Who Helped Elect the Clintons? Why REPUBLICANS Of Course!

Why do low information lefties accept editorial blogs by unknown authors as gospel truth? It isn't hard to find out that Murdoch donated 6 or 7 thousand to Hillary's senate run but if you search a little bit further you find out what Jason Easley left out. Donations to Hillary were less than half of donations to republicans. Of all Murdoch's political donations 80% went to republicans and about 12% to democrats. As a matter of fact Murdoch was on the hot seat for donating a cool million to a republican governor fund.
Why do low information lefties accept editorial blogs by unknown authors as gospel truth? It isn't hard to find out that Murdoch donated 6 or 7 thousand to Hillary's senate run but if you search a little bit further you find out what Jason Easley left out. Donations to Hillary were less than half of donations to republicans. Of all Murdoch's political donations 80% went to republicans and about 12% to democrats. As a matter of fact Murdoch was on the hot seat for donating a cool million to a republican governor fund.
A cool million to the Republicans? Not bad. But compared to what he donated to The Clintons -- Three MILLION Dollars, well, that really tells the story! And look at what 21st Century Fox / News Corp. donated, another Three Million. Not bad at all and that's only two of the Many donors.

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