Who is actually winning in Ukraine?

A Dutch journalist recaps on Ukraine Nazism:

2022 Ap 11
'....Ukrainian Neo-Nazism is No Myth....'
The soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine sell their armored vehicles to the Donetsk People's militia
— A strange barter occurred near the settlement of Snegirevka in the Mykolaiv region. The opposing sides, represented by the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the militia of the DPR, make a deal: The soldiers sell their own armored vehicles to the soldiers of the DPR and gladly accept payment in dollars and russian rubles
Excellent! Yes, Anna Politkovskaya documented Russians and Chechens doing the same thing (Vtoraia chechenskaia [A Small Corner of Hell]). The location was Achkoy-Martan.

Houston ground control has a problem of producing enough Stingers. Photo of humvees:

US, Allied Face Depleted Weapons Stockpiles
'....the report cites the impossibility of quickly scaling up the production of Stinger missiles for Ukraine.'
Simultaneously to Kiev bombing, resonance with China delivering missiles to Serbia:

Kosova Border Problem
Houston ground control has a problem of producing enough Stingers. Photo of humvees:

US, Allied Face Depleted Weapons Stockpiles
'....the report cites the impossibility of quickly scaling up the production of Stinger missiles for Ukraine.'
I read that piece, and I looked for the Bloomberg "report" they keep citing. All I can find is an op-ed.

I think there is some conflation going on here, but no matter. I will comment.

The US has many thousands of these in inventory, and we don't really use them ourselves, we tend to vehicle mounted stuff.

The bottleneck on Stingers is the warhead, there is currently only one melt-pour facility for the Stinger. These are not big factories, and additional facilities could be set up very easily if it really becomes necessary.

The Ukrainians are not dependent on Stingers and Javelins. They want them, yes- but there are a lot of various systems in this class available from other countries. Britain has supplied Starstreak and Poland has provided the Grom-2, which is a copy of Igla-S.

There really isn't a whole lot of flying in Ukraine from either side and both sides have lost aircraft, so MANPADS don't get used that often compared to ATGM's or arty.

Ultimately the war won't be decided by missiles- it will be decided by boots occupying territory, as they all are.
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I read that piece, and I looked for the Bloomberg "report" they keep citing. All I can find is an op-ed.

I think there is some conflation going on here, but no matter. I will comment.

The US has many thousands of these in inventory, and we don't really use them ourselves, we tend to vehicle mounted stuff.

The bottleneck on Stingers is the warhead, there is currently only one melt-pour facility for the Stinger. These are not big factories, and additional facilities could be set up very easily if it really becomes necessary.

The Ukrainians are not dependent on Stingers and Javelins. They want them, yes- but there are a lot of various systems in this class available from other countries. Britain has supplied Starstreak and Poland has provided the Grom-2, which is a copy of Igla-S.

There really isn't a whole lot of flying in Ukraine from either side and both sides have lost aircraft, so MANPADS don't get used that often compared to ATGM's or arty.

Ultimately the war won't be decided by missiles- it will be decided by boots occupying territory, as they all are.
But nevertheless, the sky should be secure if you want to win a war (or at least not lose it). MPADS have proved their effectiveness in the last almost two months, but there may be a point when their use may be not sufficient.

If some Russian military target, similar to Moskva cruiser, happens to be destroyed, Putin's clique can sanction say carpet bombing of some Ukrainian cities. And in this case MPADS will be quite ineffective.
I read that piece, and I looked for the Bloomberg "report" they keep citing. All I can find is an op-ed.

I think there is some conflation going on here, but no matter. I will comment.

The US has many thousands of these in inventory, and we don't really use them ourselves, we tend to vehicle mounted stuff.

The bottleneck on Stingers is the warhead, there is currently only one melt-pour facility for the Stinger. These are not big factories, and additional facilities could be set up very easily if it really becomes necessary.

The Ukrainians are not dependent on Stingers and Javelins. They want them, yes- but there are a lot of various systems in this class available from other countries. Britain has supplied Starstreak and Poland has provided the Grom-2, which is a copy of Igla-S.

There really isn't a whole lot of flying in Ukraine from either side and both sides have lost aircraft, so MANPADS don't get used that often compared to ATGM's or arty.

Ultimately the war won't be decided by missiles- it will be decided by boots occupying territory, as they all are.
I read that piece, and I looked for the Bloomberg "report" they keep citing. All I can find is an op-ed.

I think there is some conflation going on here, but no matter. I will comment.

The US has many thousands of these in inventory, and we don't really use them ourselves, we tend to vehicle mounted stuff.

The bottleneck on Stingers is the warhead, there is currently only one melt-pour facility for the Stinger. These are not big factories, and additional facilities could be set up very easily if it really becomes necessary.

The Ukrainians are not dependent on Stingers and Javelins. They want them, yes- but there are a lot of various systems in this class available from other countries. Britain has supplied Starstreak and Poland has provided the Grom-2, which is a copy of Igla-S.

There really isn't a whole lot of flying in Ukraine from either side and both sides have lost aircraft, so MANPADS don't get used that often compared to ATGM's or arty.

Ultimately the war won't be decided by missiles- it will be decided by boots occupying territory, as they all are.
There is still confirmation of the rumors:

1.) Topols moving by rail through Ivanovsky region, Russia.

2.) Chinese tanks moving by rail westward via Trans-Siberian Railway.

3.) Chinese supplying missiles to Serbia via Y-20s with accompanying border problems:

4.) The difficulty in linking the Moskva sinking to the USS Sullivans sinking to find out which happened first, because the USS Little Rock is parked next to that ship:

2022 Ap 14 USS Sullivans Sinking
There is still confirmation of the rumors:

1.) Topols moving by rail through Ivanovsky region, Russia.
Russia may be moving Topols around, there is no way to confirm or refute that and it's not relevant anyway.
2.) Chinese tanks moving by rail westward via Trans-Siberian Railway.
You have made this claim several times now, I think it's time for you to post your "confirmation".

You first claimed they were traveling by road- now you say rail, since I pointed out that they don't use the roads for that distance.

You need to stop imagining paper capabilities are real. China does not have the armor to spare, and there are no credible OSINT reports of what you say.

So post the tweet or wherever you got this, and we can have a look at it. But I can tell you right now, it's just not true.

China, like Russia has not invested in their ground forces in recent decades. Russia has spent a lot of money on new missiles, and China has been building a Navy. Tanks have been ~100/year old tanks getting upgrades, and a few new builds, but no giant inventories of usable armor on either side.

You guys like to point to this weapon or that as if they are going to be decisive- but in the real world, it all comes down to training and logistics and Russia is sorely lacking in both.

I haven't even touched on the failures of the vaunted Russian ECM/EW- suffice it to say they never really had the capability to begin with.
3.) Chinese supplying missiles to Serbia via Y-20s with accompanying border problems:

Nothing to do with Ukraine.
4.) The difficulty in linking the Moskva sinking to the USS Sullivans sinking to find out which happened first, because the USS Little Rock is parked next to that ship:

2022 Ap 14 USS Sullivans Sinking

A WW2 destroyer display in a city park sinks, probably a sea chest or some other hull penetration failed from corrosion...

Linking this to the Moskva in any way is utterly irrational. Is this the bottom of the barrel, or are you going to explore the flying reindeer angle next?
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Russia may be moving Topols around, there is no way to confirm or refute that and it's not relevant anyway.

You have made this claim several times now, I think it's time for you to post your "confirmation".

You first claimed they were traveling by road- now you say rail, since I pointed out that they don't use the roads for that distance.

You need to stop imagining paper capabilities are real. China does not have the armor to spare, and there are no credible OSINT reports of what you say.

So post the tweet or wherever you got this, and we can have a look at it. But I can tell you right now, it's just not true.

You guys like to point to this weapon or that as if they are going to be decisive- but in the real world, it all comes down to training and logistics and Russia is sorely lacking in both.

I havern't even touched on the failures of the vaunted Russian ECM/EW- suffice it to say they never really had the capability to begin with.

Nothing to do with Ukraine.

A WW2 destroyer in a city park sinks, probably a sea chest failed from corrosion.

Linking this to the Moskva in any way is utterly irrational. Is this the bottom of the barrel, or are you going to explore the flying reindeer angle next?
No, Einstein, badger never claimed via road. You must be smoking dope, it was someone else who said that. It's now your responsibility to show the reading prisoners where and when you made the mistake.
You command your apparent scapegoat to come up with the chron for the Chinese tanks, when the reverse can be just as true: the command to disclaim the rumor. You are not very good with the scientific method, either.

Topols moving by any means can't be flippantly, uneducatedly, claimed to be irrelevant. There is a photo of Medvedev standing beside a TOPOL on the wiki TOPOL page.

Ex-Russian President, Dmitri Medvedev: "There can be no more talk of any nuclear-free status for the Baltic -- the balance must be restored. Until today, Russia has not taken such measures, and was not going to: naturally borders will have to be strengthened. Seriously strengthen the grouping of ground forces and air defense, and deploy significant naval forces in the Gulf of Finland."

Your overconfidence, akin to the nazi strive for pure form, gets in the way of claiming enough rights for yourself, beyond claiming the right to contradict yourself, is your dismissal of even a petty state an irony due the the USS Sullivans. You are not that well educated: " nothing to do with Ukraine."

Bringing the reader to the Russias strike on the "Vizar" plant in Kyiv that makes or repairs anti-ship missiles: Your attempt to debach history is noted. The chron for the sinking of the USS Sullivans at the same time as the Moskva is relevant to naval history, and will be published as such.

Once again, we arrive in "Little Rus" Kievan Rus when noting the nazi torture of Russian prisoners at Borodyanka. Because you are not that well educated, badger once more crucifies your arrogant use of the term, "paper capabilities."

The less slothful reader can now locate Kyiv and Borodianka (wiki). The map for Borodianka shows the body of blue, which is the Dniepr. On the east side of this body of water near Borodianka is the Desna River which flows to the northeast to Mezin, the Ice Age site of the Ukrainian swastika that Hitler also knew about. Published documents on the Ukrainian Ice Age swastika are the paper capabilities that point your supidity, and transfixes it.
No, Einstein, badger never claimed via road. You must be smoking dope, it was someone else who said that. It's now your responsibility to show the reading prisoners where and when you made the mistake.
If it was not you, I stand corrected. Maybe it was CaptainRussia. I tried to find the thread, but there are too many, and not organized, and the reaction history only goes back a couple days so I can't find that exchange.

Maybe someone remembers and can point to the thread.

So someone else said it first, and you repeated it. It doesn't matter, you can still show us the confirmation of the Chinese tanks moving west on the Trans-Siberian railway, that is what I was asking for.


The rest of your post is incoherent, ad homs, or conspiracy theory, and I really don't want to try to crawl inside your head and unpack it all.

So I will just say that if you believe the sinkings of the Sullivans and the Moskva are connected, that's okay with me, lol.

I would still like to see the confirmation that China is sending their tanks to Russia, and maybe a prediction as to how the Russian crews will handle the Chinese language fire computers and mismatched comms...
If it was not you, I stand corrected. Maybe it was CaptainRussia. I tried to find the thread, but there are too many, and not organized, and the reaction history only goes back a couple days so I can't find that exchange.

Maybe someone remembers and can point to the thread.

So someone else said it first, and you repeated it. It doesn't matter, you can still show us the confirmation of the Chinese tanks moving west on the Trans-Siberian railway, that is what I was asking for.


The rest of your post is incoherent, ad homs, or conspiracy theory, and I really don't want to try to crawl inside your head and unpack it all.

So I will just say that if you believe the sinkings of the Sullivans and the Moskva are connected, that's okay with me, lol.

I would still like to see the confirmation that China is sending their tanks to Russia, and maybe a prediction as to how the Russian crews will handle the Chinese language fire computers and mismatched comms...
USMB search may ameliorate your amnesia. We can take "the rest" one word or sentence at a time to prove you are full of it, in front of the readers. The point you should "unpack" is the origin of the Ukrainian swastika, it's already been shown how it links to Swedish folklore and healing. The Chinese tank rumor naturally stands neutralized.
Border incident in Serbia has been posted, above.

2022 aprelia 15 V Belgrade prokhodit aktsiia v podderzhku Rossii posle golosovaniia Serbii za ee vykhod iz Soveta po pravam cheloveka OON
A Rally in Support of Russia Takes Place in Belgrade After Serbia Voted for its Withdrawal from the UN Human Rights Council
An embedded link in post # 274 report is captioned: "The Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation in Geneva, said that the United States Blackmailed Countries in Order to Exclude Russia from the UN Human Rights Council."
...The point you should "unpack" is the origin of the Ukrainian swastika, it's already been shown how it links to Swedish folklore and healing. The Chinese tank rumor naturally stands neutralized.
I'll pass, not because I think it's propaganda or something, but because I'm not really interested in symbology as an excuse for an action, or the origins of one symbol or another (excluding those that are culturally significant to me, which I suspect is typical).

I'm just watching the war on the internet, and I'm really amazed at the disparity of operational competence between the two sides.

Putin has lots of missiles, but the more he uses them on civilian centers, the more it will blow back on him.
An embedded link in post # 274 report is captioned: "The Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation in Geneva, said that the United States Blackmailed Countries in Order to Exclude Russia from the UN Human Rights Council."
Did the piece tell the reader what the vote was? 93 for, 24 against, 58 abstain? Just curious.
American vehicles at Mariupol:

2022 aprelia 15
'Vchera, v raspolagu nachego batal'ona (raspolozhenie batal'ona DNR "Vostok"), khoziastvenniki prignali medtisinskii furgon na baze amerikanskogo "Khammera."
Yesterday, at the disposal of our battalion (the location of the DPR battalion "Vostok"), the business owners drove a medical van based on an American "Hummer."

V nego nabilis' dva desiatka "Azovtsev" pytavshikhsia vybrat'sia iz okruzheniia prikyrvshis' krasnym krestom.
Two dozen "Azov" crammed into it, trying to get out of the encirclement, by hiding behind a red cross.'
I'll pass, not because I think it's propaganda or something, but because I'm not really interested in symbology as an excuse for an action, or the origins of one symbol or another (excluding those that are culturally significant to me, which I suspect is typical).

I'm just watching the war on the internet, and I'm really amazed at the disparity of operational competence between the two sides.

Putin has lots of missiles, but the more he uses them on civilian centers, the more it will blow back on him.
Then you fail symbology class, especially since Ukraine was founded as a Viking kingship, Catholic, and that POSPOTUS is not simply a CIA puppet, but also a catholic puppet, who with his sleep-up, likes to traffic genuflectors across the US-Mexican border. It's not what you are interested in. It's what Ukrainian youth are interested in.

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