Who honestly doesn't belive in intelligent design?

Do you believe that...

  • life came from a rock

    Votes: 14 60.9%
  • life came from an intelligent designer

    Votes: 9 39.1%

  • Total voters

What did your god make them from?

Where did your god come from? Who made it?
Another site where you can read what some scientists think may have happened;

Pre-biotic Earth

That explains nothing about how life came about, it only talks about a bunch of chaos and explosions which are purely religious speculations that explain absolutely nothing.

The Light, not trying to set you up to be mocked, honest. But I'm curious. Do you accept evolution as a scientifically-proven fact?
It is now known that the universe had a beginning so therefore life too had a beginning. This begs the question how did it begin and could it start without the information and means with which to be built?

Is a house built without blueprints?
Is a house built without hands to follow the blueprints?
Can a house build itself from raw materials on it's own?

So where did the intelligent designer come from?

Did the intelligent designer build itself from raw materials on it's own?

Where did all the material come from for the big bang? And don't tell me "nothing exploded".

The intelligent designer does not live within "time" but rather is eternal and has no need to be "created".
Another site where you can read what some scientists think may have happened;

Pre-biotic Earth

That explains nothing about how life came about, it only talks about a bunch of chaos and explosions which are purely religious speculations that explain absolutely nothing.

The Light, not trying to set you up to be mocked, honest. But I'm curious. Do you accept evolution as a scientifically-proven fact?

Depends. What is your definition of "evolution"?
That explains nothing about how life came about, it only talks about a bunch of chaos and explosions which are purely religious speculations that explain absolutely nothing.

The Light, not trying to set you up to be mocked, honest. But I'm curious. Do you accept evolution as a scientifically-proven fact?

Depends. What is your definition of "evolution"?

Well, lemme google for one, k?

ev·o·lu·tion (v-lshn, v-)
1. A gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form. See Synonyms at development.
a. The process of developing.
b. Gradual development.
3. Biology
a. Change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, as a result of natural selection acting on the genetic variation among individuals, and resulting in the development of new species.
b. The historical development of a related group of organisms; phylogeny.
4. A movement that is part of a set of ordered movements.
5. Mathematics The extraction of a root of a quantity.

evolution - definition of evolution by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
who, with a functioning brain, would believe in intelligent design?

Once the ID people can explain dinosaurs and stars millions/billions of light years away then we can talk
How can anyone not believe that information cannot come from nothing?

How can anyone belive that life came from a bubbling bath of chemicals and random chance when we know that it is impossible?

How can anyone believe that GOD came from a bubbling bath or chemicals and random change when we KNOW that is impossible?

Intelligent design really offers us absolutely NO answers, either.

God intelligently designed the universe?


Who or what intelligently designed GOD?

See my point?

Debating theology trying to use logic or science is silly.

You either have faith or you don't.

No, actually quite the opposite.

Because an intelligent designer designed the universe, it is quite apparent that there is intelligence of design within our world.

Paul tells us the same thing in Romans 1:

"For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:" -Romans 1:20

On the contrary, it is utterly silly to try to argue for evolutionism and its supporting theories using intelligence, logic and science because it is the exact antithesis of those things. In other words you would be trying to use logic to describe how an illogical series of chaotic events created a human being out of mush using intelligence which came from nowhere. Intelligence cannot and will not ever be observed to come from non intelligence and remains solely in the minds of those who wish it to be so.

You say "Who or what intelligently designed GOD?" which is a perfectly legitimate question as all questions are and should be treated as such. If you would like to observe the answer to that question though, you would have to resort to a means other than those limited to our 4 dimensions.
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who, with a functioning brain, would believe in intelligent design?

Once the ID people can explain dinosaurs and stars millions/billions of light years away then we can talk

That I can do, but you still have not answered mine.

How can intelligence arise from non intelligence and where can I observe this phenomenon occurring today?

How did life come from nothing but lifeless goo?

Why is it we live on a planet perfectly fine tuned for discovering the universe?

Why is it the only known planet that has intelligent observers has the correct sized moon and distance ratio to the sun so that we can discover the composition of our sun during a full eclipse?

Those are just a few...
I think evolution is anything but an illogical series of random events, The Light. In any event, I have difficulty understanding why a religious person would reject evolution. Seems like it should be just the opposite; the complexity and interrelatedness of this Earth is infinite and to me, suggests an infinite Deity.
The Light, not trying to set you up to be mocked, honest. But I'm curious. Do you accept evolution as a scientifically-proven fact?

Depends. What is your definition of "evolution"?

Well, lemme google for one, k?

ev·o·lu·tion (v-lshn, v-)
1. A gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form. See Synonyms at development.
a. The process of developing.
b. Gradual development.
3. Biology
a. Change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, as a result of natural selection acting on the genetic variation among individuals, and resulting in the development of new species.
b. The historical development of a related group of organisms; phylogeny.
4. A movement that is part of a set of ordered movements.
5. Mathematics The extraction of a root of a quantity.

evolution - definition of evolution by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Yes, 1 and 2 I agree with as they are scientifically testable and proven. Number 3, however is a religion based on the hopes and dreams of those that hate the Judeo-Christian G-d and should not be mixed with science. I'm not saying that all those who follow 3 hate G-d, as many have been raised to believe that this is really science.
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It is now known that the universe had a beginning so therefore life too had a beginning. This begs the question how did it begin and could it start without the information and means with which to be built?

Is a house built without blueprints?
Is a house built without hands to follow the blueprints?
Can a house build itself from raw materials on it's own?

So where did the intelligent designer come from?

Did the intelligent designer build itself from raw materials on it's own?

Where did all the material come from for the big bang? And don't tell me "nothing exploded".

The intelligent designer does not live within "time" but rather is eternal and has no need to be "created".

He did a pretty shitty job of "designing". He put the sewer pipe right next to the playground.

So how long did he "sit around" and do nothing until he finally started to "make something"?

All that solitude. I bet he has no social skills.
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3. Biology
a. Change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, as a result of natural selection acting on the genetic variation among individuals, and resulting in the development of new species.

The Light, if you accept the first two definitions as true, doesn't the third logically follow?
How can anyone not believe that information cannot come from nothing?

How can anyone belive that life came from a bubbling bath of chemicals and random chance when we know that it is impossible?
What THING is God???

It is now known that the universe had a beginning so therefore life too had a beginning. This begs the question how did it begin and could it start without the information and means with which to be built?

Is a house built without blueprints?
Is a house built without hands to follow the blueprints?
Can a house build itself from raw materials on it's own?

So where did the intelligent designer come from?

Did the intelligent designer build itself from raw materials on it's own?

Where did all the material come from for the big bang? And don't tell me "nothing exploded".

The intelligent designer does not live within "time" but rather is eternal and has no need to be "created".
I notice you have been avoiding my question!

You said information cannot come from nothing. God, of course, is not a thing therefore you contradict yourself when you say God is the source of information necessary for life.

Regarding what went "bang" at the Big Bang it was all the energy of the universe. It was not energy which began at the Big Bang, according to the First Law of Thermodynamics energy cannot be created or destroyed. All you have done is call energy "God." It was TIME that began at the Big Bang.
It is now known that the universe had a beginning so therefore life too had a beginning. This begs the question how did it begin and could it start without the information and means with which to be built?

Is a house built without blueprints?
Is a house built without hands to follow the blueprints?
Can a house build itself from raw materials on it's own?

So where did the intelligent designer come from?

Did the intelligent designer build itself from raw materials on it's own?

Where did all the material come from for the big bang? And don't tell me "nothing exploded".

The intelligent designer does not live within "time" but rather is eternal and has no need to be "created".

So the intelligent designer is something that came from nothing.

But wait, I thought that was not possible? :confused:
How can anyone not believe that information cannot come from nothing?

How can anyone belive that life came from a bubbling bath of chemicals and random chance when we know that it is impossible?
We do?
How can anyone not believe that information cannot come from nothing?

How can anyone belive that life came from a bubbling bath of chemicals and random chance when we know that it is impossible?

How do you know it's impossible? You can't logically use a conclusion as evidence.
How can anyone not believe that information cannot come from nothing?

How can anyone belive that life came from a bubbling bath of chemicals and random chance when we know that it is impossible?

There are designs, The Light. Most likely, millions of patterns we cannot see. This alone is not proof of God (I don't think God can be proven, strictly speaking). Why would it have been any different millions of years ago?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkGeOWYOFoA]YouTube - Nature by Numbers[/ame]

It is now known that the universe had a beginning so therefore life too had a beginning. This begs the question how did it begin and could it start without the information and means with which to be built?

Is a house built without blueprints?
Is a house built without hands to follow the blueprints?
Can a house build itself from raw materials on it's own?

The blueprints are the Laws of Chemnisdtry and Physics. If there's any design, that's where it is. The rest is evolution with the final design undesignated. It's actually a process which won't end until all life itself ends. Asking if a house can build itself s an illogical question in this context. There are no Laws of Chemistry and Physics which would lead to the creation of a house from raw materials. There are are, however, laws that allow for the formation of amino acids, sugars, fats, purine and pyrimadine bases, phosphates, etc., i.e. everything you need for life including mechanisms for how they could coalesce into a functioning whole.

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