Who here believes that the Tea Party is a grassroots organization?

Why do you support the XXXXXX?

You see how what I said had nothing to do with what you said either? Fun, huh?

Gee you're dumb.


I notice that you didn't refute what I said about XXXXXXX.

Very telling...sicko. I was only joking too, yet somehow I hit a little too close to home, didn't I? Do you have to inform your neighbors about your past?

See, you're not the only one who can say dumb outrageous things. Keep it up though loverboy, I can keep spilling the beans about you all day long.
I'm just trying to keep your taxes from having to go up because you're too dumb to advocate on your own behalf. No need to thank me.


You want my taxes to double or triple. You're just trying to keep Oprah Winfrey from paying more taxes.

How can you triple 0? That's still 0. Don't worry, you still won't have to pay anything. We can increase your taxes by 10000x, it's still 0, moocher.

Speaking from experience because YOU don't pay them? Moocher?
How can you triple 0? That's still 0. Don't worry, you still won't have to pay anything. We can increase your taxes by 10000x, it's still 0, moocher.

Another leftist troll....

Gee you're dumb.

Shouldn't you be out not working? Although perhaps letting you troll this website at least keeps you away from hanging around little league fields and ice cream trucks.

You want my taxes to double or triple. You're just trying to keep Oprah Winfrey from paying more taxes.

How can you triple 0? That's still 0. Don't worry, you still won't have to pay anything. We can increase your taxes by 10000x, it's still 0, moocher.

Speaking from experience because YOU don't pay them? Moocher?

Ouch caught me! Good work Inspector. I only advocate the positions that I believe in because they will directly benefit me. That's why I also support gay rights and am pro-choice. I am obviously a poor, gay woman looking to have an abortion.
I notice that you didn't refute what I said about XXXXXX.

We'll let that TOS violation speak for itself.

But really stupid, you came in tossing your typical Thinkprogress bullshit, and I turned on you.

But you were too fucking stupid to grasp it.

It's why you're a leftist.

Very telling...sicko. I was only joking too, yet somehow I hit a little too close to home, didn't I? Do you have to inform your neighbors about your past?

Gee you're dumb.

See, you're not the only one who can say dumb outrageous things. Keep it up though loverboy, I can keep spilling the beans about you all day long.

How many times did you vote for Obama?
How can you triple 0? That's still 0. Don't worry, you still won't have to pay anything. We can increase your taxes by 10000x, it's still 0, moocher.

Speaking from experience because YOU don't pay them? Moocher?

Ouch caught me! Good work Inspector. I only advocate the positions that I believe in because they will directly benefit me. That's why I also support gay rights and am pro-choice. I am obviously a poor, gay woman looking to have an abortion.

Idiot Above^.:cuckoo:
Speaking from experience because YOU don't pay them? Moocher?

Ouch caught me! Good work Inspector. I only advocate the positions that I believe in because they will directly benefit me. That's why I also support gay rights and am pro-choice. I am obviously a poor, gay woman looking to have an abortion.

Idiot Above^.:cuckoo:

Why don't you tell me what you do for a living? I'd love to know what ways you have put your genius mind to work? This is your chance, impress us all and show up this idiot. I mean, I am just a lowly broke liberal, right? I'm too dumb to even get a job, right?

Impress us big shot!
Conservatives Talking Shit = "YAY!" "RAD!" "HA HA HA!"

Liberals Bringing Fact Into the Discussion: "HATE SITES!" "YOU ARE A MOOCHER!"

Dumb Conservatives are Dumb
lol, liberals are bringing facts? I've yet to see any, just the same ole same ole talking points..

but hey, if it blow their skirts up..
OMFG. Is "Talking Points" in the Conservative Manual for Ignoring Facts and History? Every one of you derps has used that term about a badillion (real number) times.
OMFG. Is "Talking Points" in the Conservative Manual for Ignoring Facts and History? Every one of you derps has used that term about a badillion (real number) times.

Look, you're retarded - we get it.

Still, do you REALLY think that coming in and spewing the latest hate site idiocy will impress anyone with an IQ greater than RDD_1210?
lol, sorry, it's not coming to MY neighborhood. I'm in the civilized state of NY, where our DEMOCRATIC governor Andrew Cuomo has an approval rating close to 70%.

Andrew Cuomo your future president btw, if he so desires.

Cuomo has a high approval rating because so many people have already voted with their feet and left. Same thing in California.

Stupid people leave NY because they can go down South and look like geniuses.

Im guessin they are more likely fed up with the shitty people, the shitty tax structure, the shitty weather, and the most annoying accents in the world. thats why they leave New York. And who in their right minds would rather live in New Yuck than Florida? New York is a pisspot.
OMFG. Is "Talking Points" in the Conservative Manual for Ignoring Facts and History? Every one of you derps has used that term about a badillion (real number) times.

Look, you're retarded - we get it.

Still, do you REALLY think that coming in and spewing the latest hate site idiocy will impress anyone with an IQ greater than RDD_1210?

Hate sites...you mean like rushlimbaugh.com seanhannity.com and anything with Anne Coulter's name attached to it, right?
Nice try, fuckstick.

It's more like:

  • He's a bully, both in his work at Bain and in his work as a kid, bullying gay kids, and in his treatment of sick dogs (character issues count, I thought, Conservatives?)
  • He loves money more than anything else
  • He's a failed Massachusetts Governor (Where exactly did they rate in jobs creation under his administration, again?)
  • He has no opinions of his own, is programmed to spout the talking points du jour
  • He's a liar, and is running one of the scummiest, lie-packed campaigns in forever
  • He wants to take us back to the utterly failed economic policies of the Bush era
  • He's pro-life
  • He doesn't believe in Evolution
  • He's anti-marriage equality
And that's just the shit off the top of my fuckin' head, ya'all.

How long you been givin' head junior?

Oh, I get it. Because I'm pro-gay marriage I'm gay? Or you just think that calling people gay is an insult still. Look, FuckMuffin, society is evolving. And neanderthals like you may not know this yet, but within my life time, gay marriage will be a thing, and there won't be fuck-all you can do about it.

And it should make you happy; you'll finally be treated as an equal!

no. Its all that cocksucking that you do. Noone gets a mouth as round as yours by sucking doorknobs.
How long you been givin' head junior?

Oh, I get it. Because I'm pro-gay marriage I'm gay? Or you just think that calling people gay is an insult still. Look, FuckMuffin, society is evolving. And neanderthals like you may not know this yet, but within my life time, gay marriage will be a thing, and there won't be fuck-all you can do about it.

And it should make you happy; you'll finally be treated as an equal!

no. Its all that cocksucking that you do. Noone gets a mouth as round as yours by sucking doorknobs.

How long you been givin' head junior?

Oh, I get it. Because I'm pro-gay marriage I'm gay? Or you just think that calling people gay is an insult still. Look, FuckMuffin, society is evolving. And neanderthals like you may not know this yet, but within my life time, gay marriage will be a thing, and there won't be fuck-all you can do about it.

And it should make you happy; you'll finally be treated as an equal!

no. Its all that cocksucking that you do. Noone gets a mouth as round as yours by sucking doorknobs.

Derp doesn't get a round mouth from eating square meals. ;)
OMFG. Is "Talking Points" in the Conservative Manual for Ignoring Facts and History? Every one of you derps has used that term about a badillion (real number) times.

Look, you're retarded - we get it.

Still, do you REALLY think that coming in and spewing the latest hate site idiocy will impress anyone with an IQ greater than RDD_1210?

He's running against rderp for king of idiocy.
Hate sites...you mean like rushlimbaugh.com seanhannity.com and anything with Anne Coulter's name attached to it, right?

I mean the festering cesspools that are the basis of all your thoughts, Common Dreams, ThinkProgress, Democratic Underground, Stormfront, Alternet, et al.

The hate sites, the raw sewage of hatred that feeds the left.

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