Who honestly doesn't belive in intelligent design?

Do you believe that...

  • life came from a rock

    Votes: 14 60.9%
  • life came from an intelligent designer

    Votes: 9 39.1%

  • Total voters


Silver Member
Jul 7, 2009
How can anyone not believe that information cannot come from nothing?

How can anyone belive that life came from a bubbling bath of chemicals and random chance when we know that it is impossible?
You need to amend the poll, The Light. Neither option suits me. I think matter and energy change form, but do not start and stop.
How can anyone not believe that information cannot come from nothing?

How can anyone belive that life came from a bubbling bath of chemicals and random chance when we know that it is impossible?
What THING is God???

When a man and woman really love each other they create.

I'm wondering why there isn't an option of Reproduction.
How can anyone not believe that information cannot come from nothing?

How can anyone belive that life came from a bubbling bath of chemicals and random chance when we know that it is impossible?

There are designs, The Light. Most likely, millions of patterns we cannot see. This alone is not proof of God (I don't think God can be proven, strictly speaking). Why would it have been any different millions of years ago?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkGeOWYOFoA]YouTube - Nature by Numbers[/ame]
You need to amend the poll, The Light. Neither option suits me. I think matter and energy change form, but do not start and stop.

Well, I had meant in terms of the origin of life. Otherwise you do have a point.
How can anyone not believe that information cannot come from nothing?

How can anyone belive that life came from a bubbling bath of chemicals and random chance when we know that it is impossible?

There are designs, The Light. Most likely, millions of patterns we cannot see. This alone is not proof of God (I don't think God can be proven, strictly speaking). Why would it have been any different millions of years ago?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkGeOWYOFoA]YouTube - Nature by Numbers[/ame]

It is now known that the universe had a beginning so therefore life too had a beginning. This begs the question how did it begin and could it start without the information and means with which to be built?

Is a house built without blueprints?
Is a house built without hands to follow the blueprints?
Can a house build itself from raw materials on it's own?
I guess it seems to different from person to person. What do you see it as?
Well, as you know I'm a scientific idijit, The Light. Remember "Jurassic Park"? There's a line from that movie something like "life will find a way". I think that's likely true.

The impulse to live is inherent in the universe. Take a brew of light and chemicals, wait a million years or so, you get a panda or a butterfly.
You have read posts from Dante, Douger, Rdean, Truthmatters, Ravi, Kerry Won Ohio, Mr Shaman. Res Ipsa Loquitor. QED.
It is now known that the universe had a beginning so therefore life too had a beginning. This begs the question how did it begin and could it start without the information and means with which to be built?

Is a house built without blueprints?
Is a house built without hands to follow the blueprints?
Can a house build itself from raw materials on it's own?

So where did the intelligent designer come from?

Did the intelligent designer build itself from raw materials on it's own?
I'll take the design part but if society was "designed" to be this way the creator is either an idiot or a psychopath.
How can anyone not believe that information cannot come from nothing?

How can anyone belive that life came from a bubbling bath of chemicals and random chance when we know that it is impossible?

How can anyone believe that GOD came from a bubbling bath or chemicals and random change when we KNOW that is impossible?

Intelligent design really offers us absolutely NO answers, either.

God intelligently designed the universe?


Who or what intelligently designed GOD?

See my point?

Debating theology trying to use logic or science is silly.

You either have faith or you don't.
By the what we know of chemistry and physics, it appears at present that the appearance of life in conditions like those of early earth is inevitable.

The Origin of Life


Even the simplest currently living cells contain hundreds of proteins most of which are essential to their functioning. Yet such complexity cannot have stood at the origin of life. Based on research in the field it is proposed here how, once a self-replicating genetic molecule existed, life might have started and gradual evolution of complexity was made possible – in contrast to the sudden appearance of complexity that creationists claim to have been necessary at the beginning of life. Conditions for synthesis of organic molecules on the early Earth are reviewed, and ‘gene-first’ and ‘metabolism-first’ models are discussed. While the origin of the homochirality of amino acids and sugars has been a puzzling problem for decades, recent findings provide plausible explanations.
Does not look like we need somebodys idea of a diety to explain the origin of life. And this is just one of the many possible paths.

By changing the way we mix the ingredients together, we managed to make ribonucleotides,” said Sutherland. “The chemistry works very effectively from simple precursors, and the conditions required are not distinct from what one might imagine took place on the early Earth.”

Like other would-be nucleotide synthesizers, Sutherland’s team included phosphate in their mix, but rather than adding it to sugars and nucleobases, they started with an array of even simpler molecules that were probably also in Earth’s primordial ooze.

They mixed the molecules in water, heated the solution, then allowed it to evaporate, leaving behind a residue of hybrid, half-sugar, half-nucleobase molecules. To this residue they again added water, heated it, allowed it evaporate, and then irradiated it.

At each stage of the cycle, the resulting molecules were more complex. At the final stage, Sutherland’s team added phosphate. “Remarkably, it transformed into the ribonucleotide!” said Sutherland.

According to Sutherland, these laboratory conditions resembled those of the life-originating “warm little pond” hypothesized by Charles Darwin if the pond “evaporated, got heated, and then it rained and the sun shone.”

Such conditions are plausible, and Szostak imagined the ongoing cycle of evaporation, heating and condensation providing “a kind of organic snow which could accumulate as a reservoir of material ready for the next step in RNA synthesis.”

Intriguingly, the precursor molecules used by Sutherland’s team have been identified in interstellar dust clouds and on meteorites.

Read More Life’s First Spark Re-Created in the Laboratory | Wired Science | Wired.com
I wouldn't say it was inevitable, there is only a very narrow range of phase space where it is even possible.

And life as we see it now only is allowable in the range of freaky.

but there are too many areas in the design of things that are not intelligent. Unless the intelligence is kind of sadistic. I really don't like the concept of being playthings of a neurotic sadistic god.

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