Who is Responible for the Benghazi debacle and how should they pay for it

Who is responible for the Benghazti debacle and what should be done

  • Barack Obama and he should be impeached

    Votes: 8 29.6%
  • Hillary Clinton and she should be brought up on charges

    Votes: 10 37.0%
  • Rice, Jay Carney, Biden and Obama Cabinet should be fired

    Votes: 9 33.3%
  • Noting to see here, move on

    Votes: 13 48.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
What nonsense?

Almost the exact same scenario was played out in the black hawk down, event.

How'd that turn out?

It turned out completely different than Somalia, you Asshat! We went to rescue our downed military personnel in that instance...we didn't sit on our hands because we didn't like how it would play out in the media.

Members of this Administration turned their backs on the Americans fighting for their lives at the Annex that day in Benghazi...and they did so FOR POLITICAL REASONS!!! What they did was so despicable it absolutely infuriates me.

No fuckface.

It wasn't a "rescue" mission..it was "capture" mission gone bad.


And what happened when that "capture mission" went bad?
Somalia is what you "do" when a mission goes bad. You send in the cavalry. Where was the help for the people who died at our annex 7 hours after the start of the attack?
Barack Obama has stated that he did everything he could to help those on the ground in Libya. The truth is someone in HIS Administration told the military to stand down. The cavalry was ready and willing but the order was never given to go. Explain why that is!
And if the "Commander In Chief" DID give the order to do all they could to help the people on the ground...then who took it upon themselves to countermand that order and why haven't they been roasted on a spit for doing so? The common sense answer to THAT question is that Obama never gave that order in the first place.
It turned out completely different than Somalia, you Asshat! We went to rescue our downed military personnel in that instance...we didn't sit on our hands because we didn't like how it would play out in the media.

Members of this Administration turned their backs on the Americans fighting for their lives at the Annex that day in Benghazi...and they did so FOR POLITICAL REASONS!!! What they did was so despicable it absolutely infuriates me.

No fuckface.

It wasn't a "rescue" mission..it was "capture" mission gone bad.


And what happened when that "capture mission" went bad?

You got it wrong.

And completely.
No S. Your the one who has it wrong.

You just don't want to admitt your boy hero, Hillary and his inept State Department screwed the pooch on Benghazi.

Hell. Barry jetted off to his fundraiser while his consulate was under attack and you think thats okay??

Good Gawd. Open your eyes and take an unbiased look at his conduct and the conduct of his SOS and State Department and then tell me how innocent they are. Jeeze.
No S. Your the one who has it wrong.

You just don't want to admitt your boy hero, Hillary and his inept State Department screwed the pooch on Benghazi.

Hell. Barry jetted off to his fundraiser while his consulate was under attack and you think thats okay??

Good Gawd. Open your eyes and take an unbiased look at his conduct and the conduct of his SOS and State Department and then tell me how innocent they are. Jeeze.

The fact is that our embassies have been attacked for decades with losses of life from embassy personnel. We have not shown the ability to provide 100% protection for embassy staff for over 30 years.

Even after nine Congressional hearings on Benghazi, nobody has shown that this attack could have been prevented or that the staff could have been rescued.

Maybe Republicans will have better luck in proving a crime has been committed in the tenth hearing....or twentieth hearing
No fuckface.

It wasn't a "rescue" mission..it was "capture" mission gone bad.


And what happened when that "capture mission" went bad?

You got it wrong.

And completely.

Really...how so? That Blackhawk helicopter went down and we immediately sent a rescue column racing to that scene. We didn't wait to figure out the political ramifications of doing so...we acted. Now contrast that with what happened in Libya...
The Obama Administration didn't act. They didn't send special forces...They didn't send fighters. What did they do? They worked to concoct a cover story about how this wasn't actually an attack by Islamic terrorists but was actually a spontaneous protest by a mob over a YouTube video that got out of control.
Instead of concentrating on bringing the people responsible for these murders to justice, members of the Obama Administration were working feverishly to make sure the "right" narrative was being disseminated as they silenced anyone with a differing view.
No S. Your the one who has it wrong.

You just don't want to admitt your boy hero, Hillary and his inept State Department screwed the pooch on Benghazi.

Hell. Barry jetted off to his fundraiser while his consulate was under attack and you think thats okay??

Good Gawd. Open your eyes and take an unbiased look at his conduct and the conduct of his SOS and State Department and then tell me how innocent they are. Jeeze.

The fact is that our embassies have been attacked for decades with losses of life from embassy personnel. We have not shown the ability to provide 100% protection for embassy staff for over 30 years.

Even after nine Congressional hearings on Benghazi, nobody has shown that this attack could have been prevented or that the staff could have been rescued.

Maybe Republicans will have better luck in proving a crime has been committed in the tenth hearing....or twentieth hearing

Since there never was an attempt made to prevent this attack or to rescue the people there once the attack began...how would we ever know? Are you really making the argument that the United States of America couldn't get a fighter plane over Benghazi to provide support to those on the ground in SEVEN HOURS? Because if you are...then you're showing yourself to be one of the more naive people on this planet. If you buy THAT excuse, Winger...then Barack Obama could pee on your face and you'd buy that it was raining!
Even after nine Congressional hearings on Benghazi, nobody has shown that this attack could have been prevented or that the staff could have been rescued.

Maybe Republicans will have better luck in proving a crime has been committed in the tenth hearing....or twentieth hearing

Hard to prove they could not have been rescued when the help was told to stand down and not put forth the effort.

I wonder how comfortable Obama would be giving one of his campaign speeches if his protection walked off. I bet he could not even read his teleprompter. I wonder how it would be accepted if he were being fired upon and nobody came to help him. Would there be a Congressional hearing? Would Hillary say "the American President is dead does it really make a difference how he died". The democrats would join the republicans in anger toward her for such a cold hearted statement. It would make a difference who and why he was allowed to die. It makes a difference to me why they allowed these 4 Americans to die.
Right wingers, they are wasting taxpayer dime once again on their tinfoil nonsense.
The buck starts and stops with obama, he should be impeached. Work your way down from there starting with Clinton.
Who is Responible for the Benghazi debacle and how should they pay for it

You left out the obvious answer, scumbag terrorists. This just confirms my suspicion that the deaths are just an excuse for the the Ben Ghazi flap, not the reason. The bottom line is that many haven't come to terms with Obama's re-election and will use the bodies of the dead to flog the president. In the mean time they've completely forgotten about the real perpetrators, just like they forgot about bin Laden. PATHETIC!!!
Who is Responible for the Benghazi debacle and how should they pay for it

You left out the obvious answer, scumbag terrorists. This just confirms my suspicion that the deaths are just an excuse for the the Ben Ghazi flap, not the reason. The bottom line is that many haven't come to terms with Obama's re-election and will use the bodies of the dead to flog the president. In the mean time they've completely forgotten about the real perpetrators, just like they forgot about bin Laden. PATHETIC!!!

The "bottom line", as you've put it...is that this Administration made a conscious decision to lie to the American people about what happened in Benghazi. The reason that Gregory Hicks was shocked and embarrassed when he heard what Susan Rice was saying on those 5 talk shows that Sunday morning was that he KNEW that the Obama Administration was lying about what took place. This isn't some Republican attack dog...this is a twenty year State Department veteran...the number two diplomat behind Chris Stevens in Libya...a man who in the course of his service, has received six Meritorious Service Increases, three individual Meritorious Honor Awards, and four individual Superior Honor Awards.

Now you can TRY to downplay the Benghazi scandal by calling it a "flap" or a witch hunt, Konradv...but the truth of the matter is very senior people in our government decided that rather than be honest with us about what happened in Libya that they would make up a story about what happened. Even though they knew that there was no protest that turned violent on that day they tried to push that narrative. Susan Rice did it. Hilary Clinton did it. Jay Carney did it. Joe Biden did it. Barack Obama did it. They lied.
No S. Your the one who has it wrong.

You just don't want to admitt your boy hero, Hillary and his inept State Department screwed the pooch on Benghazi.

Hell. Barry jetted off to his fundraiser while his consulate was under attack and you think thats okay??

Good Gawd. Open your eyes and take an unbiased look at his conduct and the conduct of his SOS and State Department and then tell me how innocent they are. Jeeze.

The fact is that our embassies have been attacked for decades with losses of life from embassy personnel. We have not shown the ability to provide 100% protection for embassy staff for over 30 years.

Even after nine Congressional hearings on Benghazi, nobody has shown that this attack could have been prevented or that the staff could have been rescued.

Maybe Republicans will have better luck in proving a crime has been committed in the tenth hearing....or twentieth hearing

A daylong House Oversight Committee hearing Wednesday starred three State Department officials invited by Republicans. Security was poorly handled in Benghazi, Libya, they said, and administration officials later tried to obscure what happened.

But the three men offered little that has not been aired in previous congressional hearings. Afterward, Republicans all but acknowledged they’re still seeking a knockout punch.

‘‘This hearing is now over, but this investigation is not,’’ said Darrell Issa of California, the hard-charging Republican chairman of the House committee. He urged ‘‘whistle-blowers’’ and ‘‘witnesses who have been afraid to come forward’’ to step up and ‘‘tell us your story, and we will make sure it gets public.’’

Aside from crippling Clinton in 2016, Republicans hope public anger over the Benghazi attacks and their aftermath will besmirch congressional Democrats in next year’s midterm elections.

Boston Globe is funny
Who is responible for the Benghazti debacle and what should be done

The GOP hearings committee, obviously; their hearing this week was as much a debacle as the first, if not more so.

What should be done? Vote the republican committee members out of office, clearly.
The GOP hearings committee, obviously; their hearing this week was as much a debacle as the first, if not more so.

What should be done? Vote the republican committee members out of office, clearly.

because we all know how unimportant truth is


truth in a partisan GOP hearing?



It's all a matter of record.
We can recognize truth on our own.

Watch, read, or listen to the questions and answers for ourselves and determine truth, without relying on any media source to tell us what the truth is.

We, as individuals, are capable of doing that regardless of which "party" is asking and which "party" is answering.

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