Who is Responsible for Fatherless Black Families?

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
The Ku Klux Klan?



Black men who "beget and forget."

Statistics bear out the accuracy of this conclusion. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, in 2005, 69% of black births were to unmarried mothers, a rate that has been increasing for years. And the social consequences of fatherless families are horrendous. Crime rates, drug and alcohol abuse, emotional and behavioral problems, school drop out rates, and a host of other social ills are much higher, sometimes by several multiples, in fatherless families than in families with an active and committed father.

Liberal-in-transition though I was, even when I was in the Army I could not credit the idea that the prevalent fatherlessness of black families could be ascribed to a supposed white racism. The Ku Klux Klan was not forcing Sergeant Smith to impregnate black women and then abandon them. To the contrary, Smith’s procreative adventures seemed a gesture of defiance toward white mores. If there is free moral choice in this world — and I believe there is — Smith made his choice as freely as many of the rest of us have chosen to act the role of fathers for our children.
Any person with a job is responsible for fatherless black families. It's called welfare.
Keep going, you could be onto something. No, I'm not being sarcastic, keep going, keep thinking and keep digging for the root causes.

Wait... you're not going to tell us that these "root causes" are racist whites, are you?
Keep going, you could be onto something. No, I'm not being sarcastic, keep going, keep thinking and keep digging for the root causes.

Oh! Oh! I know. White men are responsible for fatherless children from white men.

This is a total shocker to me.
So far, this is the most peaceful and agreeing thread on the boards...:clap2: .

Wait... you're not going to tell us that these "root causes" are racist whites, are you?

Of course not. I don't know what the deep-rooted causes are, I just thought you might be able to slice your way through and work up a couple of hypotheses for discussion.
Oh! Oh! I know. White men are responsible for fatherless children from white men.

This is a total shocker to me.

I suppose it happens but for me to make any sort of constructive comment I'd have to know the rate of fatherless white families (voluntary) and then have a look at it relative to the rate of fatherless black families (of course there would have to be the usual work to make the statistics valid but that's above my head). If it's the problem it's apparently supposed to be then surely a search for causation would be useful?
Well........my hypotheses involves a number of different factors. I may not hit all of them. but it's the first thing(s) that I notice.

1. Blacks (not all) generally do not value an education. Most barely make it through high school...thus resulting in lower paying jobs, contributing to his/her endless cycle of poverty. If more blacks would actively persue their education and go to college, they could obtain higher paying jobs and bring in a little more money for their families...ending the the cycle of poverty if they too encourage their kids to do the same.

2. The hip-op/rap industry (though enjoyable) has every young black American wanting to become hip-hop stars...so they rely on the prospect of doing this. (they think it will pave their way to success, only a small percentage ever make it.) There's not enough room in Hollywood for that many celebreties.

3. The "whites are out to get us" attitude has to be changed. Black families need to instill, in their children, the fact that they are in control of their own success. Whites are no longer doing this. They have just as many opportunities to be successful. I'm white, and I worked 40 hours a week at a 5.50 an hour job to pay for my college. I went full time while working full-time. Sure, I could make an excuse and say that I was poor and didn't have money for school. but my education was important to me, and my parents encouraged it.

I'm sure there's more, but these are some of the main issues in my opinion.

Blacks are responsible for Blacks...unless they're on welfare...and then we're responsible for their well-being.
Now that I've read my post, I realize that I never mentioned fatherless blacks. My apologies...:redface:
Well........my hypotheses involves a number of different factors. I may not hit all of them. but it's the first thing(s) that I notice.

1. Blacks (not all) generally do not value an education. Most barely make it through high school...thus resulting in lower paying jobs, contributing to his/her endless cycle of poverty. If more blacks would actively persue their education and go to college, they could obtain higher paying jobs and bring in a little more money for their families...ending the the cycle of poverty if they too encourage their kids to do the same.

2. The hip-op/rap industry (though enjoyable) has every young black American wanting to become hip-hop stars...so they rely on the prospect of doing this. (they think it will pave their way to success, only a small percentage ever make it.) There's not enough room in Hollywood for that many celebreties.

3. The "whites are out to get us" attitude has to be changed. Black families need to instill, in their children, the fact that they are in control of their own success. Whites are no longer doing this. They have just as many opportunities to be successful. I'm white, and I worked 40 hours a week at a 5.50 an hour job to pay for my college. I went full time while working full-time. Sure, I could make an excuse and say that I was poor and didn't have money for school. but my education was important to me, and my parents encouraged it.

I'm sure there's more, but these are some of the main issues in my opinion.

Blacks are responsible for Blacks...unless they're on welfare...and then we're responsible for their well-being.

The root problem is, IMO, blacks in general suffer from a false sense of entitlement based on being convinced they are victims by a political organization willing to foster such a climate in order to purchase their votes with promises of more handouts.

Why would anyone expect responsible behavior from a segment of the population that has been raised to believe they are in fact not responsible?
The root problem IMO is that blacks get a shitty economic deal and leave because they can't face failure as providers.

Hey, good as any other opinion I've read here.
The root problem IMO is that blacks get a shitty economic deal and leave because they can't face failure as providers.

Hey, good as any other opinion I've read here.

I know ... have you read a bigger bunch of tripe, ever?
The root problem IMO is that blacks get a shitty economic deal and leave because they can't face failure as providers.

Hey, good as any other opinion I've read here.

Blacks get no shittier a deal than anyone else. As a matter of fact, being a racial minority in this country entitles one to handouts whites can't get.

IMO, anyone concerned with being a failure as a provider would not be running anywhere.
The root problem IMO is that blacks get a shitty economic deal and leave because they can't face failure as providers.

Hey, good as any other opinion I've read here.

Except it is childish. Devoid of reality and facts.

The Liberals in this country have spent the last 40 years teaching the blacks that THEY will provide welfare and free housing to them if they JUST keep them in power. There was no great problem before the 60's of unwed mothers with children. Not even among black families. The Liberals helped break down this country's morals and has gone about creating dependent classes ever since.

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