Who is a Bigger Traitor: A Jan 6th Insurrectionist or a Soldier of the Confederacy?

I don't get how people can celebrate the Confederacy, they were the enemy to our Democracy (traitors to America), just like the Jan 6th Insurrectionist terrorists are.

Who is the bigger traitor?
Who is the bigger terrorist?
Jan 6th Insurectionist or Confederate Soldiers

A Jan 6th Insurrectionist!​

I don’t get the Left who justifies BLM and ANTIFA for burning and looting American dreams (small business) and beating the crap out of innocent people as “free speech” and “peaceful”.
BLM are private citizens. On the other hand, Trump took an oath of office to serve and protect and then broke it because he figured 'fuck every body else, I want to keep on being prez.

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
BLM are private citizens. On the other hand, Trump took an oath of office to serve and protect and then broke it because he figured 'fuck every body else, I want to keep on being prez.

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
the confederates were all democrats so we know they are above the law like Hunter Biden, Ted Kennedy, Anthony Weiner, Hillary Clinton, etc etc etc
LOL....The only reason I don't have him on ignore is for the entertainment value.....I mean he has to be the dumbest jack-wagon that ever drew breath. :laughing0301:

As to the subject at hand.....Unlike today a man's state was his "country". Most men of the period had never been much more than 100 miles away from where they were born. What they knew of the county was what they read in the papers. most Virginians at the time were literate....Not counting what later became WV.

My ancestors in the 33rd Virginia Infantry would have been perfectly happy to have stayed on their farms or continued to run their various business concerns had not the Yankees invaded Virginia and only afterwards did they join-up to form the Stonewall Brigade. All volunteers to a man at that time.

Me, I still proudly adhere to "Virginia first, all else after".

Thing is, like so many states, the transplants outnumber us native-born with them all congregated in their population centers like NOtVA.

As for 1/6, meh, that was just a fun romp through the capital till that poor unarmed woman was murdered by that BLM supporting negro cop.
He iws a fun chew toy, isn't he? :laugh:
BLM are private citizens. On the other hand, Trump took an oath of office to serve and protect and then broke it because he figured 'fuck every body else, I want to keep on being prez.

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
BLM are violent fucking commie goons.

I don't get how people can celebrate the Confederacy, they were the enemy to our Democracy (traitors to America), just like the Jan 6th Insurrectionist terrorists are.

Who is the bigger traitor?
Who is the bigger terrorist?
Jan 6th Insurectionist or Confederate Soldiers

Easy. The Confederate Soldier was a traitor, but not a hate hoaxing homo fascist like the HATE HOAXING HOMOS who HATE HOAXED 1/6....
I don't get how people can celebrate the Confederacy, they were the enemy to our Democracy (traitors to America), just like the Jan 6th Insurrectionist terrorists are.

Who is the bigger traitor?
Who is the bigger terrorist?
Jan 6th Insurectionist or Confederate Soldiers

Your mom.
The threat of force, violence, and repeated attack by the 100,000 person mob of Trumpers did that.

The Capitol Police had no choice, do what the Insurrectionists want or get beaten to death by the mob that overran the cops and took over the Capitol building.

They should have rushed the National Guard into the Building and have them start blasting, wipe out 10,000 trumpers and you people will get the message real quick.
I don't get how people can celebrate the Confederacy, they were the enemy to our Democracy (traitors to America), just like the Jan 6th Insurrectionist terrorists are.

Who is the bigger traitor?
Who is the bigger terrorist?
Jan 6th Insurectionist or Confederate Soldiers

The confederate states had every legal tight to secede from the union
I don't get how people can celebrate the Confederacy, they were the enemy to our Democracy (traitors to America), just like the Jan 6th Insurrectionist terrorists are.

Who is the bigger traitor?
Who is the bigger terrorist?
Jan 6th Insurectionist or Confederate Soldiers

Are you an American or are you a Democrat?
Are you an American or are you a Democrat?
I'm a patriotic American that stands for facts and justice and fairness, even though life ain't fair.

The Jan 6th traitors are a total disgrace and the Jan 6th insurrection was based on total lies, as there is no credible evidence of election fraud at all, and Trump lost all court cases in America
I'm a patriotic American that stands for facts and justice and fairness, even though life ain't fair.

The Jan 6th traitors are a total disgrace and the Jan 6th insurrection was based on total lies, as there is no credible evidence of election fraud at all, and Trump lost all court cases in America

This is for aggregating publicly available items of evidence that would be admissible in court, not general election news stories or updates.
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I'm a patriotic American that stands for facts and justice and fairness, even though life ain't fair.

The Jan 6th traitors are a total disgrace and the Jan 6th insurrection was based on total lies, as there is no credible evidence of election fraud at all, and Trump lost all court cases in America
Lol. A patriotic American... no chance of that.

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