Who Is More Dangerous .... Al Qaeda Or The Islamic State?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

ISIS or Al Qaeda? American Officials Split Over Top Terror Threat

I just wonder why anyone would try to work out the difference. Both want Death to America. Both want all disbelievers to either convert – OR DIE. Both enslave little girls, burn churches, and toss LGBTs off of roofs. And both want to recruit here and attack us HEREl

Read more @ http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/05/w...officials-split-over-biggest-threat.html?_r=1
And another one bites the dust...

Top al Qaeda leader Sanafi al-Nasr killed in U.S. airstrike, Pentagon says
Mon, October 19, 2015 — The leader of an al Qaeda-linked group allegedly bent on attacking the West has been killed in an airstrike by the U.S.-led coalition in Syria, U.S. officials said Sunday.
Sanafi al-Nasr, a Saudi citizen whose real name is Abdul Mohsen Adballah Ibrahim al Charekh, was the highest-ranking member of the Khorasan Group -- a collection of veteran al Qaeda jihadis which had moved into Syria, the Pentagon said in a statement. He was killed in an airstrike in northwest Syria on Thursday, the statement said.


Nasr, who was once al Qaeda's chief financial officer and had been designated a Specially Designated Global Terrorist by the U.S. Treasury, is the fifth senior Khorasan Group leader killed in the last four months, said the statement. "The United States will not relent in its mission to degrade, disrupt and destroy al-Qaeda and its remnants," said Secretary of Defense Ash Carter. "This operation deals a significant blow to the Khorasan Group's plans to attack the United States and our allies, and once again proves that those who seek to do us harm are not beyond our reach." Nasr's death was referred to widely on jihadist social media sites, where he was mourned as a martyr.

'Significant blow'

Nasr had played a significant role in the group's finances and had also been instrumental in organizing routes for new recruits to travel, via Turkey, from Pakistan to Syria, the Pentagon said. "Al-Nasr was a longtime jihadist experienced in funneling money and fighters for al-Qaeda. He moved funds from donors in the Gulf region into Iraq and then to al-Qaeda leaders from Pakistan to Syria," the Pentagon spokesman said in a statement. CNN terrorism analyst Paul Cruickshank said the death of Nasr represented a "significant blow to al Qaeda," as he was one of the terror group's most senior figures in Syria. "He was a highly influential strategist and prolific online propagandist and previously played key operational roles for the terrorist organization in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region and Iran, including a stint in 2012 as al Qaeda's chief financial officer," he said.


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