Who here has NOT been jabbed....

I think all of you are vaccinated and just don't have the integrity to admit it.
What do you think 93-97% effectiveness means? That means 7%-3% of people will see a break through case in measles.

I’m here for you pal. Just giving you the information so you can decide whether you’re making a loyalty test decision or you’re gonna follow the common sense you used to get the measles vax.
No it doesn't, that means those folks had adverse side effects, not breakthrough cases.
Oh i have no issue with humanity being confused, misguided, misdirected, and eventually declining and/or becoming extinct due to it Gator, in fact i'll up the ante' and say it's just a matter of time.

But perhaps you've nailed the real crux of the issue , in that humanity can't have security and freedom

Me, i choose freedom, especially in light of what 'da man' claims is my responsibility

Dissidence is Patriotism , even if it means choking the way out on a ventilator


Maybe, just maybe, and hear me out… we pick our battles? We line up for the safety of all and, for instance, submit to searches and scans before getting on a plane to minimize the bad actor terrorist chances to kill. Or, just maybe we submit to driving safe speeds and wearing seat belts. Or… we get vaccinated against deadly diseases?

But, let’s say we don’t let books be banned, or people’s religion assaulted and stuff like that?

Freedom has nothing to do with any of this.

What are they going to do to me? I am 40 yrs old lol.
I thought you said, the only reason you got the shot in the first place, was they wouldn't let you watch your kid play sports.

Soooo, logically, if your vax record, or tracking app. is not up to date. . . obviously they will bar you from watching your kid play sports.

The same carrot that got you to take the jab in the first place.


This ISN'T about a disease, this has always been about controlling the population.
...and plans NOT to at any time.

I'll start. Me.

(This thread is for NON vaxxed. Refrain from posting if you have been or plan to be while blasting those who will not do it).
I hope you get vaccinated. There, I said it. That's my non-confrontational message to you. :113:
What are they going to do to me? I am 40 yrs old lol.

THIS IS WHAT IT IS ABOUT. . . This is the technocratic police state that they will bring here. . . if Americans do not band together to resist. IT IS NOT ABOUT A VACCINE.


I pay attention to what is happening HERE, and around the world. Folks here? They are distracted by the Consortium and the Cabal. . . they don't have a clue what is really going on.

Planned Expansion of Facial Recognition by US Agencies Called 'Disturbing'​

"Face surveillance is so invasive of privacy, so discriminatory against people of color, and so likely to trigger false arrests, that the government should not be using face surveillance at all," said one privacy advocate.

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