Who is also tired of the Democrats misuse of the terms "Reproductive health care"?

Show us your tits. When was the last time you were in need of reproductive health care?
When doctors save lives, then it can be reproductive health care. But when Party B is dead, the doctor has no right to allege he took care of Party B who is plainly killed, some say murdered.
Pretty much the same people who backed Hamas' baby massacre also back killing unborn babies. Really, what the hell is happening to the Democrat party. Baby killing isn't healthcare. Back to MAGA
Spare us the right wing garbage that ignores Netanyahu propping up Hamas, allows Israeli settlers to kill palestinians and supports Israels slaughter of over 7,000 children, who will then tell a black person who supports equal opportunityy policies that two wrongs don't make a right.
These are the people who don't want to control guns so that the baby can be born then shot and killed a few years later in a school shooting.
So let's do more. Executing convicts is health care for the convict!!!!
Clearly you agree.

Party B no longer has health care.
False equivalence. I don't have tits, but at least I know this example is trash.
Show me your tits
There are 2 parties in all abortions.
Party A: The pregnant female
Party B: Her child in her womb

Since when can a Party A destroy Party B and call it reproductive health?

It is a dumbass thing to say.
Robert, do you actually think before posting?
People who can't get pregnant shouldn't have a say in what pregnant women do when they get pregnant. You men and female impersonators out there keep your dirty noses out of other people's business.
Your message is only women get to speak.

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