Who here really thinks that we can go on like this for another 32 months?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Seriously, with the ever-growing scandals surrounding this corrupt and inept administration, the constant lying by Trump and Hickabee, the ethical flaws of Trump's cabinet, the constant firings and resignations of WH staff and, most of all, the pending Mueller findings........WHO here thinks this country can put up with this crap for another 32 months?

Most likely, after the 2018 midterms, some measure of sanity will resurface among the Trump cult membership......at least among those cult members in elected positions
Seriously, with the ever-growing scandals surrounding this corrupt and inept administration, the constant lying by Trump and Hickabee, the ethical flaws of Trump's cabinet, the constant firings and resignations of WH staff and, most of all, the pending Mueller findings........WHO here thinks this country can put up with this crap for another 32 months?

Most likely, after the 2018 midterms, some measure of sanity will resurface among the Trump cult membership......at least among those cult members in elected positions
Actually, it's like a crack addiction....ask ourselves how long such a drug addiction can last.
"Ever growing scandals"..... so....all we should have to do to impeach the person sitting in the most important, powerful position in the world is to make accusations, true or untrue doesn't matter...just make them and keep talking about them?

Is that what we want?
Seriously, with the ever-growing scandals surrounding this corrupt and inept administration, the constant lying by Trump and Hickabee, the ethical flaws of Trump's cabinet, the constant firings and resignations of WH staff and, most of all, the pending Mueller findings........WHO here thinks this country can put up with this crap for another 32 months?

Most likely, after the 2018 midterms, some measure of sanity will resurface among the Trump cult membership......at least among those cult members in elected positions
But since everything you mention is coming from 1600 Pennsylvania, the elections won't affect this at all.
Seriously, with the ever-growing scandals surrounding this corrupt and inept administration, the constant lying by Trump and Hickabee, the ethical flaws of Trump's cabinet, the constant firings and resignations of WH staff and, most of all, the pending Mueller findings........WHO here thinks this country can put up with this crap for another 32 months?

Most likely, after the 2018 midterms, some measure of sanity will resurface among the Trump cult membership......at least among those cult members in elected positions
it's early in the morning for ya bro, take your meds and put the 2016 election out of your mind for at least a few minutes dude
We've put up with the crazy wingers on both ends for this long, I don't see much changing whether Trump is in there or not.

We really need fewer crazy wingers.
And another thing, Trump and the scandals surrounding him don't even come close to the vast volumes of scandals that surrounded Bill Clinton....and then Hillary. But...gee...those are all lies and conspiracy right?

it's early in the morning for ya bro, take your meds and put the 2016 election out of your mind for at least a few minutes dude

is the above supposed to be a measure of right wing intelligentsia?

Just asking.......lol
Seriously, with the ever-growing scandals surrounding this corrupt and inept administration, the constant lying by Trump and Hickabee, the ethical flaws of Trump's cabinet, the constant firings and resignations of WH staff and, most of all, the pending Mueller findings........WHO here thinks this country can put up with this crap for another 32 months?

Most likely, after the 2018 midterms, some measure of sanity will resurface among the Trump cult membership......at least among those cult members in elected positions
The question is, can YOU make it another 32 months without an impeachment (because there ain't gonna be one).
And another thing, Trump and the scandals surrounding him don't even come close to the vast volumes of scandals that surrounded Bill Clinton....and then Hillary. But...gee...those are all lies and conspiracy right?

Lol, list the Clinton scandals. Bthen I'll list the trump scandals.
Seriously, with the ever-growing scandals surrounding this corrupt and inept administration, the constant lying by Trump and Hickabee, the ethical flaws of Trump's cabinet, the constant firings and resignations of WH staff and, most of all, the pending Mueller findings........WHO here thinks this country can put up with this crap for another 32 months?

Most likely, after the 2018 midterms, some measure of sanity will resurface among the Trump cult membership......at least among those cult members in elected positions

Some believe all the made up nonsense, and let media magnify its importance for them.

Others see it as mere annoyance.
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The question is -

How much longer can LWNJ's like Gnat continue to unravel?
"Ever growing scandals"..... so....all we should have to do to impeach the person sitting in the most important, powerful position in the world is to make accusations, true or untrue doesn't matter...just make them and keep talking about them?

Is that what we want?

That's what the Democrats want, yes.
Seriously, with the ever-growing scandals surrounding this corrupt and inept administration, the constant lying by Trump and Hickabee, the ethical flaws of Trump's cabinet, the constant firings and resignations of WH staff and, most of all, the pending Mueller findings........WHO here thinks this country can put up with this crap for another 32 months?

Most likely, after the 2018 midterms, some measure of sanity will resurface among the Trump cult membership......at least among those cult members in elected positions

Oh come on, they kept after Benghazi and Obama's birthcertiifate for decade. Pass the popcorn. And roll another one.
Seriously, with the ever-growing scandals surrounding this corrupt and inept administration, the constant lying by Trump and Hickabee, the ethical flaws of Trump's cabinet, the constant firings and resignations of WH staff and, most of all, the pending Mueller findings........WHO here thinks this country can put up with this crap for another 32 months?

Most likely, after the 2018 midterms, some measure of sanity will resurface among the Trump cult membership......at least among those cult members in elected positions

LOL Liberals create and investigate fake scandals and then ask "how can we keep going like this". LMAO!!
Seriously, with the ever-growing scandals surrounding this corrupt and inept administration, the constant lying by Trump and Hickabee, the ethical flaws of Trump's cabinet, the constant firings and resignations of WH staff and, most of all, the pending Mueller findings........WHO here thinks this country can put up with this crap for another 32 months?

Most likely, after the 2018 midterms, some measure of sanity will resurface among the Trump cult membership......at least among those cult members in elected positions
You're mis-placing blame. There's no real hysteria. That's just the media portraying it as such to justify their own existence and whip you up into a frenzy so you're a useful idiot for them and their side.
You're mis-placing blame. There's no real hysteria. That's just the media portraying it as such to justify their own existence and whip you up into a frenzy so you're a useful idiot for them and their side.
so true, but I don't mind, saves me the trouble of having to look for the lefty libs, I just wait till I here one of the talking heads on the fake news channels say something crazy, count to 3, and then log on here to refute what ever it is they think they know
"Ever growing scandals"..... so....all we should have to do to impeach the person sitting in the most important, powerful position in the world is to make accusations, true or untrue doesn't matter...just make them and keep talking about them?

Is that what we want?
What you want then is a President and Executive Branch under investigation and a Special Counsel appointed just FOUR(4) bloody months after his inauguration to look into his definite ethical breaches, very possible and suspicious criminal actions and what could possibly be TREASONOUS CONDUCT which are becoming more and more clear by every passing day? Some of us older folk still think that character in our elected officials DOES ACTUALLY MATTER!

Is an investigation into ACTUAL FUCKING CRIMINAL CONDUCT WHAT I WANT? Yes it is. Will you follow the Orange Clown and his entourage to prison and support his dumb ass there?

I can still remember the droves of Bush-43 supporters who who defended bush to the hilt until about late 2006 and then they started to drift away and stop defending his dumb ass! By 2008, hardly a mention of their former Hero could be heard and an occasional derogatory comment was murmured. Now many of the former Bushies are outright deriding Bush-43 and have turned their fickle affections toward the Idiot-in-Chief. When that asshat is removed from office, the cycle of love then disinterest then disgust will repeat! Are you even old enough to recall any of that history?
Oh come on, they kept after Benghazi and Obama's birthcertiifate for decade. Pass the popcorn. And roll another one.


Except that Benghazi was was an event where the highest levels of government failed to act and lied about it, along with what inspired the event.

The BC issue was stupid, and yeah, the World's Richest Professional Clown ran with it, but most serious people paid no attention.

The Clown still beat the sociopath hag, which speaks volumes about the idiots that pushed her nomination.


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