Who here has NOT been jabbed....

I thought you said, the only reason you got the shot in the first place, was they wouldn't let you watch your kid play sports.

Soooo, logically, if your vax record, or tracking app. is not up to date. . . obviously they will bar you from watching your kid play sports.

The same carrot that got you to take the jab in the first place.


This ISN'T about a disease, this has always been about controlling the population.
I know. Kids weaken you.

THIS IS WHAT IT IS ABOUT. . . This is the technocratic police state that they will bring here. . . if Americans do not band together to resist. IT IS NOT ABOUT A VACCINE.


I pay attention to what is happening HERE, and around the world. Folks here? They are distracted by the Consortium and the Cabal. . . they don't have a clue what is really going on.

Planned Expansion of Facial Recognition by US Agencies Called 'Disturbing'​

"Face surveillance is so invasive of privacy, so discriminatory against people of color, and so likely to trigger false arrests, that the government should not be using face surveillance at all," said one privacy advocate.
Animal Farm anyone?
I know. Kids weaken you.
If they demand you get a booster, it will be time to organize with other parents, or else pull your kid from school and home school them.

We can't let tyranny close down our society.

IMO. . .
Eh? I live in a blue state
That is why I don't attack folks on the left on this forum like other posters do. Not directly, just for holding liberal values, not explicitly so. There is more at stake now.

The only way out of this is to band together.

Believe it or not. . . deep in their hearts, even folks on the left believe in civil rights and civil liberties. They are more prone, more. . . weak shall we say, to the enticements of the cult, but I honestly don't think this is partisan. . . my folks are really conservative, and they have drunk this Kool-aid. :heehee: Hell, Toro has, and he is really conservative as well.

Once the folks over at the ACLU. . . or at least the rank and file, get drift of what is really going on, a lot of them will start to jump ship.

Freedom and Justice is, IMO, is part of America's culture, no matter what your politics are.

This is the latest installment of a three part series, I recommend them all. They are written by quite a liberal guy, someone who didn't care at all for Trump. They can all be read here;

The Covidian Cult (Part III)​

". . . So we need to adopt a different strategy. We need to make the monster show itself, not to those of us who can already see it, but to the New Normal masses, the Covidian cultists. We need to make Jim Jones drop the peace-and-love crap, move into the jungle, and break out the Kool-Aid. We need to make Charles Manson put down his guitar, cancel orgy-time, and go homicidal hippie. This is how you take down a cult from within. You do not try to thwart its progress; you push it toward its logical conclusion. You make it manifest its full expression, because that it when it implodes, and dies. You do not do that by being polite, conciliatory, or avoiding conflict. You do that by generating as much internal conflict within the cult as you can.

In other words, we need to make GloboCap (and its minions) go openly totalitarian … because it can’t. If it could, it would have done so already. Global capitalism cannot function that way. Going openly totalitarian will cause it to implode … no, not global capitalism itself, but this totalitarian version of it. In fact, this is starting to happen already. It needs the simulation of “reality,” and “democracy,” and “normality,” to keep the masses docile. So we need to attack that simulation. We need to hammer on it until it cracks, and the monster hiding within in appears.

That is the weakness of the system … the New Normal totalitarianism will not work if the masses perceive it as totalitarianism, as a political/ideological program, rather than as “a response to a deadly pandemic.” So we need to make it visible as totalitarianism. We need to force the New Normals to see it as what it is. I do not mean that we need to explain it to them. They are beyond the reach of explanations. I mean that we need to make them see it, feel it, tangibly, inescapably, until they recognize what they are collaborating with.

Stop arguing with them on their terms, and instead directly attack their “reality.” When they start jabbering about the virus, the variants, the “vaccines,” and all the other Covid cult-speak, do not get sucked into their narrative. Do not respond as if they were rational. Respond as if they were talking about “Xenu,” “body thetans,” “Helter Skelter,” or any other cultoid nonsense, because that it is exactly what it is. Same goes for their rules and restrictions, the “face coverings,” the “social distancing,” and so on. Stop arguing against them on the grounds that they don’t work. Of course they don’t work, but that is not the point (and arguing that way sucks you into their “reality”). Oppose them because of what they are, a collection of bizarre compliance rituals performed to cement allegiance to the cult and create a general atmosphere of “deadly pandemic.”

There are many ways to go about doing this, i.e., generating internal conflict. I have been doing it my way, others are doing it theirs. If you’re one of them, thank you. If you’re not, start. Do it however and wherever you can. Make the New Normals face the monster, the monster they are feeding … the monster they have become."
That is why I don't attack folks on the left on this forum like other posters do. Not directly, just for holding liberal values, not explicitly so. There is more at stake now.

The only way out of this is to band together.

Believe it or not. . . deep in their hearts, even folks on the left believe in civil rights and civil liberties. They are more prone, more. . . weak shall we say, to the enticements of the cult, but I honestly don't think this is partisan. . . my folks are really conservative, and they have drunk this Kool-aid. :heehee: Hell, Toro has, and he is really conservative as well.

Once the folks over at the ACLU. . . or at least the rank and file, get drift of what is really going on, a lot of them will start to jump ship.

Freedom and Justice is, IMO, is part of America's culture, no matter what your politics are.

This is the latest installment of a three part series, I recommend them all. They are written by quite a liberal guy, someone who didn't care at all for Trump. They can all be read here;

The Covidian Cult (Part III)​

". . . So we need to adopt a different strategy. We need to make the monster show itself, not to those of us who can already see it, but to the New Normal masses, the Covidian cultists. We need to make Jim Jones drop the peace-and-love crap, move into the jungle, and break out the Kool-Aid. We need to make Charles Manson put down his guitar, cancel orgy-time, and go homicidal hippie. This is how you take down a cult from within. You do not try to thwart its progress; you push it toward its logical conclusion. You make it manifest its full expression, because that it when it implodes, and dies. You do not do that by being polite, conciliatory, or avoiding conflict. You do that by generating as much internal conflict within the cult as you can.

In other words, we need to make GloboCap (and its minions) go openly totalitarian … because it can’t. If it could, it would have done so already. Global capitalism cannot function that way. Going openly totalitarian will cause it to implode … no, not global capitalism itself, but this totalitarian version of it. In fact, this is starting to happen already. It needs the simulation of “reality,” and “democracy,” and “normality,” to keep the masses docile. So we need to attack that simulation. We need to hammer on it until it cracks, and the monster hiding within in appears.

That is the weakness of the system … the New Normal totalitarianism will not work if the masses perceive it as totalitarianism, as a political/ideological program, rather than as “a response to a deadly pandemic.” So we need to make it visible as totalitarianism. We need to force the New Normals to see it as what it is. I do not mean that we need to explain it to them. They are beyond the reach of explanations. I mean that we need to make them see it, feel it, tangibly, inescapably, until they recognize what they are collaborating with.

Stop arguing with them on their terms, and instead directly attack their “reality.” When they start jabbering about the virus, the variants, the “vaccines,” and all the other Covid cult-speak, do not get sucked into their narrative. Do not respond as if they were rational. Respond as if they were talking about “Xenu,” “body thetans,” “Helter Skelter,” or any other cultoid nonsense, because that it is exactly what it is. Same goes for their rules and restrictions, the “face coverings,” the “social distancing,” and so on. Stop arguing against them on the grounds that they don’t work. Of course they don’t work, but that is not the point (and arguing that way sucks you into their “reality”). Oppose them because of what they are, a collection of bizarre compliance rituals performed to cement allegiance to the cult and create a general atmosphere of “deadly pandemic.”

There are many ways to go about doing this, i.e., generating internal conflict. I have been doing it my way, others are doing it theirs. If you’re one of them, thank you. If you’re not, start. Do it however and wherever you can. Make the New Normals face the monster, the monster they are feeding … the monster they have become."
I disagree. They need to be debated vigorously. They are assholes. As bad as the KKK…leftists not Democrats.
This ISN'T about a disease, this has always been about controlling the population.

and they're doing a grand job of it.

but then we're talking about a shill government that's been selling the public a pack of lies to get us involved with wars , movements, etc for generations here....they've always had a 'boogey man'....
Animal Farm anyone?

No it doesn't, that means those folks had adverse side effects, not breakthrough cases.
No. That’s not what it means. It means the vaccine is 93-97% effective at creating Tcells that remember what the virus looks like so when you are exposed to it your immune system can easily defeat it. In 7-3% of the time it does not work at creating these memories for your immune system.
No. That’s not what it means. It means the vaccine is 93-97% effective at creating Tcells that remember what the virus looks like so when you are exposed to it your immune system can easily defeat it. In 7-3% of the time it does not work at creating these memories for your immune system.
Then kindly point measles outbreaks due to breakthrough cases.
I'm ashamed of my country's lack of preparedness for a pandemic. Shame shame shame shame. All the billions of dollars spent on everything but no emergency preparedness for a pandemic. It's disgusting. Pathetic and shameful
I'm ashamed of my country's lack of preparedness for a pandemic. Shame shame shame shame. All the billions of dollars spent on everything but no emergency preparedness for a pandemic. It's disgusting. Pathetic and shameful

Imagine not being prepared for manufactured panic over a bad flu season.

There were a group of people who were VERY prepared for the pandemic.

I'll wait and see what the experiment yields, thanks. So far, many seem to have lower iq, if not death. imho.

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