Who has a better life? $15 hour in San Francisco?or $7.25 hour in South Carolina?

Ever watch the HGTV shows. A dump for 700k. They need to make that show in a real town like Orlando and Not San Fran.
For a dude who lives in a dingy trailer, you sure do come off as an arrogant prick.

Someone who earns $15 per hour in SF can have a little dignity and maybe not need any public assistance. Douche.
Dignity? Please..
Ok, open a business and offer non competitive wages. Then see how it goes....
Hey, if you want to live in the middle of Nowheresville have at it.

For me, I'll take living in a place where there's actually things to do other than Friday night High School football.
Well, not everyone is like you. Most of us don't want city life. We will work there. Then again we want to live in a place away from the rat race.
Cities are expensive. They are crowded. They have serious crime and security issues. People in cities are not generally nice. In fact, they are for the most part, unpleasant complainers.
You have no right to criticize the choices of others. Again. Not everyone likes what you like. Because they don't, it doesn't make them bad people.
Nevertheless, the $15 per hour min wage mandates will do more harm than good.
Been to both places. SF is special. South Carolina reeks
The entire.....Yeah on planet liberal Cities = Good....Everywhere else = Bad..
Ya know what? You libs are closed minded discriminatory and critical.
Special? Why is SFO so sensational? do you live there?
Lots of people go to a place for the first time or visit often and convince themselves it is paradise. They don't know shit until they decide to live there. Then it becomes everywhere else.
I love NYC....Would I live there. Hell freakin no. But if I am asked to take a trip over there, I would do so in a New York minute.
South Carolina is a swampy dump full of dumb ass rednecks n racists . It's biggest city is like 130,000 people .

You can give away houses and still people wouldn't move there .

Thank god for the Bay Area . Someone has to generate money for the country .
Central Texas? Do you mean Brenham where poison is a flavor of ice cream or Waco where inert material blows up or Austin where the "business friendly" regulators ignored both plants until the death certificates got someone's attention.

Yeah that over regulated state of California is so good at preventing disasters, the latest...

The 112-day leak at the Aliso Canyon facility released about 5 billion cubic feet of methane into the atmosphere, making it by far the biggest single emitter of the gas anywhere in the country, according to detailed assessment published in the peer-reviewed journal Science.

One of two Brockovich made headlines with...

The case alleged contamination of drinking water with hexavalent chromium (also written as "chromium VI", "Cr-VI" or "Cr-6") in the southern California town of Hinkley. At the center of the case was a facility, the Hinkley compressor station, built in 1952 as a part of a natural-gas pipeline connecting to the San Francisco Bay Area. Between 1952 and 1966, PG&E used hexavalent chromium in a cooling tower system to fight corrosion. The wastewater was discharged to unlined ponds at the site, and some percolated into the groundwater, affecting an area near the plant approximately 2 by 1 mile (3.2 by 1.6 km).[6] The Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) put the PG&E site under its regulations in 1968 (Region six – RWQCB WDRs and subsequent RWQCB board orders).

California is Texas's daddy in every possible way.

Keep telling yourself that, California may have one more real estate spike, after that they will be waterless...

1968…how relevant.
South Carolina is a swampy dump full of dumb ass rednecks n racists . It's biggest city is like 130,000 people .

You can give away houses and still people wouldn't move there .

Thank god for the Bay Area . Someone has to generate money for the country .
HUH?.....Yeah ok.. another fucking elitist liberal dumping on a place thet he believes is "beneath" him./...Ya know what? Nobody cares what you think of SC...In fact , you are asked not to cross the state line....
Now, what does San Francisco provide for the US?.....Other than being home of Nancy Pelosi who does things TO the US, the Federal Reserve bank and that crazy nutty 9th Circuit, nobody would give a shit about SFO....Oh.,....San Jose, CA has a LARGER population than SFO because of all the people that LEFT......

Population 2014 estimate
San Francisco 852,469
San Jose 1,015,785

South Carolina is a swampy dump full of dumb ass rednecks n racists . It's biggest city is like 130,000 people .

You can give away houses and still people wouldn't move there .

Thank god for the Bay Area . Someone has to generate money for the country .
SC is a lot smarter without single minded stuffed shirt assholes like you.
If Texas was more like Austin, it would be more like California.

Austin is Texas, you have a microcosm of Austin confused with the whole city, but you have a lot of things confused with reality...

He gave up on it though...as good as Austin tries to be, it's surrounded by a sea of ignorance and poverty.

He gave up on going back and forth to the UK, not Austin...

Austin is the Live Music Capital of the World...

California has nothing to brag about when it comes to poverty levels...

Austin is Texas? I’d like to see how many Texans agree with you. Likely not many here. Its just about the only decent city in Texas; that much is true but that is because of the large segment of government workers who are public spirited and refuse to make everything about being as cheap and expedient as possible (see Houston, Dallas, College Station and their suburbs for examples) everywhere else is a celebration of intolerance. When that festival is over, the ignorance festival begins. Did you guys really think Jade Helm was an invasion??? The governor of the State did…. Has the local militias stood down yet? Watch out for dem black choppers….


Austin is the live music capital of the world? The comedy continues. Seriously, with you it has a better shot at being the Stand Up Comedy capital of the South….maybe. I’m sure it has it’s share of events but then again, so does Fort Lauderdale and Phoenix…. Austin is nothing special in that respect; get real.

California does have it’s share of poverty; that I admit. When there is that much natural beauty, that much opportunity, that wonderful a climate…it’s natural.
Been to both places. SF is special. South Carolina reeks
The entire.....Yeah on planet liberal Cities = Good....Everywhere else = Bad..
Ya know what? You libs are closed minded discriminatory and critical.
Special? Why is SFO so sensational? do you live there?
Lots of people go to a place for the first time or visit often and convince themselves it is paradise. They don't know shit until they decide to live there. Then it becomes everywhere else.
I love NYC....Would I live there. Hell freakin no. But if I am asked to take a trip over there, I would do so in a New York minute.

Austin is Texas? I’d like to see how many Texans agree with you.

Take a poll if you think you know so much...

It's just about the only decent city in Texas

Houston (4th), San Antonio (7th), Dallas (9th) and Austin (11th) largest cities in the US, bad places to live, stay in California or Oregon...

Wait, didn't you once live in Houston?

the large segment of government workers who are public spirited and refuse to make everything about being as cheap and expedient as possible

A large number of civil servants have an entitlement approach...

Not the best point of reference, but then you made the point...

Austin is the live music capital of the world?

Yes it is, but you would have to be out of your teens to know this...

"Ever wonder why Austin is known as the Live Music Capital of the World®? The slogan became official in 1991, after it was discovered that Austin had more live music venues per capita than anywhere else in the nation. Listen closely and you’ll hear the sounds of more than 1,900 bands and performing artists living in and around our city. From blues to indie rock, country to jazz, rock en español and more, Austin’s nearly 200 live music venues mean you can catch a show any day, at almost any time.

Austin is also home to some of the largest music events and festivals in the world, including South by Southwest (SXSW), Austin City Limits Music Festival (ACL), The Urban Music Festival, Fun Fun Fun Fest, the Pachange Festival and more."

Live Music Capital of the World - Why is Austin called that?

Stay in California or Oregon candy girl, I'll go back when it recovers and make a fortune off the ones who think it's worth the price...
South Carolina is a swampy dump full of dumb ass rednecks n racists . It's biggest city is like 130,000 people .

You can give away houses and still people wouldn't move there .

Thank god for the Bay Area . Someone has to generate money for the country .
HUH?.....Yeah ok.. another fucking elitist liberal dumping on a place thet he believes is "beneath" him./...Ya know what? Nobody cares what you think of SC...In fact , you are asked not to cross the state line....
Now, what does San Francisco provide for the US?.....Other than being home of Nancy Pelosi who does things TO the US, the Federal Reserve bank and that crazy nutty 9th Circuit, nobody would give a shit about SFO....Oh.,....San Jose, CA has a LARGER population than SFO because of all the people that LEFT......

Population 2014 estimate
San Francisco 852,469
San Jose 1,015,785


What does it provide ? How about home to Silicon Valley . A little industry that's been pretty important to the US economy .

But South Carolina is important too . It's shields the northeast from hurricanes!
Austin is Texas? I’d like to see how many Texans agree with you.

Take a poll if you think you know so much...
It's not a matter of thinking I know more than you--that I do is obvious.

It's just about the only decent city in Texas
Houston (4th), San Antonio (7th), Dallas (9th) and Austin (11th) largest cities in the US, bad places to live, stay in California or Oregon...
Wait, didn't you once live in Houston?

the large segment of government workers who are public spirited and refuse to make everything about being as cheap and expedient as possible
A large number of civil servants have an entitlement approach...
Not the best point of reference, but then you made the point...

In the last post you said "Austin is Texas" in a desperate attempt to prop up the rest of the cesspool that is Texas....now you're running down Austin. Not sure what your point is but I'm sure someone in California designed a hat to cover it.

"Ever wonder why Austin is known as the Live Music Capital of the World®?

Said nobody ever

The slogan became official in 1991, after it was discovered that Austin had more live music venues per capita than anywhere else in the nation. Listen closely and you’ll hear the sounds of more than 1,900 bands and performing artists living in and around our city. From blues to indie rock, country to jazz, rock en español and more, Austin’s nearly 200 live music venues mean you can catch a show any day, at almost any time.
Cincy calls itself the Chili Capital of the World.
Detroit does the same for automobiles
Houston called itself the medical capital of the world while I lived there...

Are you silly enough to think these are official designations?

Austin is also home to some of the largest music events and festivals in the world, including South by Southwest (SXSW), Austin City Limits Music Festival (ACL), The Urban Music Festival, Fun Fun Fun Fest, the Pachange Festival and more."

Live Music Capital of the World - Why is Austin called that?
Oh brother....

Home Page | Bonnaroo 2016

About twice the size

Hell, Burning Man in Blackrock City dwarfs South by Southworst.
It's not a matter of thinking I know more than you--that I do is obvious.

Narcissistic any? Your ability to blow your own ego is unmatched, that much is true...

In the last post you said "Austin is Texas" in a desperate attempt to prop up the rest of the cesspool that is Texas....now you're running down Austin. Not sure what your point is but I'm sure someone in California designed a hat to cover it.

I know it's hard for you to accept that Texas is so popular, it's inline with the other things in life you're in denial about...

It's not for the weak and timid...

Said nobody ever

More denial...

Cincy calls itself the Chili Capital of the World.
Detroit does the same for automobiles
Houston called itself the medical capital of the world while I lived there...

Are you silly enough to think these are official designations?

I understand facts have been a difficult reality in life for you, ACL has crowds in excess of 450,000, SXSW attendance is in excess of 85,000...

The Texas Medical Center is by far one of the finest in the world, first class Cancer Care at the UT MD Anderson Health Care Center is second to none...

Hey, stick to the west coast, great place to visit, high cost of living, covered up with knuckleheads like yourself...

Oh brother....

Home Page | Bonnaroo 2016

About twice the size

Hell, Burning Man in Blackrock City dwarfs South by Southworst.

Math is not one of your stronger subjects, see above...

Did you get your heart broken by a Dallas Debutante?

It's okay...

You'll get over it someday...
It's not a matter of thinking I know more than you--that I do is obvious.

Narcissistic any? Your ability to blow your own ego is unmatched, that much is true...

In the last post you said "Austin is Texas" in a desperate attempt to prop up the rest of the cesspool that is Texas....now you're running down Austin. Not sure what your point is but I'm sure someone in California designed a hat to cover it.

I know it's hard for you to accept that Texas is so popular, it's inline with the other things in life you're in denial about...

It's not for the weak and timid...

Said nobody ever

More denial...

Cincy calls itself the Chili Capital of the World.
Detroit does the same for automobiles
Houston called itself the medical capital of the world while I lived there...

Are you silly enough to think these are official designations?

I understand facts have been a difficult reality in life for you, ACL has crowds in excess of 450,000, SXSW attendance is in excess of 85,000...

The Texas Medical Center is by far one of the finest in the world, first class Cancer Care at the UT MD Anderson Health Care Center is second to none...

Hey, stick to the west coast, great place to visit, high cost of living, covered up with knuckleheads like yourself...

Oh brother....

Home Page | Bonnaroo 2016

About twice the size

Hell, Burning Man in Blackrock City dwarfs South by Southworst.

Math is not one of your stronger subjects, see above...

Did you get your heart broken by a Dallas Debutante?

It's okay...

You'll get over it someday...

You give the world a superiority complex...keep up the good work.

California is a far better place than Texas in every measurable way; industry, arts, standard of living, beauty, open spaces (worth visiting). Its good to see that Texas is still around though and churning out bumpkins by the busload; the world needs ditch diggers too.
California is a far better place than Texas in every measurable way; industry, arts, standard of living, beauty, open spaces (worth visiting). Its good to see that Texas is still around though and churning out bumpkins by the busload; the world needs ditch diggers too.

So deflecting is your only answer when you cannot dispute the facts...

Small mind living in your small world...
It's not a matter of thinking I know more than you--that I do is obvious.

Narcissistic any? Your ability to blow your own ego is unmatched, that much is true...

In the last post you said "Austin is Texas" in a desperate attempt to prop up the rest of the cesspool that is Texas....now you're running down Austin. Not sure what your point is but I'm sure someone in California designed a hat to cover it.

I know it's hard for you to accept that Texas is so popular, it's inline with the other things in life you're in denial about...

It's not for the weak and timid...

Said nobody ever

More denial...

Cincy calls itself the Chili Capital of the World.
Detroit does the same for automobiles
Houston called itself the medical capital of the world while I lived there...

Are you silly enough to think these are official designations?

I understand facts have been a difficult reality in life for you, ACL has crowds in excess of 450,000, SXSW attendance is in excess of 85,000...

The Texas Medical Center is by far one of the finest in the world, first class Cancer Care at the UT MD Anderson Health Care Center is second to none...

Hey, stick to the west coast, great place to visit, high cost of living, covered up with knuckleheads like yourself...

Oh brother....

Home Page | Bonnaroo 2016

About twice the size

Hell, Burning Man in Blackrock City dwarfs South by Southworst.

Math is not one of your stronger subjects, see above...

Did you get your heart broken by a Dallas Debutante?

It's okay...

You'll get over it someday...

You give the world a superiority complex...keep up the good work.

California is a far better place than Texas in every measurable way; industry, arts, standard of living, beauty, open spaces (worth visiting). Its good to see that Texas is still around though and churning out bumpkins by the busload; the world needs ditch diggers too.

Back to the original subject...

Six digit income earners have now left the city by the bay...

Where would you want to live and rent for $400 bucks a month?



Or this box for $400 bucks a month in someone's 1 bedroom apartment?


Why it's not completely ridiculous to live in a $400 box in San Francisco

We started the search for a cat-friendly, one-bedroom apartment with the max price set to $2,500. It would be more than we spent in Washington, D.C., but split between the two of us, my boyfriend Brent and I could make that work. Zero results came up. We paid for an AirBnB for one full month to help us get settled and, ideally, not be forced into the first available apartment we found, so we took the next week to search online for apartments.

I could pay $1,400 for a private bedroom in a house with other roommates — but I’d have to leave Brent behind. I could live in the “PENTHOUSE DELUXX FULLY FURNISHED” scam that had a price tag of $99 a month. Or we could commute from San Jose. We gulped and bumped our search window up to $3,300. Finally, there were a number of options. I emailed all of them. Every single one. Photos or no photos. Regardless of neighborhood, distance from work or square footage, I emailed with my friendliest compliments about their “absolutely beautiful” properties...

Read more

Why it's not completely ridiculous to live in a $400 box in San Francisco
So you admit, it's not the pay, it's the cost of living.....if that home in your first picture was in San Francisco....it would be well over a million dollars. But because it's in *snicker* South Carolina, it's a great deal cheaper.

Free Market, baby!
California is a far better place than Texas in every measurable way; industry, arts, standard of living, beauty, open spaces (worth visiting). Its good to see that Texas is still around though and churning out bumpkins by the busload; the world needs ditch diggers too.

So deflecting is your only answer when you cannot dispute the facts...

Small mind living in your small world...


I think we covered it all. You say Texas is great, I say it sucks. We both know it does.

Your governor thinks the state was about to be invaded and tweeted as much to the general public….not in some memo to the State Police expressing a concern; not in some letter to the FBI expressing apprehension….just out to nobody in particular. And a plurality of voters in that state pulled a lever next to his name? he he he. The tradition of Texas being dead last in education has finally paid dividends with a governor that makes Ahh-nold look like a brain surgeon.

Austin is a nice town and if the rest of the state were like Austin, it would be more like California….i.e. better. It is not the music capital of the world, kid. Regardless of what you think or have heard or what it calls itself. Numerous cities have better facilities they are barely using (in Texas mind you). LA kicks Austin’s ass up one side of Sixth Street and down the Other.

The rest of the place is a cesspool Sorry but it is.

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