Who I Support for President and Why.


Nov 1, 2012
According to Politifact.com, Obama, made some 500 promises as a Candidate for President. That's a lot of promises to keep and whether or not Politifact.com interpreted every single promise correctly, the aggregate Promised Kept -vs- Promises Broken by the President according to Politifact.com, pretty much tells the story in general about this President's tenure in office during his first term.

Hyper-Partisan Politics in the Political Blogosphere being what it is on the net these days and the Main Stream Media attempt to keep "hot stories" smoldering for as long as they possibly can, even when the fire has long since burned out, will often times result in skewed or slanted readings of history. However, genuine facts are not up for revision and real history cannot be changed. They are the immutable objects that intellectually honest people can refer to in order to obtain proper framework for understanding and to be consistently on the right side of history when all the political fighting dust has long settled back down to earth. So, let's take a look inside Politifact.com evaluation of this current President of the United States.

Politifact.com claims that President Obama, has he's kept 162 promises and broke 56 promises, with 218 either compromised, stalled or still pending. That's 218 combined Presidential Actions (according to Politifact.com) from Obama, as President, that went to the heart of his campaign pledges. That's an 11.2% dynamic failure rate with a 32.4% dynamic success rate, and 282 or 56.4% either compromised, stalled or still pending.

Those are simply the facts of this Administration success and failure. No matter how much the President's rivals attempt to add to his failures, and no matter how much the President's supporters attempt to add to his successes, the history and the facts about what this President has promised and what he's actually accomplished with respect to his campaign promises, cannot be overridden and/or written off as if not to exist. This applies to the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Three outcomes that all Presidents have seen since the down of our Democratic Republic, and the birth of George Washington, as the United States very first Commander in Chief.

This particular President has had critics that have said that his entire Presidency was a failure, even before the end of his first year in office. Those statements are etched in history and can never be omitted, re-written and/or taken away. This particular President, has also had opposition in the United States Congress, who have publicly stated that their only task as legislators, was to make sure that Obama, was a a one term President.

Others in Congress, standing in opposition to the President, have publicly stated that their task is to make sure that the President's agenda for the country fails, despite whether or not the President's policies were good or bad for the country. Yet, others who stand in current opposition to the President's re-election efforts claim that the President has failed in all things, has achieved absolutely no thing of value and has corrupted the very seat of the Office of the Presidency by his merely existence in the White House.

However, if one were to observe actual history, in lieu of actual hyper-partisan rhetoric about the President, then one would have to conclude that a massive amount of accomplishment has indeed been overlooked by many of the President's political adversaries. President Obama's political adversaries, who predicate their arguments on hyper-partisan rhetoric design to win elections, almost never speak about the President's real record from 2008 through 2012.

Despite two (2) ongoing Wars and the nation reaching the point of a Great Economic Recession prior to coming to office, after his inauguration, President Obama, went to work and was able to lead the country through many key levels of accomplishment - some of then were so significant, that historians are already proclaiming them to be Landmark Achievements in the history of the United States of America:

- Created A National Healthcare Framework after 100+ years of Failure
- The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
- Prevented Economic Depression and put a floor under very weak economy
- Cleaned-up TARP I Re-Payments Problems
- Instantiated TARP II and Prevented a Core Financial Institution Meltdown
- Prevented the U.S. Auto Industry from Collapsing and Forced its Restructuring
- Expanded Children's Health Insurance
- Signed the Mathew Sheppard Hate Crimes Act, Senate S.909
- Repealed DADT
- Signed Financial Regulatory Reform
- Signed Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
- Signed The New Post-911 G.I. Bill
- Signed Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure (CARD) Act
- Signed 2010 Hire Act: Tax Breaks for Small Businesses (16 Tax Cuts for Small Businesses)
- Signed 2010 START Treaty & Protocol with Russia
- Ended the War in Iraq
- Ending the War in Afghanistan
- Dealt with Osama Bin Laden in his own home
- Worked with Congress and signed the Transportation & Student Loan Interest Rate Bill, HR 4348

These are some of the major highlights and accomplishments of President Obama, during his first term in office. Whether his self-proclaimed political adversaries wish to accept this reality, this history and these facts or not, is irrelevant when it comes to the facts that history must record. By any definition, this President's first term in office has been nothing short of a miracle and nothing less than a resounding success, given the massive negativity that he had to deal with in the Economy and in a Congress that was publicly committed to seeing him fail. Despite all of that negativity, this President went on to accomplish some fairly amazing things as the nations Executive Officer.

Still, critics of the President will counter by using negative or slow economic data and never once account for the fact that under any President, the economy would have needed time to reach its maximum point of negative inflection at the bottom of a U-Shaped recovery, given the damage that had already been done to the economy, long before President Obama took office.

Other critics lay false blame for the lack of spirited job creation at the door step of Healthcare legislation that has not even been fully implemented and that was tied up in the court system long before it could have an impact on the small businesses they claim would be adversely affected by its existence. These critics of the President claim that National Healthcare, which is partly designed to lower overall costs to the system once fully implemented, thereby helping to reduce the national debt and deficits, was the "cause" for the sluggish recovery. And, they never once tell you that this recovery would be this sluggish, no matter who sat in the White House, simply because of the serious infrastructural damage that was done to our liquidity based economy.

While President Obama's specific Executive accomplishments have been outstanding for a President with or without the harsh realities of a broken economy in need of repair, the President's specific Economic Record related to the Recovery, has been perceptibly slow since 2008. However, much of this slowness in the job recovery is due to the fallout from the instantiation of the 2008 economic implosion that took place, before President Obama came to office:

Research at The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that: BLS

- The Private Sector has added jobs for 32 consecutive months
- More than 5,000,000 new jobs were created (under Obama's Presidency - note added)
- The Unemployment rate went down to 7.8% in September 2012
- Latest Household Survey shows that 873,000 people found employment
- Metropolitan Area Reporting shows a decline in the number of higher unemployment areas surveyed (2011 through Sept 2012)
- Metropolitan Area Reporting shows a decline in the rate of unemployment per area surveyed (2011 through Sept 2012)

Clearly, there is much more that need to be accomplished on the jobs front and like it or not, President Obama, now owns the United States Economy. However, that in no way diminishes the fact that he took on a patient that was on life-support, and gave that patient a second chance at life through prompt and immediate Executive level decisions that no serious economist is now claiming to have been unnecessary.

The facts should be clear. To conclude as many of the President's detractors have concluded, that an economy as massive as our own ($13.3 trillion), would be able to turn on a dime and pivot into a V-Shaped recovery, after having seen Real GDP drop to below -3.0% before the President took office and then below -8.0% shortly after the President assumed office, is simply unrealistic no matter which fiction novel you base the storyline upon. A Real GDP economy that large, throwing of negative growth spike that large, is going to see real tight compression in continue GDP growth for quite some time, before enough jobs are added back to the economy that lost them.

Millions of jobs had been lost by the time President Obama, got to office and hundreds of thousands per month were being lost before he could put any plans for a recovery into place, or do anything to halt the financial industry melt-down, or to restrain the banking crisis, or the foreclosure crisis, or the real threat that the auto industry would be severely damaged and possibly lost forever. During that same time period, an economy as large as ours, had to have room to bottom out before finding a floor upon which is could establish a recovery.

Source: BEA | Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Graph

The Real Problem with the United States Jobs Recovery: American Companies Hoarding Over $5 Trillion in Cash

The real problem with the slowness of the jobs recovery is that many American companies simply refuse to Invest in America and Hire American Workers - Source: The $5 Trillion Stash.

Once again, the United States Mainstream Media has failed to accurately report the problem, as vociferously as it does hyper-partisan political stories that dominate each so-called news cycle. These facts have been known about ever since 2009, and back then the "cash held" in the aggregate figure was estimated at over $5 Trillion. This marks the final quarter of 2012, so one can only guess that the this $5 trillion "cash held" figure has grown substantially. Why? A very significant recovery in the Stock Market took place between 2009 and 2012. The U.S. stock market is now trading once again above the 13,400+ level. So, the post-Great Recession Recovery has worked out tremendously well for Corporations and their respective earnings per share ratios.

So, what happened to the Re-Investment in America - why is real job growth so slow?

The $5 trillion estimated to be held by American Companies, is a figure reported by Reuters (above) but is actually a composite report containing data from the Internal Revenue Service, U.S. Census Bureau and the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics in the year 2009. These reports are from Non-Financial Companies. So, these were not the companies allegedly involved in the TARP I and TARP II rescue. However, it is extremely doubtful that all of them can claim that they did not benefit at least indirectly from TARP I and TARP II, as well as the President's Stimulus Plan.

In either case, these are American Companies for the most part and should be interested in the full recovery of the United States Recovery. If these companies had spend a fraction of their total hoarded cash holdings, the United States would experience near full recovery virtually over night, as the unemployment rates would plummet across the board, consumer confidence would soar and more money would be circulated throughout the entire economy from the the Supply Chain through Retail Point of Sale.

This story has been under-reported, hardly discussed by many and overlooked by most as being the primary causation for holding the economy back into a sluggish recovery profile, when unleashing the power of Investment Capital internally, would do more to solve our economic problems than nearly anything that any President could ever do at this point.

That's a huge component to the back-story that has not been adequately told about President Obama's Record and one that needs to be fully understood in its proper context. Recovery could be over and done with by now, had American Companies simply participated in that recovery, without coming anywhere near depleting all of their cash reserves.
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WTF?! NO ONE wants to read your books of BULLSHIT on here. NO ONE buys that you're an Independent. Like ALL of the other self labeled Independents on this forum, (Except a very rare few, Oddball comes to mind) YOU'RE A CARD CARRYING BEDWETTER.. A liberal Nutter. Quite frankly, SniperFire is correct.. you're an utter bore who likes to hear himself talk.. Go to the bathroom, remove your dentures, gum yourself over to your bed and go nighty night.
Given the state of the nation when Obama took office, and given the behavior of the GOP Congress when it came to obstructing things, I'd give Obama's term a B-.

I'm not especially fond of many of his supposed wins (some of them I am disgust by, actually) but given the political climate, I suppose they're about the best we could have hoped for.

AS to expecting Obama detractors to be able to think about or discuss his performance in the CONTEXT of the state of the nation?

Few of anti_Obamans here on USMB seem to have the intellectual horsepower to think about anything in context.

They're more likely to cling to some bumpersticker logic-less slogan fed to them by the propagandists.

Thinking in context is beyond the ability of most of the players here, sadly

(Edited to add- I see that two anti-Obama players have already pposted while I was composing my post. I note that they've gone out of their way to prove my point about how unlikely it is that your very fine post will to evoke a rational retort. Per usual when faced with facts that they'd rather ignore, they've elected instead to attack the messenger.

Intellectual cowards are like that.
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You bore us, asswipe.

Not if you were standing in front of me right now, you wouldn't. Internet tough guy.

Your biggest problem (and that of others just like you) is that you have no clue who you are and where you are. You have no concept of what the United States of America means, or what its future holds for dinosaurs like you. They will cringe at the fact that society put-up with failures like you and the history books will not even remember your kind ever existed. The world will want nothing to do with your memory.

That is the future for empty suit haters such as yourself. Extinction without memory - so the world can finally reach its true potential without your kind dragging it down into the pits of hell.

Got anything else quasi-smart to say?
You bore us, asswipe.

Not if you were standing in front of me right now, you wouldn't. Internet tough guy.

Your biggest problem (and that of others just like you) is that you have no clue who you are and where you are. You have no concept of what the United States of America means, or what its future holds for dinosaurs like you. They will cringe at the fact that society put-up with failures like you and the history books will not even remember your kind ever existed. The world will want nothing to do with your memory.

That is the future for empty suit haters such as yourself. Extinction without memory - so the world can finally reach its true potential without your kind dragging it down into the pits of hell.

Got anything else quasi-smart to say?

:eusa_shifty::cuckoo: Whoa.. You're definitely a kook..
Given the state of the nation when Obama took office, and given the behavior of the GOP Congress when it came to obstructing things, I'd give Obama's term a B-.

I'm not especially fond of many of his supposed wins (some of them I am disgust by, actually) but given the political climate, I suppose they're about the best we could have hoped for.

AS to expecting Obama detractors to be able to think about or discuss his performance in the CONTEXT of the state of the nation?

Few of anti_Obamans here on USMB seem to have the intellectual horsepower to think about anythings in context.

They're more likely to cling to some bumpersticker logic-less slogan fed to them by the propagandists.

Thinking in context is beyond the ability of most of the players here, sadly

(Edited to add- I see that two anti-Obama players have already pposted while I was composing my post, I see that they've gone out of their way to prove my point about how unlikely you very fine post is to evoke a rational retort)

^^^^Another self labeled Independent who is a librul. ^^^^^ You dummies are sooo transparent. Who honestly gives a shit what you think?! Maybe the new forum Kook?
WTF?! NO ONE wants to read your books of BULLSHIT on here. NO ONE buys that you're an Independent. Like ALL of the other self labeled Independents on this forum, (Except a very rare few, Oddball comes to mind) YOU'RE A CARD CARRYING BEDWETTER.. A liberal Nutter. Quite frankly, SniperFire is correct.. you're an utter bore who likes to hear himself talk.. Go to the bathroom, remove your dentures, gum yourself over to your bed and go nighty night.

Oddball an Inde? I don't think so, he's a wingnut Libertarian.
WTF?! NO ONE wants to read your books of BULLSHIT on here. NO ONE buys that you're an Independent. Like ALL of the other self labeled Independents on this forum, (Except a very rare few, Oddball comes to mind) YOU'RE A CARD CARRYING BEDWETTER.. A liberal Nutter. Quite frankly, SniperFire is correct.. you're an utter bore who likes to hear himself talk.. Go to the bathroom, remove your dentures, gum yourself over to your bed and go nighty night.

Oddball an Inde? I don't think so, he's a wingnut Libertarian.

Yea and Libertarians are the TRUE Independents.
There's little difference between the OP and the red communist that we once fought. Complete power hungry, anti-freedom piece of horse shit.

Worse recovery in the history of this country.
You bore us, asswipe.

Not if you were standing in front of me right now, you wouldn't. Internet tough guy.

Your biggest problem (and that of others just like you) is that you have no clue who you are and where you are. You have no concept of what the United States of America means, or what its future holds for dinosaurs like you. They will cringe at the fact that society put-up with failures like you and the history books will not even remember your kind ever existed. The world will want nothing to do with your memory.

That is the future for empty suit haters such as yourself. Extinction without memory - so the world can finally reach its true potential without your kind dragging it down into the pits of hell.

Got anything else quasi-smart to say?

Sorry princess. I don't swing that way.

This 336th guy is a retard...

and nobody is buying his BS....

From what little of his confused rhetorical meme I deciphered, he admitted Obama had less than a third fulfillment rate on the promises made.

So much for hopey changey.

But that is good enough for him, because Barry is like so handsome and stuff.

- Created A National Healthcare Framework after 100+ years of Failure
- The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
- Prevented Economic Depression and put a floor under very weak economy
- Cleaned-up TARP I Re-Payments Problems
- Instantiated TARP II and Prevented a Core Financial Institution Meltdown
- Prevented the U.S. Auto Industry from Collapsing and Forced its Restructuring
- Expanded Children's Health Insurance
- Signed the Mathew Sheppard Hate Crimes Act, Senate S.909
- Repealed DADT
- Signed Financial Regulatory Reform
- Signed Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
- Signed The New Post-911 G.I. Bill
- Signed Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure (CARD) Act
- Signed 2010 Hire Act: Tax Breaks for Small Businesses (16 Tax Cuts for Small Businesses)
- Signed 2010 START Treaty & Protocol with Russia
- Ended the War in Iraq
- Ending the War in Afghanistan
- Dealt with Osama Bin Laden in his own home
- Worked with Congress and signed the Transportation & Student Loan Interest Rate Bill, HR 4348

1# What's so good about 23% of doctors leaving the profession?
2# O'yes, Tarp JR
3# Bush started it
4# A shitty restructuring that done more harm than good. Don't ever bail out a business when they're making bad policy. Free market.
5# Government pays for your childs health insurance? I thought this was a free market economy not a marxist cuba like nation.
6# WTF is a hate crime? Freedom of speech needs to mean something.
7# I hope no one is having sex within our military. Period. Who cares if they're a fag or normal?
8# Seems to have failed.
9# Another government mandate onto businesses. idiocy.
10# Ok,
11# More centralizing
12# ok,
13# Suicide as russia is renewing their nukes. We're within a world of nukes and that genie will not be put back into the bottle.
14# GOOD
15# Sounds good.
16# GOOD!
17# Sounds like communism
Given the state of the nation when Obama took office, and given the behavior of the GOP Congress when it came to obstructing things, I'd give Obama's term a B-.

I had him at about a solid B, so we are not too far away in real terms. GITMO got lost and thats huge for me personally. I'm also Pro-Life with the exception of Life of Mother and Rape. So, the President and I, don't see level on that issue either. I think the Time Line on Afghanistan, is too long by one (1) year. I know we can redeploy back home from that by 2013. What happens when we leave, is going to happen anyway and there's not much else we can do their.

I know he has natural colleague type nature about him, but I think it hurt him early on by not cutting his losses with a recalcitrant Republican congress, hell bent on a Deny & Lie Campaign against his entire Presidency. But, at the same time, he did get Healthcare, which was huge for the country, though I think portions of it need to be optimized during implementation.

I'm supporting him, but I need to see a lot more aggression on setting up a Clinton'esk type Tax Incentive Program for small to medium business that hire and/or make serious capital investments into new technology. Our old economic model is dead and buried. He's going to have to find a way to spearhead the new energy technology economy, which is the only thing on the immediate horizon that provides the kind of economic drivers that we'll need to right the GDP ship in real terms. New energy tech is also the only thing in sight capable of producing a jobs surplus, which is very doable, but investments have to be made right now in order to get it done.

I want to see him do something about that Public/Private Partnership on a new energy technology consortium that he talked about during his campaign, where both sectors (public/private) start working together on developing some of these new technologies of the future related to energy consumption, generation and distribution. If we collect the patents on that, we then have something real to export and that's when the economy scales up into a real jobs surplus condition.

That's a heck of a lot of work to do in four (4) years, but if these Mid Tier Business stop using the deficit as an excuse not to invest here at home, those 15 million unemployed could be wiped away virtually (seemingly) overnight. The private sector is going to have to step-up and participate in the recovery, and not wait for the perfect storm love affair in Congress to magically appear.

At the same time, if we are really serious about this, then we are going to have to Cut Spending and Raise Taxes, both at the same time. Obama, had both of those components, though we are going to have to see about the spending cuts side of the equation. If done right, that should be enough of a signal to industry worried about debt/deficit to start re-investing in capital equipment and jobs again. Add that to a healthy Tax Incentive Program for companies that hire, retain and innovate - and you end up with a very nice recovery to look forward to, as we build-out the foundation for a new energy tech economy.

The bottom line is that we have massive structural debt problems still looming, coupled to no real NextGen Economic Drivers to boost real GDP. That's a huge problem, especially with an economy this weak. So, we do have enough new energy tech drivers available to us that are out of the pure R&D phase, but we don't yet have a real strategic thought process for how to deploy and monetize it. That's why we need those Consortia working on solving those issues day and night.

We literally have to transform our whole economy. We simply have no choice. Pure oil long-term is just the wrong direction. However, the trillions of BTUs still in the ground just here in the U.S., will provide resistance to the development of the new energy tech economic model.

AS to expecting Obama detractors to be able to think about or discuss his performance in the CONTEXT of the state of the nation?

Exactly. The "context" makes all the difference and given that, I'm actually surprised that he's been able to accomplish what he did. Few Presidents have had completely restructured economies to content with at the start. Roosevelt, had the war but he also had an under developed national infrastructure to start to build into as well - so his context was significantly different and the two dominant industries back then were Oil, Steel and still Rail to a large degree. We will never have those kinds of infrastructural dynamics (opportunities) again, until we get serious about a National High Speed Rail System, both above and underground, IMO.

Thinking in context is beyond the ability of most of the players here, sadly

I sort of got that feeling when I initially scanned the forum. That's ok, however. I'm just talking some time off for the election before I get back to my business and the work that it entails.

Nice chatting with you! :)
If factually incorrect were a currency, you'd actually be in my tax bracket - which is the same tax bracket as the Multiple Personality Candidate that you currently support. Of course being factually incorrect probably won't matter to some of you circus clowns.

1# What's so good about 23% of doctors leaving the profession?


Not one of them can you attribute to the Affordable Healthcare Act. AAMC's 2008 survey shows that medical student enrollment for 2013 is projected at over 21%, and close to 30% by 2017/2018. Of the 125 accredited medical schools in the U.S., a full 90% of them are preparing for an increase in enrollment through 2017.

2# O'yes, Tarp JR


ARRA is not TARP in any form whatsoever. A little homework would have educated you on that fact. CBO estimates that real GDP rose, unemployment decreased and NFP increased as a direct result of ARRA. Source: CBO Analysis of ARRA.

3# Bush started it


Bush 43 presided over and watched as it happened, the economic implosion of 2008. He could not have done anything to put a floor under the economy, as the negative economic momentum was still carrying through the Obama 44 first two years in office. So, it is impossible for Bush 43 to have put a floor under that which is still has negative economic growth.

4# A shitty restructuring that done more harm than good. Don't ever bail out a business when they're making bad policy. Free market.


Receipts from TARP I were slow, inaccurate and improperly accounted for. President Obama, brought transparency and accountability to the program that was not there under Bush 43. He put restrictions on TARP participant CEO compensation and dividend payment. He got lending going again for small businesses, auto purchases and municipalities. He instituted fundamental program oversight that was lacking. He engaged and began building a program to prevent further foreclosure for those impacted by the crisis and he began the process of setting-up an exit strategy for the government. All things that were not done and needed to be done under Bush 43, Obama saw the need an took the issues to task.

It was the so-called "Free Market" that ran under-regulated and improperly regulated, that got us into this mess. So, what rocket scientist would ever think that allowing the "Free Market" to take care of things, would somehow get us out? Do you think about these things before you type them - or do you type first and think later?

Now can you link to a single reliable source that demonstrates and example of what you claim, that somehow bringing structure and responsibility to TARP I, made it worse?

5# Government pays for your childs health insurance? I thought this was a free market economy not a marxist cuba like nation.


No nation will ever be greater than its weakest link and performance always returns to the mean. A nation that call itself "A city of a thousand lights upon a hill," should be ashamed of itself by not making certain that all of its citizens had at last basic access to healthcare, especially the Children of that "great" nation.

6# WTF is a hate crime? Freedom of speech needs to mean something.


A hate crime would be instantiated if I walked over to you, picked you up off your feet and jack hammered your head into the ground, merely because I can bench-press 365lbs and had the physical ability to dominate you anyway I saw fit AND because I did not like the color of your skin and said so while driving your head into the concrete floor.

THAT is a hate crime. Do you understand what a hate crime is now?

7# I hope no one is having sex within our military. Period. Who cares if they're a fag or normal?


Could you possibly be more irrelevant in your replies?

8# Seems to have failed.


Can you do more than post unverifiable drivel and start backing up your wild climbs of failure?

You people have been drinking the coo-laid far too long on Obama's Presidency being a failure. So, when you are confronted with facts that demonstrate your entire line of irrational thinking on the matter, you have a fit and hardly know what to do with yourselves.

Post a link that demonstrates this failure? I dare you?

9# Another government mandate onto businesses. idiocy.

Idiocy, is not being able to keep a simple numbered list count in your reply! You are replying to items OUT of order.

Post a link to another government mandate? Have you convinced yourselves that simply repeating the same, tired, baseless claims, that you are somehow going to make them come true - even without evidence to support your claim?

Post the FACTS, if you dare? Everything you see in the OP is a KNOWN and verifiable fact. At least have the common courtesy to do the same.

13# Suicide as russia is renewing their nukes. We're within a world of nukes and that genie will not be put back into the bottle.

Your level of understanding about international affairs is completely lacking. We don't sign START and then not verify the completion of work. It is an agreement, where the elements of the agreement are verifiable.

We may not be able to re-cork bottle - but there is absolutely nothing wrong with trying, given what's at stake and given the positive relationship byproduct that is a naturally inspiring and motivating factor for doing even more the next time. It is just very good diplomacy and something the President should be doing, Right or Left.

17# Sounds like communism

Which is lightweight speak for: I never read the Bill, so I don't know what's in the Act.

You've been a great contestant but you have failed miserably to counter the weight of the OP. The OP stands as written and unchanged by your frolicking dither of a reply.

Drop another quarter and try again, Sherlock. :eusa_angel:

What a flippin' joke!!!

I find it interesting that all you seem to offer is blithering idiocy stacked on top of ignorant twitter like commentary, but you never engage on the merits. What kind of yellow coward are? You see the OP, Einstein. Get to it and offer up some intelligible rebuttal on the merits, if you have the ability to do so.

Or, just sit back and send cute little Tweets to your fan club, if that slaps you the right way and tickles your drip. But, whatever you do - don't EVER attempt to demonstrate your intellect in an OP of mine - else you become exposed for knowing nothing whatsoever about anything worthwhile.

How am I doing? Did that hit the nail squarely?

Either put up some intelligent counter dialog - or admit that your entire Deny & Lie Campaign against a President who took an economy that YOUR previous vote helped to bring its knees, and actually did something positive with his four (4) years in office. Your problem is that highly deluded people such as yourself, have created an alternate reality and you have made the conscious decision to live in that messed up world for so long, that you can't tell 3 O'Clock from 9 O'Clock anymore.

You've been so hooked on the drug of Delusion and Hypocrisy, that you can't even sniff the real deal when its sitting right under your wet, runny nose. You are so incredibly screwed-up in the head, that all you see it hate and your own stupidity glaring back at you in the mirror each day you garner the courage to actual use one.

Either crawl back into the lowbrow hole you climbed out of today, or get your ass in gear and DEBATE the what this President has ACTUALLY done! Not the crap you've been brainwashed with while listening to Rush Oxycontin Limbaugh, or what your left and right hemisphere have been intoxicated with while watching Phoocks Snooze, but the man's REAL RECORD as President and Commander In Chief.

THAT is what this thread is about.
I can see all the right wing whack jobs on here scratching their ass and licking their fingers trying to figure out what the fuk to say to your retorts. Fine job.

To bad there are not any right wingers on here that can expound upon the ideas of the right wing in a way that you wouldn't eat them alive. Would be a fun read.

Instead. You will be attacked for stating facts. As usual.

But please carry on. You should of logged on weeks ago.

Hey, do you do "global warming"?

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