Who is Roy Cohn that Trump's asking for?

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Cohn was right hand man to Joseph McCarthy. They're both dead now .. Cohn from AIDS and McCarthy from alcoholism.


“Where’s my Roy Cohn?” the president demanded in March, calling on his former personal lawyer who once served as Senator Joseph R. McCarthy’s chief counsel into the 1950s-era communist investigations, according to The New York Times.

Cohn has been dead since 1986, but that didn’t stop the president from invoking his name. Trump called on Cohn after a top White House lawyer could not keep Sessions from removing himself from the investigation into whether Russian officials worked with members of his campaign to interfere in the 2016 election. Trump expected Sessions to stand by and protect him, just as he perceived attorney generals had done with previous presidents. The president thought wrong, and was reportedly visibly angry in front of White House staff, according to the Times.

“If you need someone to get vicious toward an opponent, you get Roy,” Trump told Newsweek in 1979.

There was a time when the two spoke 15 to 20 times a day, according to Vanity Fair. Cohn served as Trump’s close mentor, helping him climb political social circles in New York to become the businessman and politician the world knows him as today.

The two were so close that Trump once testified in Cohn’s disbarment hearing in the 1980s as a character witness. After a four-year legal battle, he was later disbarred from the New York bar for "dishonesty, fraud, deceit and misrepresentation,” according to The Washington Post.
Compared to Cohn, RFK, Ed Meese and Mitchell were bipartisan career federal prosecutors. LOL

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