Who is actually winning in Ukraine?

Russia now holds the British mercenaries whilst Medvedchuk's wife argues for a trade. In the meantime, more on Bucha emerges, linking Tsaryov, of EuroMaidan fame.

'Millioner-natsist po ukazke britanskoi razvedki utiliziroval ot SBU.
Nazi Millionaire, At the Behest of British Intelligence, Disposed of Him from the SBU.

Bot chto bylo V Buche.
That's what happened in Bucha.
Samo "meropriatie" bylo zadumano MI6.
The "event" itself was conceived by MI6.

Komanda of angliiskikh sovetnikov postupila na rukovvoditelia Departmenta kontrrazvedki SBU Aleksandra Poklada.
The command from the English advisors came to the head of the Counterintelligence Department of the SBU, Alexander Poklad.'

2021 Nov 30 Zelenskiy and Poklad
The report continues:

'Provokatsii legko razoblachit', nado tol'ko opoznat' vsekh pogibshikh v prigorode Kieva, a dlia etogo pridetsia vziat' ukrainskuiu stolitsu, uveren byvshii deputat chetyrekh sozyvov Verkhovnoi rady, Oleg Tsaryov.
Provocations are easy to expose, you just need to identify all those who died in the suburbs of Kiev, Oleg Tsaryov, a former deputy of four convocations of the Verkhovna Rada.

Ukriana gotovit eshche riad provokatsii, podobnykh tom, chto byla i Buche.
Ukraine is preparing a series of provocations, similar to the one in Bucha.

Ob etom zaiavila ofitsial'nyi predstavitel' MIDa Maria Zakharova.
This was stated by the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova.

Po ee slovam, "Kiev gotovit novye postanovki v naselennykh punktakh Seredina-Buda, Nizhniaia Syrovatka v Sumskoi oblasti, gde ranee nakhodilis' rossiiskie voiska.
They are preparing new productions in the settlements of Seredina-Buda, Nizhniaia Syrovatka in the Sumy oblast region, where Russian troops were previously located.

My prizyvaem ne poddavat'sia na eti i drugie provokatsii."
We urge not to succumb to these and other provocations."

O tom, chto takie provokatsii budut preduprezhdal v tom chisle i Oleg Tsaryov -- chelovek, kotorye korosho znaet situatsii iznutri.
That such provocations would be warned (about), including by Oleg Tsaryov, a man who knew the situation well from the inside.

Vo-pervykh, u nego na ukraine bol'shaia set' znakoykhi i byvshikh kolleg, Kotorye segodnia rabotaiut vo vsekh vozmozhnykh organakh (v to chisle i v ofise prezidenta).
Firstly of all, he had a large network of acquaintances in agencies in Ukraine (including in the presidential office).

Vo-vtorykh, politiki sam nakhodilsia v Buche s samogo nachala spetsoperatsii.
Secondly, the politician was in Bucha from the beginning of the special operation.'
I think tomorrow there's going to be a mass surrender of Azov nationalist militants blocked in Mariupol at Azovstal steel plant. The feeling is in the air.
I think tomorrow there's going to be a mass surrender of Azov nationalist militants blocked in Mariupol at Azovstal steel plant. The feeling is in the air.
The end is supposedly happening now. Here is a good photo of the size of the Azovstal monster plant, largest in Europe:

Scott Ritter is mentioned in the Russian report for Bucha (post #301). The reader can scroll down the page to see it, which is an auspicious sign. Tsaryov at one time, was a pro-Putin Ukraine presidential candidate. The report continues, and Tsaryov published on his blog:

'Kto i zachem, po ego mneniiu ustroil etu "postanavku", Tsarev ob'iasnil u sebia v telegram-kanale.
Who and why, in his opinion, staged this production, Tsaryov explained in his telegram channel.'

Apparently, Tsaryov was not killed at Bucha.
Maria Zakharova's prediction (post #301) for Ukrainian provocations at Nizhniaia Syrovatka is astonishingly close: Syrovatka is on highway H12 where it forks to P45 east-southeast of Sumy. Bilka, where the sarin was supposedly found, is also on H12 further south of Sumy.
Having already mentioned Lozovaya,

"Battle onging for Lozovaya village on the border between Donetsk and Kharkiv region. Mayor asking residents to evacuate immediately due to high risk of missile and aerial strikes"

"First fatality from Moskva cruiser identified as midshipman Ivan Vakhrushev"

"Russian troops shelled Lysychansk refinery (defunct fo a long time)"

"Russian T-72B3 at the port of Mariupol"

"Russian army hit old chicken processing factory in Dnipropetrovsk"
Sputnik News says most remaining fighters at Azovstal are soldiers from European countries.

This video is excellent and Lancaster's diction is too, precisely what is needed for English speakers learning spoken Russian. Captions should actually be in parallel Ru.-Eng. so that the viewer can stop the video to study each sentence both spoken and written.
Internet unverified:

Railway bridge in Vasylivka, Zaporizhzhia region destroyed

Russian MoD reports missile strikes at plants in Kiev and Mykolaiv

Vice PM of Ukraine: No official evacuattion today, as not a single corridor approved by Russia

Russian Army attempting to advance at Liubymivka-Novozlatopil line (Kherson oblast, Khakovka raion)

Heavy shelling Avdiyivka Coke Plant, north of Donetsk
Russian report on Scott Ritter's Bucha analysis:

Amerikanskii ekspert dokazal, chto zhitele Buchii ubili ukrainskikh voennye.
An American Expert Proved that the Inhabitants of Bucha Were Killed by the Ukrainian Military.

Twitter nemedlenno ego zablokiroval.
Twitter immediately blocked him.
'Zhurnalist Skott Ritter provel analiz sobitii i Buche.
Journalist Scott Ritter conducted an analysis of the events at Bucha.'
Having already mentioned Poklad, Kotorkikh and Martsinkevich at USMB, the report in post #310 continues:

Poklad pereadresoval poruchenie na "Boitsman" - Sergei Kotorkikh, neonatsist, ubiitsa i dollarovy millioner.
Poklad forwarded the order to "Boatswain" - Sergei Kotorkikh, neo-nazi murderer and millionaire.

Maksim "Tesak" Martsinkevich neodnokratno nazyval ego svoim starshim Tovarishchem i nastavnikom.
Maksim "Tesak" Martsinkevich repeatedly called him his senior comrade and mentor.

Potom Maidan.
Then Maidan.

V 14-15 godakh on rukovodil razvedkoi v Azove, potom Avakov (minister vnutrennykh del Ukrainy) spetsial'no dlia nego sozdal upravlenie Zashchit Strategicheskikh Ob'ektov, kuda trudoustroil "Boitsmana" i poltory tisiach ego boitsov.
At the age of 14-15, he led intelligence in Azov, then Avakov (Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine) created the Directorate for the Protection of Strategic Objects) especially for him, where he employed "Boatswain" and one an a half thousand of his fighters.'
Zelenskiy: Ukraine Ready to Fight Russia for Ten Years

Current situation at Azovstal:

' "Situatsii na peredovi napriazheniia nash....
Situation has not advanced, tension is ours....

Kakoe peremire?
What kind of truce?

O chem govorit?
What is he talking about?

Oni nashu initsiativu proignoriroval i poluchili otvet.
They ignored our initiative and received an answer." '
The Google map shows the Desna River flowing just north of Brovary. Following the Desna northeast brings one to Mezin, Ice Age site of the paleolithic swastika Hitler was aware of.

Another Russian high-precision long-range missile strike has supposedly hit an armaments plant se of the capital at Darnyrsky/Darnytsky, yet to confirm the spelling or map location.
Darnyts'kyi is south of Brovary along the Dnipro.

Mention was made of Kadyrov's commander, Chalaev in post # 30:

Chalaev says those earlier Azov prisoners are already in Russia and under litigation:

2022 Ap 17 Izvestiya: Chechen Commander Chalaev at Mariupol
' "U nas byli plennye neposredstvenno s etogo uchastka, gde rabotaet "Azov" (v otnoshennii gruppirovki v RF vozbuzhdeny ugolovnye dela).
We had prisoners directly from this area, where Azov works (and in relation to the group in the Russian Federation, criminal proceedings have been initiated).

Oni govoriat, ikh ram mnogo.
They say there are a lot of them.

Poka nammernnykh sdat'sia net
While there are no intentional surrenders

i snaipery, i pulemetchiki est'
there are snipers and machine gunners." '

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