Who, in the future, is gonna reduce our national debt?


VIP Member
Jan 7, 2012
Forget the current politicians for a minute. And forget Paul and his son too (since this thread will just turn into a fight).

Do you see anyone on the horizon that could potentially lead us out of our financial mess? I understand that it would have to be a joint effort by Congress and the Presidency but wanted to know if there was anyone out there that even has a chance of saving us from the massive debt that hangs around all of our necks. Do you see anyone that is fiscally responsible?
Forget the current politicians for a minute. And forget Paul and his son too (since this thread will just turn into a fight).

Do you see anyone on the horizon that could potentially lead us out of our financial mess? I understand that it would have to be a joint effort by Congress and the Presidency but wanted to know if there was anyone out there that even has a chance of saving us from the massive debt that hangs around all of our necks. Do you see anyone that is fiscally responsible?

Not a soul.

How far will the debt take us?................ All the way to the crash.

The US will be screwing someone over, mainly us.

“The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy.”
― Oscar Wilde

And this trend will continue until we either drive the wheels off or the people ditch the neoconserative imperial agenda and the neosocialist entitlement agenda. I don't see that happening any time soon. It's a shame, but there are ways to insulate yourself from the inevitable economic trouble this country is in for.
We have to get the monied interests out of our politics first. As long as there are lobbyists...ain't gonna happen.
Forget the current politicians for a minute. And forget Paul and his son too (since this thread will just turn into a fight).

Do you see anyone on the horizon that could potentially lead us out of our financial mess? I understand that it would have to be a joint effort by Congress and the Presidency but wanted to know if there was anyone out there that even has a chance of saving us from the massive debt that hangs around all of our necks. Do you see anyone that is fiscally responsible?

Superb question on a draconian topic. I've been debating and exchanging on this on a non public NASA forum for paydown at some point.

But it is now to a point that one must see what this number is.

$15,219,833,880,095 as of this morning.

15,219,833,880,095 seconds is 491,175.52 years

At one million dollars a second paydown, it is till going to take 200 years to pay down this debt.

We must pay this down to zero ASAP and get balanced, for we shall fade into oblivion if not. The Big Herd must look at this as their own debt in the sense of preserving the republic.

It would be tragic to let The Great Idea, fade into oblivion due to a bounced check to ourselves. With this, 72% of the planet would fade into darkness with us. We are the engine, for the long view.

We must hail the speed break, and get into black territory, or we are doomed to a mirage of what we were.


that would mean that a majority of us would have to start voting only for fiscally responsible people (regardless of party). do you see that happening?

The majority voted Bill Clinton into Office.

He began to reduce the debt with the 1993 budget reduction act.


Then the republican party cheated in 2000 to win the election.

Now you wnt to blame the American people for what they didnt vote for?

that would mean that a majority of us would have to start voting only for fiscally responsible people (regardless of party). do you see that happening?

The majority voted Bill Clinton into Office.

He began to reduce the debt with the 1993 budget reduction act.


Then the republican party cheated in 2000 to win the election.

Now you wnt to blame the American people for what they didnt vote for?

i think you answered my question regarding getting a bipartisan majority to only vote for fiscally responsible people.
Forget the current politicians for a minute. And forget Paul and his son too (since this thread will just turn into a fight).

Do you see anyone on the horizon that could potentially lead us out of our financial mess? I understand that it would have to be a joint effort by Congress and the Presidency but wanted to know if there was anyone out there that even has a chance of saving us from the massive debt that hangs around all of our necks. Do you see anyone that is fiscally responsible?

Paul and possibly his son are among the few that would reduce the debt.

I'd add Gary Johnson and possibly Huntsman too.

There may be others, but it sure as hell ain't any of the frontrunners in the current race.

Don't forget, you need a compliant congress too. The Presidency is not enough.

that would mean that a majority of us would have to start voting only for fiscally responsible people (regardless of party). do you see that happening?

The majority voted Bill Clinton into Office.

He began to reduce the debt with the 1993 budget reduction act.


Then the republican party cheated in 2000 to win the election.

Now you wnt to blame the American people for what they didnt vote for?

You lying piece of shit.
Are you surprised, full-auto? She doesn't even understand the republic we ha......d (I wish I could say have).
Thread about which party has the prettiest girls = 196 replies

This thread = 13 replies

and we blame the politicians for the fiscal mess we're in.
For some reason it's very hard to get someone in that fiscally responsible. Since it takes a majority of reps in Congress to control the purse strings, that's the most important. The harder part is keeping them focused on it and not wandering off to do some social caca that means so little just to keep themselves busy.

As far as the future goes.. Cristi would be a good Pres and possibly Jindahl.
Bill Gates, Steve Jobs (RIP), Jack Welch, every small business owner in America, the Financial sector....

Economic growth paired with restrained inflation will get our debt under control.
^^ Ditto, on the second point anyway. The only way to get the debt sustainable is to promote growth and yes - inflating your way out of debt to some degree.
Paul Ryan

I agree. With a free hand Ryan could straighten this mess out. I doubt he would get that free hand though.

Entitlements are the elephant in the room and none of the Clowns in DC, except for Ryan, want to touch the hot potatoe. None of them want to make the hard choices.

With the wars ending they will also cut the military, boots on the ground, big time. More folks coming home to no jobs.

This country is in one big mess and the Clowns we keep electing to govern are more concerned with themselves than they are the taxpayers of America.

There is no bottomless pit of money and one has to wonder if the Clowns in DC realize that??

My guess is No.

“The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy.”
― Oscar Wilde

And this trend will continue until we either drive the wheels off or the people ditch the neoconserative imperial agenda and the neosocialist entitlement agenda. I don't see that happening any time soon. It's a shame, but there are ways to insulate yourself from the inevitable economic trouble this country is in for.

Yea, there are. I haven't taken a hit through the recession.... why? Because I invest wisely.

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