Who incites more Palestinian hatred: Abbas or Netanyahu?

Strange, isn't it, how much time and effort is given to attempt to show a tiny little country in such a bad light when there is so much happening elsewhere that is truly horrendous. They remind me of clergy in the Muslim world getting up on step against Israel to incite their listeners. Anyhow, getting back to the thread title, no one is mentioning those horrible videos that the Palestinian children are shown on T.V. If this doesn't incite them to hate the Jews, I don't know what would. Civilized countries show Sesame Street and Barney, not teaching kids to become martyrs by killing the Jews.

Actually, if you go to the link to read the entire article, it was mentioned albeit in a general way - what the author put forth however, was that (though he rightfully condemned things like their media and textbooks) it was not the primary cause of the hatred and anger, according to the average Palestinians he talked to.

Let's face it, Coyote, a lot of this hatred is incited against the Jews and Israel by the clergy, even in cxountries where there are no Jews living there. The bottom line is, regardless if it is the Pawlestinians or any other group of Arabs and Muslims, they do not want to see the Jews governing one tiny piece of land in the Middle East. Perhaps you can tell us why there was no hatred and anger against Jordan and Egypt when these countries were administering the area. I don't think the "Palestinians" were clamoring for a state then.

Well Sally, unlike most of us - the author of this article actually talked to the average Palestinian and got their opinion. I think that counts for something.
Actually, if you go to the link to read the entire article, it was mentioned albeit in a general way - what the author put forth however, was that (though he rightfully condemned things like their media and textbooks) it was not the primary cause of the hatred and anger, according to the average Palestinians he talked to.

Let's face it, Coyote, a lot of this hatred is incited against the Jews and Israel by the clergy, even in cxountries where there are no Jews living there. The bottom line is, regardless if it is the Pawlestinians or any other group of Arabs and Muslims, they do not want to see the Jews governing one tiny piece of land in the Middle East. Perhaps you can tell us why there was no hatred and anger against Jordan and Egypt when these countries were administering the area. I don't think the "Palestinians" were clamoring for a state then.

Well Sally, unlike most of us - the author of this article actually talked to the average Palestinian and got their opinion. I think that counts for something.

Oh, how nice that the reporter, who no doubt is a Leftist writing for that Leftist newspaper, actually spoke to the "average" Palestinian. Perhaps the reporter shouold take his show on the road and speak to the "average" Muslims in the Muslim world and even the Muslims now residing in Europe, America, and Canada and see what they have to say about Israel even though many of them have never met an Israeli or "Palestinian" in their entire life. By the way, can you tell us why these "Palestinians" weren't clamoring for a state when the Egyptians and Jordanians were administering the areas? What is your own opinion about this?
Let's face it, Coyote, a lot of this hatred is incited against the Jews and Israel by the clergy, even in cxountries where there are no Jews living there. The bottom line is, regardless if it is the Pawlestinians or any other group of Arabs and Muslims, they do not want to see the Jews governing one tiny piece of land in the Middle East. Perhaps you can tell us why there was no hatred and anger against Jordan and Egypt when these countries were administering the area. I don't think the "Palestinians" were clamoring for a state then.

Well Sally, unlike most of us - the author of this article actually talked to the average Palestinian and got their opinion. I think that counts for something.

Oh, how nice that the reporter, who no doubt is a Leftist writing for that Leftist newspaper, actually spoke to the "average" Palestinian. Perhaps the reporter shouold take his show on the road and speak to the "average" Muslims in the Muslim world and even the Muslims now residing in Europe, America, and Canada and see what they have to say about Israel even though many of them have never met an Israeli or "Palestinian" in their entire life. By the way, can you tell us why these "Palestinians" weren't clamoring for a state when the Egyptians and Jordanians were administering the areas? What is your own opinion about this?

My opinion, Sally, is concerned with the OP :)

The I/P conflict has been going on for a long time, and it's lack of resolution has led to increased instability in the ME over time and given added fuel to terrorism around the area. Understanding the legitimate feelings that lie behind it on both sides might be more helpful towards coming to solutions than your commendable efforts at redirecting the conversation to other parts of the world or other conflicts.
Actually, if you go to the link to read the entire article, it was mentioned albeit in a general way - what the author put forth however, was that (though he rightfully condemned things like their media and textbooks) it was not the primary cause of the hatred and anger, according to the average Palestinians he talked to.

Let's face it, Coyote, a lot of this hatred is incited against the Jews and Israel by the clergy, even in cxountries where there are no Jews living there. The bottom line is, regardless if it is the Pawlestinians or any other group of Arabs and Muslims, they do not want to see the Jews governing one tiny piece of land in the Middle East. Perhaps you can tell us why there was no hatred and anger against Jordan and Egypt when these countries were administering the area. I don't think the "Palestinians" were clamoring for a state then.

Well Sally, unlike most of us - the author of this article actually talked to the average Palestinian and got their opinion. I think that counts for something.

Even if those opinions are warped and twisted by the brainwashing they have received, plus the fact that a hamas goon is stood there with a gun cocked and loaded pressing into their guts. We have all heard of the threats to foreign news crews who try and report the truth, and how they have to leave very fast because of the death threats.
Well Sally, unlike most of us - the author of this article actually talked to the average Palestinian and got their opinion. I think that counts for something.

Oh, how nice that the reporter, who no doubt is a Leftist writing for that Leftist newspaper, actually spoke to the "average" Palestinian. Perhaps the reporter shouold take his show on the road and speak to the "average" Muslims in the Muslim world and even the Muslims now residing in Europe, America, and Canada and see what they have to say about Israel even though many of them have never met an Israeli or "Palestinian" in their entire life. By the way, can you tell us why these "Palestinians" weren't clamoring for a state when the Egyptians and Jordanians were administering the areas? What is your own opinion about this?

My opinion, Sally, is concerned with the OP :)

I actually thought you were talking to me when you say Well, Sally..........." so I responeded in kind. You mean you don't even want to hazard a guess as to why these "Palestinians" weren't clamoring for a state when they were administered by other Arabs. Surely you must have an opinion about this.
Good point.

And in addition, Coyote and Sally, I just finished reading an article (too bad it was in Hebrew, I'd like it to be in English so I could post it here, I can bring the Hebrew link for you to translate) that spoke about social problems among Israeli social groups (human rights groups, and other social groups that are majority ruled by the leftist movement). Turns out, hardly surprising, that among those groups, who are calling for equal justice for Jews and Non-Jews in Israel, to fight the "discrimination" between Palestinians and Israelis, there is a huge and NOTICEABLE discrimination of women and minority groups INSIDE those organizations.

I find ironic, fuming, not to mention hypocritical, that a group which calls to respect Palestinian right doesn't give jobs to Palestinian women, simply for being women. Human rights groups and ditch Ethiopians, Russians people with disability, simply for being what they are.

And who fund and push those groups forward? The ones who later on calls to bring down the democratic leadership which was fairly voted by the masses?

For some reason, I find it wrong.

Can you find a translation and post it as a topic? Sounds interesting - but I don't know how good things like online translations work.

Uhhh, I'm not sureeee.....

Here's the original link in hebrew,

ynet מוסר כפול: עוזרים לפלסטי×*ים ומפלים ×*שים - כלכלה

try this translation=

www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-4474679,00.html - Translator

Thanks Lipush - the translator worked pretty well with a few oddities - I might see if I can make a topic out of this as well, it's interesting :)
Oh, how nice that the reporter, who no doubt is a Leftist writing for that Leftist newspaper, actually spoke to the "average" Palestinian. Perhaps the reporter shouold take his show on the road and speak to the "average" Muslims in the Muslim world and even the Muslims now residing in Europe, America, and Canada and see what they have to say about Israel even though many of them have never met an Israeli or "Palestinian" in their entire life. By the way, can you tell us why these "Palestinians" weren't clamoring for a state when the Egyptians and Jordanians were administering the areas? What is your own opinion about this?

My opinion, Sally, is concerned with the OP :)

I actually thought you were talking to me when you say Well, Sally..........." so I responeded in kind. You mean you don't even want to hazard a guess as to why these "Palestinians" weren't clamoring for a state when they were administered by other Arabs. Surely you must have an opinion about this.

Not really Sally, because you are talking about a situation that existed in another era - with the partitiioning of the Middle East, subsequent dissolution of the British Mandate, a war or two, Pan-Arab nationalism, Zionism as a political and military power, etc etc. You want a simplistic opinion on a complicated period of history and I'm not going to give it to you. Do your own research and start a thread if you desire opinions. :)

What is your opinion on why Palestinians hate Israeli's so much? Do you really think the occuation and the daily humiliations and abuses that occur under it have little to do with it?
My opinion, Sally, is concerned with the OP :)

I actually thought you were talking to me when you say Well, Sally..........." so I responeded in kind. You mean you don't even want to hazard a guess as to why these "Palestinians" weren't clamoring for a state when they were administered by other Arabs. Surely you must have an opinion about this.

Not really Sally, because you are talking about a situation that existed in another era - with the partitiioning of the Middle East, subsequent dissolution of the British Mandate, a war or two, Pan-Arab nationalism, Zionism as a political and military power, etc etc. You want a simplistic opinion on a complicated period of history and I'm not going to give it to you. Do your own research and start a thread if you desire opinions. :)

What is your opinion on why Palestinians hate Israeli's so much? Do you really think the occuation and the daily humiliations and abuses that occur under it have little to do with it?

My goodness, there are daily humiliations in the Muslim world against those Christians and even Muslims of different sects that are much worse than you think the "Palestinians" experience by the Israelis, and yet the Muslims around the world are not speaking up about these humiliations. It is only when it comes to the Jews governing a tiny piece of real estate that they have a fit. Regardless of you saying "this was another era," the bottom line is that these "Palestinians" apparently had no problems with other Arabs governing them, but when the Israeli Jews started administering the areas, they couldn't stand it. After all, the Jews were supposed to be the dhimmis along with other non Muslims in the Muslim world and not the ones who should be governing anything. When the Jews started administering the areas they built schools, hospitals, and clinics for these people, put in infrastructure, gave them innoculations for infectious diseases which they naver had before, increased their life expectancy and gave them one of the highest standards of living in the Middle East. They certainly didn't get this from their fellow Arabs administering the areas and yet were not clamoring for a state.

Haaretz is a leftist newspaper but they do raise some good points. I always try to look at things from the others' point of view.

What you say is true. However, it seems that all around the world the Muslims are having a fit about the Palestinians because it involves the Jews, but yet they care nothing about what Muslims are doing to non Muslims (especally when it comes to murdering them en masse) and even to other Muslims, nor do they care that China occupies Tibet or that Turkey occupies a part of Cyprus.

Here we go again. Sally wants the Jews of Israel to get a free moral pass because others are stealing and subjugating other peoples lives, culture and lands.

What a sorry soul.
Haaretz is a leftist newspaper but they do raise some good points. I always try to look at things from the others' point of view.

What you say is true. However, it seems that all around the world the Muslims are having a fit about the Palestinians because it involves the Jews, but yet they care nothing about what Muslims are doing to non Muslims (especally when it comes to murdering them en masse) and even to other Muslims, nor do they care that China occupies Tibet or that Turkey occupies a part of Cyprus.

Here we go again. Sally wants the Jews of Israel to get a free moral pass because others are stealing and subjugating other peoples lives, culture and lands.

What a sorry soul.

Oh, Dhimwit Pbel, the sorry soul is you. as it has always been. What a fine Dhimmi you are going to make. No one says that Israel is perfect, the same as no country is perfect, but you only seem to have problems with this country and Israel and are not concerned with what is happening in other countries in the Middle East where so many atrocities are being carried out. Instead of you jumping in to blame Israel once again as is your habit, how about carrying out a relief effort in Boston to help the over one million refugees from the Syrian Civil War?
What you say is true. However, it seems that all around the world the Muslims are having a fit about the Palestinians because it involves the Jews, but yet they care nothing about what Muslims are doing to non Muslims (especally when it comes to murdering them en masse) and even to other Muslims, nor do they care that China occupies Tibet or that Turkey occupies a part of Cyprus.

Here we go again. Sally wants the Jews of Israel to get a free moral pass because others are stealing and subjugating other peoples lives, culture and lands.

What a sorry soul.

Oh, Dhimwit Pbel, the sorry soul is you. as it has always been. What a fine Dhimmi you are going to make. No one says that Israel is perfect, the same as no country is perfect, but you only seem to have problems with this country and Israel and are not concerned with what is happening in other countries in the Middle East where so many atrocities are being carried out. Instead of you jumping in to blame Israel once again as is your habit, how about carrying out a relief effort in Boston to help the over one million refugees from the Syrian Civil War?

The only Dim Wits are people on this board who try to convince the board with lies...Other people's Civil Wars to free themselves from oppressive governments are no comparison to European Zionists who have disposed and entire culture by stealing their property because of German atrocities...

You Dhimwit will never be able to change that fact.
Here we go again. Sally wants the Jews of Israel to get a free moral pass because others are stealing and subjugating other peoples lives, culture and lands.

What a sorry soul.

Oh, Dhimwit Pbel, the sorry soul is you. as it has always been. What a fine Dhimmi you are going to make. No one says that Israel is perfect, the same as no country is perfect, but you only seem to have problems with this country and Israel and are not concerned with what is happening in other countries in the Middle East where so many atrocities are being carried out. Instead of you jumping in to blame Israel once again as is your habit, how about carrying out a relief effort in Boston to help the over one million refugees from the Syrian Civil War?

The only Dim Wits are people on this board who try to convince the board with lies...Other people's Civil Wars to free themselves from oppressive governments are no comparison to European Zionists who have disposed and entire culture by stealing their property because of German atrocities...

You Dhimwit will never be able to change that fact.

Don't worry, Mr. Dhimmi. The readers on this forum who have read you elsewhere for years realize that you are not concerned with the Arabs in other Middle East countries, no matter how many thousands and thousands have been killed because you can't blame the Jews for their murders. I don't know who you think you are fooling.
Oh, Dhimwit Pbel, the sorry soul is you. as it has always been. What a fine Dhimmi you are going to make. No one says that Israel is perfect, the same as no country is perfect, but you only seem to have problems with this country and Israel and are not concerned with what is happening in other countries in the Middle East where so many atrocities are being carried out. Instead of you jumping in to blame Israel once again as is your habit, how about carrying out a relief effort in Boston to help the over one million refugees from the Syrian Civil War?

The only Dim Wits are people on this board who try to convince the board with lies...Other people's Civil Wars to free themselves from oppressive governments are no comparison to European Zionists who have disposed and entire culture by stealing their property because of German atrocities...

You Dhimwit will never be able to change that fact.

Don't worry, Mr. Dhimmi. The readers on this forum who have read you elsewhere for years realize that you are not concerned with the Arabs in other Middle East countries, no matter how many thousands and thousands have been killed because you can't blame the Jews for their murders. I don't know who you think you are fooling.

Tell me, why would my-own feelings about Jews or anyone else have anything to do with the veracity of my posts? Can you point out any lies or misconceptions in my posts?

Not a one.

One's personal feelings and truth can and usually do run together...No one on Planet earth accepts or recognizes Israeli annexations not even America...

Your comparisons of Tibet and Timbuktu do not hold any truth. But everyone can easily smell the bulshit!
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The only Dim Wits are people on this board who try to convince the board with lies...Other people's Civil Wars to free themselves from oppressive governments are no comparison to European Zionists who have disposed and entire culture by stealing their property because of German atrocities...

You Dhimwit will never be able to change that fact.

Don't worry, Mr. Dhimmi. The readers on this forum who have read you elsewhere for years realize that you are not concerned with the Arabs in other Middle East countries, no matter how many thousands and thousands have been killed because you can't blame the Jews for their murders. I don't know who you think you are fooling.

Tell me, why would my-own feelings about Jews or anyone else have anything to do with the veracity of my posts? Can you point out any lies or misconceptions in my posts?

Not a one.

One's personal feelings and truth can and usually do run together...No one on Planet earth accepts or recognizes Israeli annexations not even America...

Your comparisons of Tibet and Timbuktu do not hold any truth. But everyone can easily smell the bulshit!

Listen, Pbel, for years and years innocent people have been murdered in the Middle East just because of their religious beliefs or because of the sect they belong to. This seems to have hold no interest to you so don't try to convince the readers that you really care about the Arabs.
Don't worry, Mr. Dhimmi. The readers on this forum who have read you elsewhere for years realize that you are not concerned with the Arabs in other Middle East countries, no matter how many thousands and thousands have been killed because you can't blame the Jews for their murders. I don't know who you think you are fooling.

Tell me, why would my-own feelings about Jews or anyone else have anything to do with the veracity of my posts? Can you point out any lies or misconceptions in my posts?

Not a one.

One's personal feelings and truth can and usually do run together...No one on Planet earth accepts or recognizes Israeli annexations not even America...

Your comparisons of Tibet and Timbuktu do not hold any truth. But everyone can easily smell the bulshit!

Listen, Pbel, for years and years innocent people have been murdered in the Middle East just because of their religious beliefs or because of the sect they belong to. This seems to have hold no interest to you so don't try to convince the readers that you really care about the Arabs.

This has NOTHING to do with Religion, its a LAND war. Provide us with electronic links if you want to be a scholar, again you fail.
Tell me, why would my-own feelings about Jews or anyone else have anything to do with the veracity of my posts? Can you point out any lies or misconceptions in my posts?

Not a one.

One's personal feelings and truth can and usually do run together...No one on Planet earth accepts or recognizes Israeli annexations not even America...

Your comparisons of Tibet and Timbuktu do not hold any truth. But everyone can easily smell the bulshit!

Listen, Pbel, for years and years innocent people have been murdered in the Middle East just because of their religious beliefs or because of the sect they belong to. This seems to have hold no interest to you so don't try to convince the readers that you really care about the Arabs.

This has NOTHING to do with Religion, its a LAND war. Provide us with electronic links if you want to be a scholar, again you fail.

I guess Pbel doesn' realize that the Arabs want to govern the entire Middle East and don't want to see any Jews governing one tiny, tiny piece of land. Have you ever looked at a map of the Middle East, Pbel, and seen how much land is Arab land and how Israel is just a dot on the map, but that little dot is bothering all Muslims around the world, even in those countries where the Muslims are busy killing people for their religious beliefs? Naturally, Pbel has no problem with the Imams in Egypt calling for no Christians in Egypt, even though the Christian Copts were there many, many years before the Arabs invaded. Even in the Sudan, the President is calling for no Christians to be in the Sudan anymore although over 2 millions Christians have already been killed there. It is only Israel he is concerned with because the Jews are involved.

Arab?Israeli conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Listen, Pbel, for years and years innocent people have been murdered in the Middle East just because of their religious beliefs or because of the sect they belong to. This seems to have hold no interest to you so don't try to convince the readers that you really care about the Arabs.

This has NOTHING to do with Religion, its a LAND war. Provide us with electronic links if you want to be a scholar, again you fail.

I guess Pbel doesn' realize that the Arabs want to govern the entire Middle East and don't want to see any Jews governing one tiny, tiny piece of land. Have you ever looked at a map of the Middle East, Pbel, and seen how much land is Arab land and how Israel is just a dot on the map, but that little dot is bothering all Muslims around the world, even in those countries where the Muslims are busy killing people for their religious beliefs? Naturally, Pbel has no problem with the Imams in Egypt calling for no Christians in Egypt, even though the Christian Copts were there many, many years before the Arabs invaded. Even in the Sudan, the President is calling for no Christians to be in the Sudan anymore although over 2 millions Christians have already been killed there. It is only Israel he is concerned with because the Jews are involved.

Arab?Israeli conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Don't you ever get tired of posting sophomoric fantasy? Deal with what is on the table today...Peace in the near 67 borders or pieces in the future...America now self-sufficient in Oil is leaving the Middle East, wars for oil and Israel have not panned out for us...

Your strategic Interests are waning.
This has NOTHING to do with Religion, its a LAND war. Provide us with electronic links if you want to be a scholar, again you fail.

I guess Pbel doesn' realize that the Arabs want to govern the entire Middle East and don't want to see any Jews governing one tiny, tiny piece of land. Have you ever looked at a map of the Middle East, Pbel, and seen how much land is Arab land and how Israel is just a dot on the map, but that little dot is bothering all Muslims around the world, even in those countries where the Muslims are busy killing people for their religious beliefs? Naturally, Pbel has no problem with the Imams in Egypt calling for no Christians in Egypt, even though the Christian Copts were there many, many years before the Arabs invaded. Even in the Sudan, the President is calling for no Christians to be in the Sudan anymore although over 2 millions Christians have already been killed there. It is only Israel he is concerned with because the Jews are involved.

Arab?Israeli conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Don't you ever get tired of posting sophomoric fantasy? Deal with what is on the table today...Peace in the near 67 borders or pieces in the future...America now self-sufficient in Oil is leaving the Middle East, wars for oil and Israel have not panned out for us...

Your strategic Interests are waning.

Why don't you deal with reality, Pbel? The so-called Palestinians want all the land, even Israel Proper. How many times have you seen Mr. Tinmore post that Israel is inside of Palestinian land? Read their charters, Pbel, and then figure out how Israel is supposed to make peace with people who want to destroy her.
I guess Pbel doesn' realize that the Arabs want to govern the entire Middle East and don't want to see any Jews governing one tiny, tiny piece of land. Have you ever looked at a map of the Middle East, Pbel, and seen how much land is Arab land and how Israel is just a dot on the map, but that little dot is bothering all Muslims around the world, even in those countries where the Muslims are busy killing people for their religious beliefs? Naturally, Pbel has no problem with the Imams in Egypt calling for no Christians in Egypt, even though the Christian Copts were there many, many years before the Arabs invaded. Even in the Sudan, the President is calling for no Christians to be in the Sudan anymore although over 2 millions Christians have already been killed there. It is only Israel he is concerned with because the Jews are involved.

Arab?Israeli conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Don't you ever get tired of posting sophomoric fantasy? Deal with what is on the table today...Peace in the near 67 borders or pieces in the future...America now self-sufficient in Oil is leaving the Middle East, wars for oil and Israel have not panned out for us...

Your strategic Interests are waning.

Why don't you deal with reality, Pbel? The so-called Palestinians want all the land, even Israel Proper. How many times have you seen Mr. Tinmore post that Israel is inside of Palestinian land? Read their charters, Pbel, and then figure out how Israel is supposed to make peace with people who want to destroy her.

I don't happen to agree with all of Mr. Tinmore's assessments...Sure he has a point, and I personally wish they could become a Federation with freedom of travel without citizenship. prosperity may heal the wounds and acceptance by the Arabs may actually be mutually advantageous... Especially to Americans who get the brunt of terrorism for blindly supporting Israeli interests over our-own.

But Eretzs Israel is dead.
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Don't you ever get tired of posting sophomoric fantasy? Deal with what is on the table today...Peace in the near 67 borders or pieces in the future...America now self-sufficient in Oil is leaving the Middle East, wars for oil and Israel have not panned out for us...

Your strategic Interests are waning.

Why don't you deal with reality, Pbel? The so-called Palestinians want all the land, even Israel Proper. How many times have you seen Mr. Tinmore post that Israel is inside of Palestinian land? Read their charters, Pbel, and then figure out how Israel is supposed to make peace with people who want to destroy her.

I don't happen to agree with all of Mr. Tinmore's assessments...Sure he has a point, and I personally wish they could become a Federation with freedom of travel without citizenship. prosperity may heal the wounds and acceptance by the Arabs may actually be mutually advantageous... Especially to Americans who get the brunt of terrorism for blindly supporting Israeli interests over our-own.

But Eretzs Israel is dead.

So Mr. Pbel thinks that we get the brunt of terrorism because of supporting Israel. Perhaps it is convenient for him to overlook all the terrorism happening throughout the world which has nothing to do with Israel. I would bet that there are many Muslims, Christians, Buddhists and Hindus experiencing terrorism because of their religion or sect would be willing to exchange places with these so-called Palestinians.

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