Who here believes that the Tea Party is a grassroots organization?

Way to conveniently ignore the drubbing you wacky, zealous and unhinged fringe little children took in '10. :lol:

Don't forget that 4 Tea party losses in 2010 are what fucked up the GOP's chance to win the Senate.

Yeah, the House went from Democratic control, to Republican control. The Senate went from 40 Republicans to 47 Republicans and New york's brilliant assessment is that the Tea Party cost the Republicans four races.

What a brilliant deductions by the left, please continue to think this way, it is serving you and the Democratic Party well.
Right into thier defeat...
ConservaTwerps reasons not to vote for Romney:

  • He's an enemy of the party
  • He's an enemy of the party
  • He's an enemy of the party
  • He's an enemy of the party
  • He's an enemy of the party

Nice try, fuckstick.

It's more like:

  • He's a bully, both in his work at Bain and in his work as a kid, bullying gay kids, and in his treatment of sick dogs (character issues count, I thought, Conservatives?)
  • He loves money more than anything else
  • He's a failed Massachusetts Governor (Where exactly did they rate in jobs creation under his administration, again?)
  • He has no opinions of his own, is programmed to spout the talking points du jour
  • He's a liar, and is running one of the scummiest, lie-packed campaigns in forever
  • He wants to take us back to the utterly failed economic policies of the Bush era
  • He's pro-life
  • He doesn't believe in Evolution
  • He's anti-marriage equality
And that's just the shit off the top of my fuckin' head, ya'all.

How long you been givin' head junior?

Oh, I get it. Because I'm pro-gay marriage I'm gay? Or you just think that calling people gay is an insult still. Look, FuckMuffin, society is evolving. And neanderthals like you may not know this yet, but within my life time, gay marriage will be a thing, and there won't be fuck-all you can do about it.

And it should make you happy; you'll finally be treated as an equal!
Thought you stated you didn't care? Only batshit crazy is YOU.:eusa_hand:

I don't care, Old McStinkballs. I just wanted to point out how crazy religion is. If Reid believes that science-fiction bullshit, then he believes some batshit crazy shit himself.

But Mitt's still a cocksucker. No matter what.

All these sexual refrences with you son...Seek help...:cuckoo:

Sure does a lot of gay references, not sure why and if Mitt is a cocksucker, so what? Why does he make demeaning comments about gays
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I don't care, Old McStinkballs. I just wanted to point out how crazy religion is. If Reid believes that science-fiction bullshit, then he believes some batshit crazy shit himself.

But Mitt's still a cocksucker. No matter what.

All these sexual refrences with you son...Seek help...:cuckoo:

Sure does a lot of gay references, not sure why and if Mitt is a cocksucker, so what?

You're an idiot. Cocksucker has nothing to do with gay or straight. There are definitely those that enjoy it, but I don't think 100% of my gay friends would say that they love sucking dick.

Besides, it's a simple pejorative for Mitt. I could use "asshole," "slimeball," "money worshiping dickface," "Liar," "Guy Who Will Institute Dumb Fucking Fiscal Policy That's Proven Not To Work." Etc.
All these sexual refrences with you son...Seek help...:cuckoo:

Sure does a lot of gay references, not sure why and if Mitt is a cocksucker, so what?

You're an idiot. Cocksucker has nothing to do with gay or straight. There are definitely those that enjoy it, but I don't think 100% of my gay friends would say that they love sucking dick.

Besides, it's a simple pejorative for Mitt. I could use "asshole," "slimeball," "money worshiping dickface," "Liar," "Guy Who Will Institute Dumb Fucking Fiscal Policy That's Proven Not To Work." Etc.

Says the boards best cocksucker.
You're an idiot. Cocksucker has nothing to do with gay or straight. There are definitely those that enjoy it, but I don't think 100% of my gay friends would say that they love sucking dick.

Besides, it's a simple pejorative for Mitt. I could use "asshole," "slimeball," "money worshiping dickface," "Liar," "Guy Who Will Institute Dumb Fucking Fiscal Policy That's Proven Not To Work." Etc.

You're an angry little drone, spewing talking points from the hate sites.

Have you ever had a thought?

Even one?
Sure does a lot of gay references, not sure why and if Mitt is a cocksucker, so what?

You're an idiot. Cocksucker has nothing to do with gay or straight. There are definitely those that enjoy it, but I don't think 100% of my gay friends would say that they love sucking dick.

Besides, it's a simple pejorative for Mitt. I could use "asshole," "slimeball," "money worshiping dickface," "Liar," "Guy Who Will Institute Dumb Fucking Fiscal Policy That's Proven Not To Work." Etc.

Says the boards best cocksucker.


But if I'm making all you Conservative Fucfaces angry, I feel like I'm doing my own small part for the Universe, and indeed for Jesus Christ our lord and savior as well.
You're an idiot. Cocksucker has nothing to do with gay or straight. There are definitely those that enjoy it, but I don't think 100% of my gay friends would say that they love sucking dick.

Besides, it's a simple pejorative for Mitt. I could use "asshole," "slimeball," "money worshiping dickface," "Liar," "Guy Who Will Institute Dumb Fucking Fiscal Policy That's Proven Not To Work." Etc.

You're an angry little drone, spewing talking points from the hate sites.

Have you ever had a thought?

Even one?

Yes. I had one just now. That you're a fucking idiot for being a Conservative. Oh wait, unless you love racism, homophobia and a fucked up Middle Class. Then you're not an idiot, you're a just a douchebag.
lol, they sure would like to still be living in 2008..

2010 was the awakening, Walker was the beginning, we hope to make November, THE END..

lets roll folks

Why wait til November? You can start paying federal taxes voluntarily now since that would show you're serious about fixing this country and getting yourself out of poverty. I mean, you are poor and according to your republican comrades, all we need to do is raise your taxes and that should get us back on the right track.

So go ahead cut that check now!
The Tea Party is dead remember, so what difference does it make?

Carry on... nothing to see here.
lol, they sure would like to still be living in 2008..

2010 was the awakening, Walker was the beginning, we hope to make November, THE END..

lets roll folks

Why wait til November? You can start paying federal taxes voluntarily now since that would show you're serious about fixing this country and getting yourself out of poverty. I mean, you are poor and according to your republican comrades, all we need to do is raise your taxes and that should get us back on the right track.

So go ahead cut that check now!

You've got the wrong party idiot... Im for lower taxes and cutting spending :cuckoo:

Get it straight or STFU.
The Tea Party is dead remember, so what difference does it make?

Carry on... nothing to see here.

Isn't that what we saw in a plethora of threads here? TEA Party is dead...The Leftists in the Obama supported media told us this too...until they had thier collective asses handed to them yet again by a DEAD entity in Wisconsin...

I smell PANIC.
You're an idiot. Cocksucker has nothing to do with gay or straight. There are definitely those that enjoy it, but I don't think 100% of my gay friends would say that they love sucking dick.

Besides, it's a simple pejorative for Mitt. I could use "asshole," "slimeball," "money worshiping dickface," "Liar," "Guy Who Will Institute Dumb Fucking Fiscal Policy That's Proven Not To Work." Etc.

You're an angry little drone, spewing talking points from the hate sites.

Have you ever had a thought?

Even one?

doubt it
lol, they sure would like to still be living in 2008..

2010 was the awakening, Walker was the beginning, we hope to make November, THE END..

lets roll folks

Why wait til November? You can start paying federal taxes voluntarily now since that would show you're serious about fixing this country and getting yourself out of poverty. I mean, you are poor and according to your republican comrades, all we need to do is raise your taxes and that should get us back on the right track.

So go ahead cut that check now!

You've got the wrong party idiot... Im for lower taxes and cutting spending :cuckoo:

Get it straight or STFU.

You're for lower taxes for the rich, sure, but not for the working poor such as Stephanie and many other of your fellow cons on this site. Unless of course you don't plan to vote for Romney.
Quite frankly/ The OP and Obama are waging WAR on the people of this country...the scapegoat is convienently the TEA Party which is also the people.

Why wait til November? You can start paying federal taxes voluntarily now since that would show you're serious about fixing this country and getting yourself out of poverty. I mean, you are poor and according to your republican comrades, all we need to do is raise your taxes and that should get us back on the right track.

So go ahead cut that check now!

You've got the wrong party idiot... Im for lower taxes and cutting spending :cuckoo:

Get it straight or STFU.

You're for lower taxes for the rich, sure, but not for the working poor such as Stephanie and many other of your fellow cons on this site. Unless of course you don't plan to vote for Romney.

oh brother..leave me out of your stupid postings, thanks
You've got the wrong party idiot... Im for lower taxes and cutting spending :cuckoo:

Get it straight or STFU.

You're for lower taxes for the rich, sure, but not for the working poor such as Stephanie and many other of your fellow cons on this site. Unless of course you don't plan to vote for Romney.

oh brother..leave me out of your stupid postings, thanks

I'm just trying to keep your taxes from having to go up because you're too dumb to advocate on your own behalf. No need to thank me.
Quite frankly/ The OP and Obama are waging WAR on the people of this country...the scapegoat is convienently the TEA Party which is also the people.


Hey, Hyperbole Jones, what exactly constitutes the war you're accusing our President of waging, in your own words?
Quite frankly/ The OP and Obama are waging WAR on the people of this country...the scapegoat is convienently the TEA Party which is also the people.


Hey, Hyperbole Jones, what exactly constitutes the war you're accusing our President of waging, in your own words?

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