Who here believes that the Tea Party is a grassroots organization?

The Tea Party is the right wing of the Republican Party. Same animal, different name, different hats.

That is why the Democrats FAIL... They cannot grasp that the Tea Party is primarily made up of American people who are tired of being fleeced by their Government's reckless spending habits, and disdain for the principles this Nation was Founded on. And the Tea Party's makeup includes a lot of Independent Voters as well... So keep on calling them teabagger's, and minimizing them then wonder why what happened in Wisconsin is coming to a neighborhood near YOU.
The tea party movement grew out an assortment of economic events caused by republican policies and Barack Obama's win in 2008. One wonders what would have become of the conservative whiners had McCain picked a realistic VP and won? Personally, I think it would have faded (see below) as most 'group whining' does when situations change.

With the democratic win, the wackos went loony, and big money wanted nothing of an America of truth justice and the American way. They wanted power and control back, and thus was born the loudspeaker of perpetual whining, aka tea party. And the funds to whine loudly. You know the people who held signs to keep the government out of their medicare.

The same situation ensued when Clinton won, but Clinton had the Internet bubble and millennium as his Keynesian moment and all was well for a while. Oh, and he raised taxes as Reagan did, just not as often. Good piece below.

How the Tea Party movement began | World news | guardian.co.uk

Tea Party info:


What? No link to amazon? :lol::lol:

FYI: A 'good piece'.... from a notoriously left wing site... that's a slight credibility fail for anyone with some intellectual honesty... admittedly, intellectual honesty is not something you seem overly concerned about.
The tea party movement grew out an assortment of economic events caused by republican policies and Barack Obama's win in 2008. One wonders what would have become of the conservative whiners had McCain picked a realistic VP and won? Personally, I think it would have faded (see below) as most 'group whining' does when situations change.

With the democratic win, the wackos went loony, and big money wanted nothing of an America of truth justice and the American way. They wanted power and control back, and thus was born the loudspeaker of perpetual whining, aka tea party. And the funds to whine loudly. You know the people who held signs to keep the government out of their medicare.

The same situation ensued when Clinton won, but Clinton had the Internet bubble and millennium as his Keynesian moment and all was well for a while. Oh, and he raised taxes as Reagan did, just not as often. Good piece below.

How the Tea Party movement began | World news | guardian.co.uk

Tea Party info:


So Occupiers were the result of 2010 Republican wins and the wackos went looney.
The Tea Party is the right wing of the Republican Party. Same animal, different name, different hats.

That is why the Democrats FAIL... They cannot grasp that the Tea Party is primarily made up of American people who are tired of being fleeced by their Government's reckless spending habits, and disdain for the principles this Nation was Founded on. And the Tea Party's makeup includes a lot of Independent Voters as well... So keep on calling them teabagger's, and minimizing them then wonder why what happened in Wisconsin is coming to a neighborhood near YOU.

lol, sorry, it's not coming to MY neighborhood. I'm in the civilized state of NY, where our DEMOCRATIC governor Andrew Cuomo has an approval rating close to 70%.

Andrew Cuomo your future president btw, if he so desires.
The way they have no real clear message yet, you can tell they're still grassroots. And that's coming from someone who ardently supports their ideals and goals. They lack the organizing into power thing that the Tea Party has though.
They have no clear message because they're too busy smoking dope and banging bongos. :lol:

Yes, the Tea Party definitely has an abundance of dope(s), don't they?

Who is actually doing something about changing congress? 87 new congressmen.
OWS just marching around trashing things, costing city's millions in cops and clean ups and not doing anything at all to change congress.
Who here believes that the Tea Party is a grassroots organization? Anybody? Anybody?

"Tea Party my ass. This was nothing other than the Republican Party stealing the anger of a population that was fed up with the Republican Party’s own theft of their tax money at gunpoint to bail out the robbers of Wall Street and fraudulently redirecting it back toward electing the very people who stole all the fucking money!”


The Tea Party is the right wing of the Republican Party. Same animal, different name, different hats.

That is why the Democrats FAIL... They cannot grasp that the Tea Party is primarily made up of American people who are tired of being fleeced by their Government's reckless spending habits, and disdain for the principles this Nation was Founded on. And the Tea Party's makeup includes a lot of Independent Voters as well... So keep on calling them teabagger's, and minimizing them then wonder why what happened in Wisconsin is coming to a neighborhood near YOU.

lol, sorry, it's not coming to MY neighborhood. I'm in the civilized state of NY, where our DEMOCRATIC governor Andrew Cuomo has an approval rating close to 70%.

Andrew Cuomo your future president btw, if he so desires.

Cuomo has a high approval rating because so many people have already voted with their feet and left. Same thing in California.
This is what the Tea Party is:

Super PACs and other outside groups are on track to spend more on tea party favorite Richard Mourdock in his battle to unseat Sen. Richard Lugar in Indiana’s Tuesday Republican primary than Mourdock’s own campaign, records show.

Superfunded rightwing politics as usual...

Super PACs outspend favorite candidate in Indiana Senate race | iWatch News by The Center for Public Integrity

The Tea Party candidates are being bought up lock stock and barrel by big money special interests, and will do their bidding if they get elected just like any other politician.

Don't pretend otherwise.
That is why the Democrats FAIL... They cannot grasp that the Tea Party is primarily made up of American people who are tired of being fleeced by their Government's reckless spending habits, and disdain for the principles this Nation was Founded on. And the Tea Party's makeup includes a lot of Independent Voters as well... So keep on calling them teabagger's, and minimizing them then wonder why what happened in Wisconsin is coming to a neighborhood near YOU.

lol, sorry, it's not coming to MY neighborhood. I'm in the civilized state of NY, where our DEMOCRATIC governor Andrew Cuomo has an approval rating close to 70%.

Andrew Cuomo your future president btw, if he so desires.

Cuomo has a high approval rating because so many people have already voted with their feet and left. Same thing in California.

Stupid people leave NY because they can go down South and look like geniuses.
NY is full of morons who enjoy corrupt politics, Nanny State and general misguided wankerism.

I know, Ive lived in the epicenter for years now. There is no place in the country with more wanker LOLberals than NYC.
They have no clear message because they're too busy smoking dope and banging bongos. :lol:

Yes, the Tea Party definitely has an abundance of dope(s), don't they?

Who is actually doing something about changing congress? 87 new congressmen.
OWS just marching around trashing things, costing city's millions in cops and clean ups and not doing anything at all to change congress.

By "doing something about changing Congress" you mean "becoming obstacles to any kind of compromise, thereby completely negating the entire purpose for the legislative body in the first place" right? Because that's what they're doing, the stubborn fuckfaced trolls.
Yes, the Tea Party definitely has an abundance of dope(s), don't they?

Who is actually doing something about changing congress? 87 new congressmen.
OWS just marching around trashing things, costing city's millions in cops and clean ups and not doing anything at all to change congress.

By "doing something about changing Congress" you mean "becoming obstacles to any kind of compromise, thereby completely negating the entire purpose for the legislative body in the first place" right? Because that's what they're doing, the stubborn fuckfaced trolls.

Sounds like you're butthurt. Good, good.

Ha. You guys got your asses handed to you in 2008 and were so incensed that you gave your party over to the most wacky, zealous and unhinged fringe elements of your party, and have been either actively or tacitly approving the continuance of the dumbest fucking Presidential conspiracy theory of all time ever since.

Yeah. We're the ones who were "butthurt" alright.
Who is actually doing something about changing congress? 87 new congressmen.
OWS just marching around trashing things, costing city's millions in cops and clean ups and not doing anything at all to change congress.

By "doing something about changing Congress" you mean "becoming obstacles to any kind of compromise, thereby completely negating the entire purpose for the legislative body in the first place" right? Because that's what they're doing, the stubborn fuckfaced trolls.


I take it by your pathetic response that you concede and are willing to admit what a dumb motherfucker you are.

Surrender accepted.
Sounds like you're butthurt. Good, good.

Ha. You guys got your asses handed to you in 2008 and were so incensed that you gave your party over to the most wacky, zealous and unhinged fringe elements of your party, and have been either actively or tacitly approving the continuance of the dumbest fucking Presidential conspiracy theory of all time ever since.

Yeah. We're the ones who were "butthurt" alright.
Way to conveniently ignore the drubbing you wacky, zealous and unhinged fringe little children took in '10. :lol:
Sounds like you're butthurt. Good, good.

Ha. You guys got your asses handed to you in 2008 and were so incensed that you gave your party over to the most wacky, zealous and unhinged fringe elements of your party, and have been either actively or tacitly approving the continuance of the dumbest fucking Presidential conspiracy theory of all time ever since.

Yeah. We're the ones who were "butthurt" alright.

YOu guys? You seem to be under the impression Im a republican voter. You're wrong. I dont play two party paradigm football politics, derp.

You're herping it wrong, derp.

It's also a pretty shitty deflection you offered up as a response. Is this due to the butthurt?
lol, they sure would like to still be living in 2008..

2010 was the awakening, Walker was the beginning, we hope to make November, THE END..

lets roll folks
Yes, the Tea Party definitely has an abundance of dope(s), don't they?

Who is actually doing something about changing congress? 87 new congressmen.
OWS just marching around trashing things, costing city's millions in cops and clean ups and not doing anything at all to change congress.

By "doing something about changing Congress" you mean "becoming obstacles to any kind of compromise, thereby completely negating the entire purpose for the legislative body in the first place" right? Because that's what they're doing, the stubborn fuckfaced trolls.

Senator Reid is doing a fine job of being an obstacle,not the House.

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