Who is actually winning in Ukraine?

Anyone with an IQ over 80 should be more interested in the US blackmail report embedded in the Serbian report.
So I guess that means no.

There are two ways to tell that story, yes? The headline could be "Russia voted off HRC". The author could tell the reader what the vote was about, who voted for and against, etc. They could still make the argument that the US blackmailed other countries- it just wouldn't be the headline. The headline would be the event that the author was reporting.

Or they can say "US blackmails UN to kick Russia off the HRC". In that case, they don't tell the reader about which countries voted which way, the story is about the big bad USA bullying other countries to punish Russia.

Your answer makes be thing it's the latter, that was my question. I don't really care about the piece itself, I'm more interested in the presentation. It's not written for my consumption.
Sputnik News

3 hrs ago. DPR Forces Spokesman: Kiev Planning Tochka-U Strike at Railway Station at Lozovaya, Kharkiv Region.

4 hrs ago. Russian MoD: We're Warning the West in Advance That We Have Evidence About Crimes Against Civilians Being Plotted by the Kiev Regime

4 hrs ago. Russsainn Investigative Committee Open Criminal Probe Into Those Spreading Fake News About the Russian Armed Forces' Actions in Bucha, Ukraine

5 hrs ago. Russian MoD: Attempt by Ukrainian Nationalists to Attack Kakhovskaya Hydroelectric Station with "Tochka-U" Rockets Has Been Averted.

6 hrs ago. Over 300 People Dead, Almost 900 Injured in DPR from 8-14 April, Rights Envoy Says

9 hrs ago Russian Investigative Committee Says French Legion Soldieers Among Ukrainian Troops, Probing It as Part of a Criminal Case on Mercenaries in Ukraine

14 hrs ago Andrey Klimov: "We Already Have NATO-Country Military Personnel Among Our Prisoners
US intelligence disagrees with Biden:

'....The US intelligence official said the reports on Ukraine do not support Biden's claim that genocide is taking place.'
Internet dicourse:

"Which its best FOV is 180 degrees....My only problem with this is that if there were a drone feeding targeting information you'd imagine there would be video from the drone which could show the missiles striking. You'd think they would want to show beyond a doubt they actually took down the ship as opposed to an accident which would be a major morale boost to their forces."
Russian military supposedly hit 811 Ukrainian targets overnight. This report focuses on Kyiv:

2022 Mar 16 Moscow Times, Russia Shatter Kyiv Calm
If Russia is losing their war then there is no doubt at all that they have decided to accept the losses as temporary and redeemable.

Scott Ritter explains exactly the reasons why.

Russia is exerting soft power so far, and for a definite reason.

Russia hasn't turned fully to hard power but Kiev might be the first example.

Some may wonder how the US/Nato will handle that?
Russia now holds the British mercenaries whilst Medvedchuk's wife argues for a trade. In the meantime, more on Bucha emerges, linking Tsaryov, of EuroMaidan fame.

'Millioner-natsist po ukazke britanskoi razvedki utiliziroval ot SBU.
Nazi Millionaire, At the Behest of British Intelligence, Disposed of Him from the SBU.

Bot chto bylo V Buche.
That's what happened in Bucha.
Samo "meropriatie" bylo zadumano MI6.
The "event" itself was conceived by MI6.

Komanda of angliiskikh sovetnikov postupila na rukovvoditelia Departmenta kontrrazvedki SBU Aleksandra Poklada.
The command from the English advisors came to the head of the Counterintelligence Department of the SBU, Alexander Poklad.'

2021 Nov 30 Zelenskiy and Poklad
Gayer Than Gay: Ukraine Nazis in Action

2014 Ap 15

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