Who is bringing Antifa members to Atlanta to commit domestic terrorism?

And some in the GOP defend White Supremacists. So what, doesn't mean it is the policy of that party.

Did they call on them to continue burning looting too? Did Trump tell the 1/6 mob to protest or to break into the Capitol Building?

Can you close the loop between your assumption that someone affiliated with Antifa burned a store and some actual case?

Defending their right to be racist assholes isn't agreeing with them. Most mainstream progs have political sympathy for Anti-fa and BLM.

They spent plenty of time explaining away the violence, and doing the least possible to control it in cities they ran.

Yes, because a cellular based resistance group that plays on the ability to hide their identities will make sure to leave their ID's behind and manifesto literature.
Defending their right to be racist assholes isn't agreeing with them. Most mainstream progs have political sympathy for Anti-fa and BLM.

They spent plenty of time explaining away the violence, and doing the least possible to control it in cities they ran.

Yes, because a cellular based resistance group that plays on the ability to hide their identities will make sure to leave their ID's behind and manifesto literature.
So most on the left have sympathy for a group with no known members or manifesto? Seems like the right knows and cares way more about Antifa than the Left. All I know about them is their name and I doubt anyone on any side of the political debate is pro-Fascist.
Can you close the loop between your assumption that someone affiliated with Antifa burned a store and some actual case?

Antifa Violence:

So most on the left have sympathy for a group with no known members or manifesto? Seems like the right knows and cares way more about Antifa than the Left. All I know about them is their name and I doubt anyone on any side of the political debate is pro-Fascist.

Again, cellular group, multiple manifestos, they are the children of OWS and the grandchildren of the WTO prostesters. anarchist/communist in ideology, mostly white middle-upper class bored kids and 20 year olds.

What they are is pro-authoritarianism as long as they are in charge. They are equivalent to the Red Brigades, Action Directe, and the Red Army Faction of the cold war European hard left.
VP Harris and a Far Left PAC
I don't know what the 'Far Left' PAC is so I can't check that but their is NO evidence Harris had anything to do with any bailing out of anyone from Antifa. She did assist a group trying to end cash bail but almost no protestors benefited from that effort since the vast majority were just released in a few days without charges.
Section 20 of the FBI, which officially does not exist, is responsible for coordinating Antifa activities. :terror:
Antifa Violence:

I missed the part where the Dems defended their actions?
Democrats supported and defended them.
Action network are the ones providing bail money for riots in ATL and the summer of love.

The Atlanta Solidarity Fund’s donations page shows that it is hosted by Action Network, an online platform that left-wing groups use to organize and fundraise. The fund states on the network’s page that it bails out “activists who are arrested for participating in social justice movements, and helps them get access to lawyers.

But the Action Network’s main clients are scrappy upstarts like the Democratic National Committee, the AFL-CIO, and Black Lives Matter. The front page of its website prominently displays the following advertisement: “After three months of using Action Network the DNC shattered all sorts of fundraising records.”


Burning Atlanta

Bail fund backed by Kamala Harris freed Minneapolis man charged with murder​

Of course the man had no connection to Antifa so this is a fail. If you want to discuss the inequity of our cash bail system that is fine but don't try and conflate two separate issues.
This is from Action Networks 'about us' page:

Since launching in 2012, Action Network tools have helped the Women’s March mobilize huge rallies across the globe, helped the DNC raised millions for candidates and organizations, and much more.

The Action Builder toolset, launched in 2019, helps dozens of unions and progressive organizations empower leaders and build strong organizing campaigns.

The link is in the section I pasted.

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