Zone1 Is Black Fatherlessness caused by Racism? By the Welfare System? By Something Else?

I wouldn't know.

Why do you emphasize "Substitute teacher". You do realize that even in the Catholic School I went to, "substitute teacher" usually meant, 'Well, let's see what we can get away with now because she'll be gone before she can catch us up."

What we NEED to do is make teaching a lucrative enough position to where people actually want to do it as a vocation.
Good teachers are wasted on bad students.
I considered becoming a teacher after I left the Army in 1992. Then I realized that I had to go back to school for another two years only to take a job that would pay me LESS than I was making even in the shitty economy Bush-41 inflicted on us.

Of course, we don't spend enough on education to attract the best and brightest, so there's that.
If you had stayed with your aspiration to be a teacher, and if you had transferred around a bit you would have learned that white and Oriental students are easier and more pleasant to teach than Negro students.

Well, for you, maybe.

I find children of any color unpleasant and unfun to be around. It's an effort to just tolerate family members on holidays.
I wouldn't know.

Why do you emphasize "Substitute teacher". You do realize that even in the Catholic School I went to, "substitute teacher" usually meant, 'Well, let's see what we can get away with now because she'll be gone before she can catch us up."

What we NEED to do is make teaching a lucrative enough position to where people actually want to do it as a vocation.
Money is not the issue.

As you know, many districts that spend the most per student have the worst records.
Good teachers are wasted on bad students.

I wouldn't know. Frankly, I went to a supposedly great Catholic School. Other than the nuns that still haunt my nightmares, most of them were pretty mediocre.

Now, my late mother was an art teacher at that same school. Me, I struggle to draw a straight line, much less do artistic stuff. But I met people who became professional artists because of what my mom taught them.

Money is not the issue.

As you know, many districts that spend the most per student have the worst records.
Except then you have to look at what they have to spend on.

Such as extra security because we live in a country that any asshole can get a gun.

I also think there are other problems in large education districts, such as declaring as many kids as you can "Special needs" because that brings in more money. The fact that we have 14 million kids on SSRI's to make them more "manageable".

I could go on with a whole list of everything that is wrong with public education, and make conservatives and liberals mad in the process. But I'd rather not.
White racists who have not lived one second black, or who have lived one second being black in the black community really need to shut up about this. I have lived in the white suburbs. I have seen where almost every other house in that white suburb was lived in by a divorced white woman with children and father is only present by alimony check. So clean your own house.
Well, for you, maybe.

I find children of any color unpleasant and unfun to be around. It's an effort to just tolerate family members on holidays.
Those who have difficulty liking others are unlikable themselves. I like children. I like Jews and Orientals. I even like Negroes who satisfy my mild standards.
White racists who have not lived one second black, or who have lived one second being black in the black community really need to shut up about this. I have lived in the white suburbs. I have seen where almost every other house in that white suburb was lived in by a divorced white woman with children and father is only present by alimony check. So clean your own house.

Um, okay, if you lived in White Suburbs, it doesn't sound like you've been oppressed as you claim they are.

Pointing out other people's faults does not relieve you of your own.

I'm totally with you, racism is a real problem, so is 400 years of bad policy.

But at the end of the day, there are things you can fix, and this is one of them.
Those who have difficulty liking others are unlikable themselves. I like children. I like Jews and Orientals. I even like Negroes who satisfy my mild standards.
Again, guy, you spend every fucking day here hating on black people.

Almost to the point of mental illness.

I just don't want to take a pay cut to deal with kids, because that would be stupid.
Again, guy, you spend every fucking day here hating on black people.

Almost to the point of mental illness.

I just don't want to take a pay cut to deal with kids, because that would be stupid.
You project your reservoir of hated onto me. I do not hate all Negroes, only black criminals.
You project your reservoir of hated onto me. I do not hate all Negroes, only black criminals.

Then you should have no problem with affirmative action letting a black kid with a 1500 SAT replace a Jew with a 1600 SAT.

Oh, wait, you think that's wrong, too.

You should have no problem hiring a black guy over the Boss' idiot nephew to meet a quota. Oh, no, wait, you are against that, too.

Come man, you are a racist, you don't want to see black people advance, you just want to look down on them to feel better about your own failed and useless life.
Then you should have no problem with affirmative action letting a black kid with a 1500 SAT replace a Jew with a 1600 SAT.

Oh, wait, you think that's wrong, too.

You should have no problem hiring a black guy over the Boss' idiot nephew to meet a quota. Oh, no, wait, you are against that, too.

Come man, you are a racist, you don't want to see black people advance, you just want to look down on them to feel better about your own failed and useless life.
I want to see Negroes advance on their merits, and not because of affirmative action.
I want to see Negroes advance on their merits, and not because of affirmative action.
I want to see white people advance on their merits and not because of white privilege.

But I live in the real world and know that doesn't happen.
I want to see white people advance on their merits and not because of white privilege.
The appointment of Claudine Gay as the President of Harvard demonstrates that what currently prevails is black privilege. A black person who is reasonably intelligent, reasonably likable, and who has no felony convictions and no illegitimate children will have doors opened that remain securely shut for equally worthy whites.

When a black criminal is killed at the scene of his crime by a white man that is reported nationally. It is considered to be a scandal. When a white person is killed by a black criminal this is often not reported even in the local news. When it is, the race of the criminal is rarely mentioned.
The appointment of Claudine Gay as the President of Harvard demonstrates that what currently prevails is black privilege. A black person who is reasonably intelligent, reasonably likable, and who has no felony convictions and no illegitimate children will have doors opened that remain securely shut for equally worthy whites.

Look, Im not sure what your fixation with Gay is. Frankly, you kind of prove my point, other Harvard Presidents (almost all white dudes) didn't ahve everything they wrote scrutinized for citations in order to prove they "stole" their position.

When a black criminal is killed at the scene of his crime by a white man that is reported nationally. It is considered to be a scandal. When a white person is killed by a black criminal this is often not reported even in the local news. When it is, the race of the criminal is rarely mentioned.
Well, that's not true. in fact, the police kill hundreds of black people every year. the only time it makes national news if it involves some ridiculous overuse of force like crushing his neck for 9 minutes or shooting someone 16 times. In fact, the police have just stopped reporting the race of the people they kill like that makes it better somehow. Which is how we went from 114 "unknown" in 2019 to 342 in 2023.

Look, Im not sure what your fixation with Gay is. Frankly, you kind of prove my point, other Harvard Presidents (almost all white dudes) didn't ahve everything they wrote scrutinized for citations in order to prove they "stole" their position.

Well, that's not true. in fact, the police kill hundreds of black people every year. the only time it makes national news if it involves some ridiculous overuse of force like crushing his neck for 9 minutes or shooting someone 16 times. In fact, the police have just stopped reporting the race of the people they kill like that makes it better somehow. Which is how we went from 114 "unknown" in 2019 to 342 in 2023.

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Claudia Gay is the poster baby for why affirmative action in hiring is a bad idea. Before her widespread plagiarism was discovered, and before she said "It depends on the context" when asked if calling for the genocide of Jews breaks the rules of bullying and the harassment code at Harvard, The National Review reported that she would be the first President of Harvard who had never written a book, and who would not be required to attend faculty meetings.

Her academic background was in black studies. Black studies is nothing more than indoctrination into the belief that Negroes are unoffending victims of irrational white prejudice and discrimination.

In black studies I am sure there is no mention of the facts that blacks were not enslaved by whites; they were enslaved by other blacks and sold to white slave traders. While this was going on slavery was widespread in Sub Saharan Africa, and black slaves were sometimes the victims of cannibalism and human sacrifice.

In black studies I am sure there is no mention of the well documented assertions of Charles Murray, and Professor's Richard Herrenstein, and J. Philippe Rushton, unless those assertions are dismissed as "pseudo science," without explaining what is pseudo about them.

In black studies, if mention of low black average intelligence and high rates of crime and illegitimacy is made, this is blamed on white racism.

When the police kill a black man it is virtually always the case that the black man is breaking a law. Frequently he was armed and/or resisting arrest.

The number of blacks killed by whites is vastly less than the number of whites killed by blacks, and even less than the number of blacks killed by other blacks.

BlackCrime 3.jpg
I have to laugh at all these white experts on being black
Claudia Gay is the poster baby for why affirmative action in hiring is a bad idea. Before her widespread plagiarism was discovered, and before she said "It depends on the context" when asked if calling for the genocide of Jews breaks the rules of bullying and the harassment code at Harvard, The National Review reported that she would be the first President of Harvard who had never written a book, and who would not be required to attend faculty meetings.

Most of the plagarism was uncited quotes, which is an inside baseball academic thing.

Jews scream about Genocide if they are even MILDLY criticized.

Again, if they were hiring an author, I would be concerned. I have said, the problem with Gay is she was not a wartime Consiglare. Academia needs to realize they are at war with ignorance from the right. The right doesn't like science, they don't like culture and they don't like history.

Her academic background was in black studies. Black studies is nothing more than indoctrination into the belief that Negroes are unoffending victims of irrational white prejudice and discrimination.

Really, have you taken a black studies course? I will admit, I never have.

In black studies I am sure there is no mention of the facts that blacks were not enslaved by whites; they were enslaved by other blacks and sold to white slave traders. While this was going on slavery was widespread in Sub Saharan Africa, and black slaves were sometimes the victims of cannibalism and human sacrifice.

Because- um, it's not really relevant to the point. I'm not sure why you are so keen to absolve black people of their guilty by deflecting to others.

In black studies I am sure there is no mention of the well documented assertions of Charles Murray, and Professor's Richard Herrenstein, and J. Philippe Rushton, unless those assertions are dismissed as "pseudo science," without explaining what is pseudo about them.
They also won't have books on Cryptozoology or Scientific Creationism or any other psuedo-science.
Jews scream about Genocide if they are even MILDLY criticized.
Blacks and their white apologists scream about racism when anyone points out that by every objective, measurable criterion whites and Orientals tend to be considerably more intelligent than Negroes.

It is not possible to accurately condemn the Jewish people for anything.

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