Who, in the future, is gonna reduce our national debt?

that would mean that a majority of us would have to start voting only for fiscally responsible people (regardless of party). do you see that happening?

The majority voted Bill Clinton into Office.

He began to reduce the debt with the 1993 budget reduction act.


Then the republican party cheated in 2000 to win the election.

Now you wnt to blame the American people for what they didnt vote for?

You lying piece of shit.

I can back every line of that with cold hard documented facts.

“The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy.”
― Oscar Wilde

And this trend will continue until we either drive the wheels off or the people ditch the neoconserative imperial agenda and the neosocialist entitlement agenda. I don't see that happening any time soon. It's a shame, but there are ways to insulate yourself from the inevitable economic trouble this country is in for.

Yea, there are. I haven't taken a hit through the recession.... why? Because I invest wisely.


and a funky little jet
Bill Gates, Steve Jobs (RIP), Jack Welch, every small business owner in America, the Financial sector....

Economic growth paired with restrained inflation will get our debt under control.

I would agree, however unless spending is brought under control it will never happen.

Boehner and the GOP just folded on payroll tax cuts.

You didnt need SS or does anyone else.
The debt will be reduced when we're on the cusp of a Greek style default.
Forget the current politicians for a minute. And forget Paul and his son too (since this thread will just turn into a fight).

Do you see anyone on the horizon that could potentially lead us out of our financial mess? I understand that it would have to be a joint effort by Congress and the Presidency but wanted to know if there was anyone out there that even has a chance of saving us from the massive debt that hangs around all of our necks. Do you see anyone that is fiscally responsible?

Chris Christie, Bobby Jindal, Paul Ryan....the list goes on.
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Forget the current politicians for a minute. And forget Paul and his son too (since this thread will just turn into a fight).

Do you see anyone on the horizon that could potentially lead us out of our financial mess? I understand that it would have to be a joint effort by Congress and the Presidency but wanted to know if there was anyone out there that even has a chance of saving us from the massive debt that hangs around all of our necks. Do you see anyone that is fiscally responsible?

What they should do is print enough money to pay it. Then they should rework the IRS system of taxation taking out all the loopholes that rich people and corporations use to avoid taxation. Then a strict "balanced budget" amendment should be added to the constitution which absolutely makes it impossible to go in debt. Don't hold your breath.
None, gov't will never be fixed and a revolution isn't possible.

So basically enjoy your family and friends and the other good aspects of life, knowing in the back of your mind gov't is going to just keep fucking you over more and more every year without any ability to fix it.
Forget the current politicians for a minute. And forget Paul and his son too (since this thread will just turn into a fight).

Do you see anyone on the horizon that could potentially lead us out of our financial mess? I understand that it would have to be a joint effort by Congress and the Presidency but wanted to know if there was anyone out there that even has a chance of saving us from the massive debt that hangs around all of our necks. Do you see anyone that is fiscally responsible?

What they should do is print enough money to pay it. Then they should rework the IRS system of taxation taking out all the loopholes that rich people and corporations use to avoid taxation. Then a strict "balanced budget" amendment should be added to the constitution which absolutely makes it impossible to go in debt. Don't hold your breath.

They could take care of it with one swipe of the pen, do away with the fed and go back to the gold standard.
Paul Ryan
Uhhhhhhh.....you mean Herr Ryan, don't you???


"How the GOP came to view the poor as parasites...."



"All we need, now, are the boxcars."

I know it sounds scary to you guys, and rightfully so. Should common sense legislation be passed it would help lift millions off of welfare and put them back to work "The best way of paying down the debt", and the left would lose a huge chunk of there voting block. Keep fear mongering though, people are waking up to these tactics and are getting tired of them.
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What they should do is print enough money to pay it. Then they should rework the IRS system of taxation taking out all the loopholes that rich people and corporations use to avoid taxation. Then a strict "balanced budget" amendment should be added to the constitution which absolutely makes it impossible to go in debt. Don't hold your breath.

How stupid are you, anyway? Print enough money? Name one fucking country in the history of the world that's been able to pull that off, and I'll personally kiss your ass.

Google the Wiemar Republic and hyper-inflation, jackass!
What they should do is print enough money to pay it. Then they should rework the IRS system of taxation taking out all the loopholes that rich people and corporations use to avoid taxation. Then a strict "balanced budget" amendment should be added to the constitution which absolutely makes it impossible to go in debt. Don't hold your breath.

How stupid are you, anyway? Print enough money? Name one fucking country in the history of the world that's been able to pull that off, and I'll personally kiss your ass.

Google the Wiemar Republic and hyper-inflation, jackass!


As far as the inflation index, we use skewed numbers now.
Paul Ryan
Uhhhhhhh.....you mean Herr Ryan, don't you???


"How the GOP came to view the poor as parasites...."



"All we need, now, are the boxcars."

I know it sounds scary to you guys, and rightfully so. Should common sense legislation be passed it would help lift millions off of welfare and put them back to work "The best way of paying down the debt", and the left would lose as huge chunk of there voting block.
What they should do is print enough money to pay it. Then they should rework the IRS system of taxation taking out all the loopholes that rich people and corporations use to avoid taxation. Then a strict "balanced budget" amendment should be added to the constitution which absolutely makes it impossible to go in debt. Don't hold your breath.

How stupid are you, anyway? Print enough money? Name one fucking country in the history of the world that's been able to pull that off, and I'll personally kiss your ass.

Google the Wiemar Republic and hyper-inflation, jackass!

We could do it. Hell....the administration gave nearly a trillion to the goddam banks then about 2010 the Fed circulated an additional $3 trillion through the banks. If we pay our debt with American dollars nobody in the world would question it. It admittedly would devalue the dollar some and cause some inflation but we could do it.
What they should do is print enough money to pay it. Then they should rework the IRS system of taxation taking out all the loopholes that rich people and corporations use to avoid taxation. Then a strict "balanced budget" amendment should be added to the constitution which absolutely makes it impossible to go in debt. Don't hold your breath.

How stupid are you, anyway? Print enough money? Name one fucking country in the history of the world that's been able to pull that off, and I'll personally kiss your ass.

Google the Wiemar Republic and hyper-inflation, jackass!

The shame of it is, those who need to understand the Wiemar Republic are the ones who will never google it... and if they do, they won't understand it.

If left to the Cammmmpy's of this country, we'll end up like Zimbabwe.

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