Who is actually winning in Ukraine?

No, the video is available.

2022 Ap 17 Rossiiskie voiska proazili bolee 800 ukrainskikh voennykh ob'ektov
Russian Troops Hit More Than 800 Ukrainian Military Facilities
' "Rossiiskie raketny voiska i artilleriia porazili 814 ob'ektov na Ukraine - punkty upravleniia, ognevye pozitstii, opronye punkty i raiony sosredotocheniia zhivoi sily," zaiavil Konashenkov.'
Russian rocket troops and artillery hit 814 objects in Ukraine - command posts, firing positions, strongholds and areas of concentration of manpower," Konashenkov said.'
Putin is just sitting back and laughing as veggie Biden and his EU/Nato nitwit pals have no idea what to do? ... :dunno:
Except pile on more useless sanctions and endlessly talk a good game. .. :cuckoo:
I think Putin counted on the sanctions. The Ruble has already rebounded and the central banks are befuddled.


"What glasses are you looking from? Because I'm seeing nothing but Russian forward movement and control in the eastern side. It's becoming a chunk."

"Half of Ukraine is about to be chipped off in a few days or weeks."
In Mariupol. If only...

'...."Eto bylo primerno dlia.
For the most part, they are ruined.

Tri-chetyre nazad.
It was 3 or 4 hours ago.

I proryv byl presechen.
And the breakthrough was stopped.

Chesto govoria, ia edes' seichas dazhe ne znaiu, kakoe chislo.
To be honest, I don't even know how many are here right now.

Da i kakaia raznitsa?
Yes, what's the difference?

Glavnoe, bystree etikh fashistov dobit', da i vse.
The main thing is to get these fascists faster, and that's all."
I think Putin counted on the sanctions. The Ruble has already rebounded and the central banks are befuddled.

Till he runs out of gold, lol. You can make $300/ounce right now if you can buy rubles and exchange them for gold.

That will strengthen the ruble for a while, but Russian factories are closing down because they can't get parts.
2022 Ap 18 DNR obstreliali oplot natcionalistov vv promzone u zavoda "Azovstal"
DNR Fired On a Stronghold of Nationalists in Industrial Zone Near the Azovstal Plant
Punch and Judy

The Russian strike in Lviv hit logistics center. Five days earlier, Catholic-CIA puppet POSPOTUS mouths off about intelligence sharing:

2022 Ap 13 Wall Street Journal: Biden Administration Set to Expand Intelligence Sharing with Zelensky Government in Ukraine
And now....

The Battle for Donbass has started

We'll see what happens....I pray that the Mercenaries and the Ukranians Nazis have surrender.....otherwise it will be a sad end for them.
And now....

The Battle for Donbass has started

We'll see what happens....I pray that the Mercenaries and the Ukranians Nazis have surrender.....otherwise it will be a sad end for them.
Konashenkov says if the holdouts continue thier current course, they will be destroyed, though its important for Westerners to watch the video of the captured Brit mercenary (post #336), because many soldiers were duped and coerced.

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