicide go to hell?
The religious often accept the principle, as well, deferring to their perception of the will of God, even if it means enduring prolonged suffering.

n fact, the Canadian Minister of Health’s recent annual report notes that among the reasons cited by patients who chose euthanasia, only 58% mentioned “inadequate control of pain.” Eighty-six percent said they prefer to die because of the “loss of ability to engage in meaningful activities.”
Euthanasia, sometimes called mercy killing, is the ending of a person’s life who is terminally ill and suffering in pain. It is different from assisted suicide, which refers to a physician assisting the person in ending their life.
Euthanasia is more commonly performed on sick or injured animals, as euthanasia for humans is illegal in the majority of the United States. As of June 2021, the only jurisdictions that allow this procedure are Oregon, Washington D.C., Hawaii, Washington, Maine, Colorado, New Jersey, California, and Vermont.

Euthanasian should be the law of the land in the US, but with conservatives on the SC would never go for it, because they believe in heaven and hell.
What zealots.

You wont get any pushback from me

I encourage godless libs to overdose on fentanyl whenever the mood strikes them
Agreed. Euthanasia is government controlled.

Assisted suicide is not.
Not necessarily. Just because it might be government controlled in Canada in no way requires that it has to be in other countries.
Physician-assisted suicide, or "medical aid in dying" is legal in eleven jurisdictions: California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Montana, Maine,[1] New Jersey,[2] New Mexico, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington.[3] These laws (excluding Montana since there is no law) expressly state that "actions taken in accordance with [the Act] shall not, for any purpose, constitute suicide, assisted suicide, mercy killing or homicide, under the law". This distinguishes the legal act of "medical aid in dying" from the act of helping someone die by suicide, which is prohibited by statute in 42 states and prohibited by common law in an additional six states and the District of Columbia.[4] A 2018 poll by Gallup displayed that a solid majority of Americans, with 72 percent in favor, support laws allowing patients to seek the assistance of a physician in ending their life.[5] Nevertheless, assisted suicide remains illegal in a majority of states across the nation.
Legal matters all.
Your right to life is unalienable. You can kill yourself, but if someone else attacks and kills you, that is a criminal homicide. “Physician assisted-suicide” is just murder and its practitioners should die in prison.

Primum non nocere. Deliberately killing you is malicious harm - you cannot pretend that prescribing something to kill your patient is trying to well-intended with the risk of harm, the intent is harm. That is not medicine.
Your right to life is unalienable. You can kill yourself, but if someone else attacks and kills you, that is a criminal homicide. “Physician assisted-suicide” is just murder and its practitioners should die in prison.

Primum non nocere. Deliberately killing you is malicious harm - you cannot pretend that prescribing something to kill your patient is trying to well-intended with the risk of harm, the intent is harm. That is not medicine.

If a physician just helps you get the deadly prescription you want, that is "well-intended" because when a person is in pain, then ending the pain is "doing no harm".
It is helping them end the pain.
Pain is harm.
Ending pain is not harm.
If a physician just helps you get the deadly prescription you want, that is "well-intended" because when a person is in pain, then ending the pain is "doing no harm".
It is helping them end the pain.
Pain is harm.
Ending pain is not harm.

Killing is the most severe harm there is.
You are wrong and anyone who puts your ideas into practice should die in prison.
Killing is the most severe harm there is.
You are wrong and anyone who puts your ideas into practice should die in prison.
The person is killing themselves. If they would rather die than survive in unrelenting, abject pain, that's not only their choice, it's yours as well. You would likely die for your right to play Russian Roulette with your little hand penis anytime you wish. So asking someone else to help or play along with you is still your choice in the final analysis, not theirs -- Unless some sort of deliberate coercion can be proven. Which helps illustrate why such decisions are legal matters, always, i.e. involving "government," like it or not. Logic vs. Oh, but it hurts my feels!
Your right to life is unalienable. You can kill yourself, but if someone else attacks and kills you, that is a criminal homicide. “Physician assisted-suicide” is just murder and its practitioners should die in prison.

Primum non nocere. Deliberately killing you is malicious harm - you cannot pretend that prescribing something to kill your patient is trying to well-intended with the risk of harm, the intent is harm. That is not medicine.
What a truly disgusting post. You would rather people suffer than choose the ENTITLED, GOD ORDAINED right to end your own life.
If a physician just helps you get the deadly prescription you want, that is "well-intended" because when a person is in pain, then ending the pain is "doing no harm".
It is helping them end the pain.
Pain is harm.
Ending pain is not harm.
I'd qualify that by acknowledging that doctors profit from prescribing drugs (have a conflict of interest) and that pain drugs are generally addictive (harmful in that sense) and overprescribed. On the other hand, consuming too much of anything (air or water, for example) too fast is apt to kill you (though I'd recommend trying neither). Also, like many things lately imo, this overprescribing business often goes overboard to the point where one now has to jump through so many hoops, regardless of particular circumstance, just to get a refill or retain a small amount for emergency use that it's small wonder many prefer just killing themselves to get it over with. In general, both Americans and Canadians are already paying far too much for shitty, highly profit driven health care.

IIRC, an assisting physician is often presumed necessary so that they can set up a two stage process that the suffering patient (plainly at their request and without coercion) initiates with one physical motion such as flipping a switch. Once started, the patient falls into a deep sleep allowing sufficient time to achieve zero consciousness before the second (poisoning) stage automatically kicks in making it final. Painless death, in other words. No muss, no fuss, no more suffering. That's the intent anyway.
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