Who Is The Greater Threat To Our Nation? Dude Who Wants To Be A Girl, Or Ammosexual Posting Top Secret Military Information To His Incel Chat Bros?

Odd you should go there..

No one cares what you care about.
Why wouldnt i go there? You picked a picture of young Trump in makeup. It would be weird for you to pick that picture if implying that he is gay WASNT your intention. :laugh:
Why wouldnt i go there? You picked a picture of young Trump in makeup. It would be weird for you to pick that picture if implying that he is gay WASNT your intention. :laugh:
No...Roy Cohn wasn't just a gay conservative...he was an utterly reprehensible human being. A perfect mentor for the young sociopath.
Um, Biden is soft on them? Really?

So he tightened tech tariffs, condemned actions against the Uyghers, and promised to defend Taiwan.

Yeah, funny, unemployment last month was 3.6%. If this is collapse, you have a funny sense of perspective.

LOL…you guys really are stupid. Maybe you should read something other than what equates to government sponsored media. China is in the process of replacing the US as the leader in negotiating world policy. China will likely make a move on Taiwan during Biden’s administration. Seriously, it is scary just how misinformed the left is in this country.

And on the economy, yes a recession is coming. Well north of 60% of economist think so, even the lefty, nutty ones who bought into the false narrative of transitory inflation. You can’t keep printing and spending money while the fed is hiking rates and not expect a problem. Again, pure ignorance.

Biden Helping China Plunder American Tech Companies
LOL…you guys really are stupid. Maybe you should read something other than what equates to government sponsored media. China is in the process of replacing the US as the leader in negotiating world policy.

Whose fault is that. While Trump and Bush spent the last few decades alienating the world, China has been building up good will around the world by providing foreign aid and engaging in the Belt and Road initiative, which creates new markets for their products. If China is more respected than we are, we have no one to blame but ourselves.

China will likely make a move on Taiwan during Biden’s administration.

Unlikely for a bunch of reasons. First, they wouldn't have the element of surprise, they'd have to mass hundreds of ships and millions of men on the shore.
Secondly, they would be cut off from oil supplies if they did... They'll have to become a lot more energy independent to pull this off.
Third, they are economically dependent on Taiwan, and vice-versa.

But even if they did WHY IS THIS OUR PROBLEM? Taiwan is a province of China. Has been since the Ming Dynasty. Our own state department calls it a province of China.

The real problem is that you don't see the issue the way Chinese see it. This is a matter of national sovereignty for them. They'll tolerate a defacto independent Taiwan, but not a legally independent Taiwan

Seriously, it is scary just how misinformed the left is in this country.
Again, you guys are the ones who keep fucking it up.

When was the Last GOP president who left office standing tall? Was it Reagan? Your party has brought us 9 of the last 10 recessions, and your presidents keep getting voted out of office for good reason.

And on the economy, yes a recession is coming. Well north of 60% of economist think so, even the lefty, nutty ones who bought into the false narrative of transitory inflation.
Yes, but it will probably be fairly minor because the underlying cause of the inflation is that we have a labor shortage.
So even if you have GDP shrinkage, you still need people to fill those jobs, and we don't have them with 350,000 Boomers retiring every month.

You can’t keep printing and spending money while the fed is hiking rates and not expect a problem. Again, pure ignorance.

Sure you can. Sorry, man, 6% inflation isn't a crisis.
If China is more respected than we are, we have no one to blame but ourselves.

We have no one to blame that Joe. You love passing the buck, but YOUR president is a disaster on all fronts. Like a good lefty, it is NEVER his fault.

But even if they did WHY IS THIS OUR PROBLEM?

Well, they did gain their independence and they are a Democracy. I almost forgot, you are a borderline Communist, therefore are much more likely to sympathize with China.

When was the Last GOP president who left office standing tall? Was it Reagan? Your party has brought us 9 of the last 10 recessions, and your presidents keep getting voted out of office for good reason.

It would have been VERY good in 2020 had COVID not mysteriously leaked at the right time from a lab in China. You will haven’t figured out that is what happened have you? LOL! COVID comes along, wrecks the WORLD economy and the Democrats, enemies(China) and Soros types in this country take advantage and get their puppet into office to continue our destruction.

Yes, but it will probably be fairly minor because the underlying cause of the inflation is that we have a labor shortage.
So even if you have GDP shrinkage, you still need people to fill those jobs, and we don't have them with 350,000 Boomers retiring every month.

Inflation hit a 40-year high in June 2022 under Biden. You blame Trump for the falling economy due to COVID, but give Biden a pass for the highest inflation in 40 years, which in your opinion, was caused by COVID. Amazing.

Sure you can. Sorry, man, 6% inflation isn't a crisis.

6% inflation is far too high. Only a Democrat and/or a complete moron would think otherwise.

You have already stated your opinion that eveyrone should make the same salary, llive in the same houses, etc. The only way to reach this goal is to destroy our current system. This administration is doing a bang up job on that front.

What do you think would happen to the economy if you dear leader’s budget passed as is? You know, the one that proposes to raise capital gains taxes to 40% and corporate tax rates to some of the highest in the world? Honestly, the only thing I can think of is that Democrats are pushing for collapse. There is no way they can all be THAT stupid.
We have no one to blame that Joe. You love passing the buck, but YOUR president is a disaster on all fronts. Like a good lefty, it is NEVER his fault.
Well, actually, we do. The rest of the world lost respect for us because of Trump and to a lesser degree, Bush. Biden has actually restored it, such as bringing NATO together to respond to Russian aggression in the Ukraine.

Well, they did gain their independence and they are a Democracy. I almost forgot, you are a borderline Communist, therefore are much more likely to sympathize with China.
Or I actually understand Chinese history. Taiwan didn't "Gain it's independence", the losers of their civil war settled there and then the US propped up a corrupt regime for decades to keep China from getting their vote in the UN. Taiwan IS part of China. ANd for the Chinese, it's a matter of national sovereignty, not an issue of "Freedom".

It would have been VERY good in 2020 had COVID not mysteriously leaked at the right time from a lab in China. You will haven’t figured out that is what happened have you? LOL! COVID comes along, wrecks the WORLD economy and the Democrats, enemies(China) and Soros types in this country take advantage and get their puppet into office to continue our destruction.
Here's what happened.
Covid appeared.
Most of the rest of the world handled it pretty well.
We had a Reality TV Rodeo Clown in charge who fucked up the response, which is why we had the highest fatality rate in the world. Even higher than China and India with less medical technology and larger populations.

Inflation hit a 40-year high in June 2022 under Biden. You blame Trump for the falling economy due to COVID, but give Biden a pass for the highest inflation in 40 years, which in your opinion, was caused by COVID. Amazing.

Not really. I understand what is causing inflation, because that's what I do for a living. Most of those things were happening before Biden got there. Increased commondity costs, fouled up supply chains and labor shortages... The fact you are only seeing that in the trailer park now is on you.

6% inflation is far too high. Only a Democrat and/or a complete moron would think otherwise.
It's tolerable.
You have already stated your opinion that eveyrone should make the same salary, llive in the same houses, etc. The only way to reach this goal is to destroy our current system. This administration is doing a bang up job on that front.
Really? Frankly, I'm far better off than I was in 2020 and so are most people.
What do you think would happen to the economy if you dear leader’s budget passed as is? You know, the one that proposes to raise capital gains taxes to 40% and corporate tax rates to some of the highest in the world? Honestly, the only thing I can think of is that Democrats are pushing for collapse. There is no way they can all be THAT stupid.

Yes, yes, making the rich pay their fair share, how awful for you.
Well, actually, we do. The rest of the world lost respect for us because of Trump and to a lesser degree, Bush. Biden has actually restored it, such as bringing NATO together to respond to Russian aggression in the Ukraine.

LOL. That is all I can say. NOBODY really respects Biden. Our enemies are thrilled and even some of our allies are losing faith and talking to our enemies. You are lost.

Or I actually understand Chinese history. Taiwan didn't "Gain it's independence", the losers of their civil war settled there and then the US propped up a corrupt regime for decades to keep China from getting their vote in the UN. Taiwan IS part of China. ANd for the Chinese, it's a matter of national sovereignty, not an issue of "Freedom".

They are a Democracy and we support Democracy's around the world. China is Communist, full bore. Only fully indoctrinated lefties would support China in this regard.

Here's what happened.
Covid appeared.
Most of the rest of the world handled it pretty well.
We had a Reality TV Rodeo Clown in charge who fucked up the response, which is why we had the highest fatality rate in the world. Even higher than China and India with less medical technology and larger populations.

India used alternative treatments like HCQ and Ivermectin. Oops.

Not really. I understand what is causing inflation, because that's what I do for a living. Most of those things were happening before Biden got there. Increased commondity costs, fouled up supply chains and labor shortages... The fact you are only seeing that in the trailer park now is on you.

Biden has done absolutely nothing to combat inflation. I guess simply naming an act the "Inflation Reduction Act" is enough to trick fools like you.

It's tolerable.

No, it isn't.

Really? Frankly, I'm far better off than I was in 2020 and so are most people.

Yeah, around the world people are better off than they were when the world-wide pandemic was released. That is a no brainer. Most are NOT better off now than they were from 2016-2019 nor are they better off than they would be if Trump would have won re-election in 2020.

Yes, yes, making the rich pay their fair share, how awful for you.

In your pea brain you believe that only the "rich" pay capital gains? I might add, if these "rich" people who buy and sell a few stocks decide it is no longer worth the risk, anyone that has any money invested, including in retirement accounts, will suffer. Maybe you believe that anyone with money for retirement is also "rich". It is hard to keep up with the twisted logic the left applies as it sees fit.
LOL. That is all I can say. NOBODY really respects Biden. Our enemies are thrilled and even some of our allies are losing faith and talking to our enemies. You are lost.

Yup, that's why the whole of NATO got behind him on Ukraine, because no one respects him. Stop watching Faux News.

They are a Democracy and we support Democracy's around the world. China is Communist, full bore. Only fully indoctrinated lefties would support China in this regard.

We only support democracies when they pick people we like. When they pick people like Allende, Chavez or Morsi, we don't like them so much.

No, I'm going to use real tiny word so you understand.
Where is our Embassy to Taiwan?
Who is our ambassador to Taiwan?
Who is the head of Taiwan's UN Delegation.


Because Taiwan isn't a country. It's a province of China.

India used alternative treatments like HCQ and Ivermectin. Oops.
And still had a horrific death toll. Oops. Modi was almost as bad as Trump in his leadership.

Biden has done absolutely nothing to combat inflation. I guess simply naming an act the "Inflation Reduction Act" is enough to trick fools like you.
he's also cleared up the supply chain problems, he's put key investments in parts of the economy that needed it, and he's worked with the fed to control it
Mind you, he didn't send out a bunch of racist, stupid tweets. He actually did his job, so I can see how you missed that, Cleetus.

Yeah, around the world people are better off than they were when the world-wide pandemic was released. That is a no brainer. Most are NOT better off now than they were from 2016-2019 nor are they better off than they would be if Trump would have won re-election in 2020.
Uh, 2020 was a disaster because Trump was president. Full stop. Why do you guys keep trying to pretend 2020 didn't happen.
Trump also wasn't presisdent in 2016. Obama was. I'd LOVE to have my life from 2016 back. (Although this one is pretty good.)

In your pea brain you believe that only the "rich" pay capital gains? I might add, if these "rich" people who buy and sell a few stocks decide it is no longer worth the risk, anyone that has any money invested, including in retirement accounts, will suffer. Maybe you believe that anyone with money for retirement is also "rich". It is hard to keep up with the twisted logic the left applies as it sees fit.

Yes, yes, yes, we hear this from you every time. If you make the rich pay their fair share, the won't make the magic happen.
You mistake parasites for vital organs.
Yup, that's why the whole of NATO got behind him on Ukraine, because no one respects him. Stop watching Faux News.

We only support democracies when they pick people we like. When they pick people like Allende, Chavez or Morsi, we don't like them so much.

No, I'm going to use real tiny word so you understand.
Where is our Embassy to Taiwan?
Who is our ambassador to Taiwan?
Who is the head of Taiwan's UN Delegation.


Because Taiwan isn't a country. It's a province of China.

And still had a horrific death toll. Oops. Modi was almost as bad as Trump in his leadership.

he's also cleared up the supply chain problems, he's put key investments in parts of the economy that needed it, and he's worked with the fed to control it
Mind you, he didn't send out a bunch of racist, stupid tweets. He actually did his job, so I can see how you missed that, Cleetus.

Uh, 2020 was a disaster because Trump was president. Full stop. Why do you guys keep trying to pretend 2020 didn't happen.
Trump also wasn't presisdent in 2016. Obama was. I'd LOVE to have my life from 2016 back. (Although this one is pretty good.)

Yes, yes, yes, we hear this from you every time. If you make the rich pay their fair share, the won't make the magic happen.
You mistake parasites for vital organs.
You're really just too stupid to have a conversation with. I mean, seriously, everything you believe to be true is the opposite of reality. Scary really that people like you exist and can vote.
You're really just too stupid to have a conversation with. I mean, seriously, everything you believe to be true is the opposite of reality. Scary really that people like you exist and can vote.
Your gutless concessions are truly noted.

You need to go back to Faux News to find out what you think.
Your gutless concessions are truly noted.

You need to go back to Faux News to find out what you think.

No, I can just go back to my life where I am far more successful than you despite that you believe you have all the answers. The fact that you make a conscious choice to live in a place that affords you far less quality of life, a place where rampant crime goes largely unpunished and a place with horrible weather in comparison says it all. You just aren’t very smart.

By the way, make sure to spread the word about the horrible South to your buddies. Seems like you and your ilk aren’t doing such a good job keeping your flock in the fold. The South, my area in particular, is being infiltrated with people just a tad more observant than you but not quite smart enough to figure out why the problems that exists in their state don’t exist in the one to which they fled. To be honest, I prefer the super naive and stupid ones, much like yourself, because they tend to stay put and can vote their own state into economic and social disasters.
No, I can just go back to my life where I am far more successful than you despite that you believe you have all the answers.

Yes, I am sure your double wide is very nice.

The fact that you make a conscious choice to live in a place that affords you far less quality of life, a place where rampant crime goes largely unpunished and a place with horrible weather in comparison says it all.

I live in a wonderful place, and if you are such a pussy that cold weather bothers you, that's on you, man.

By the way, make sure to spread the word about the horrible South to your buddies. Seems like you and your ilk aren’t doing such a good job keeping your flock in the fold. The South, my area in particular, is being infiltrated with people just a tad more observant than you but not quite smart enough to figure out why the problems that exists in their state don’t exist in the one to which they fled. To be honest, I prefer the super naive and stupid ones, much like yourself, because they tend to stay put and can vote their own state into economic and social disasters.

Here's the problem.. They go for the nicer weather, and then realize all their neighbors are inbred rednecks who watch Fox News.

Hey, did you check out all the texts from the Dominion Case. The people at Fox News have more contempt for you than I do.
I live in a wonderful place, and if you are such a pussy that cold weather bothers you, that's on you, man.

Oh, it is much more than your crappy weather that would bother me.

Here's the problem.. They go for the nicer weather, and then realize all their neighbors are inbred rednecks who watch Fox News.

Yeah, sure, they only move for the nice weather. Taxes, lower cost of living and better standard of life have nothing to do with it. I mean, the weather has just recently changed so dramatically that it has caused an influx of people wanting to move. ;)
Oh, it is much more than your crappy weather that would bother me.

I know, man. We have darkies up here and they don't know their place. That must horrify you.

Yeah, sure, they only move for the nice weather. Taxes, lower cost of living and better standard of life have nothing to do with it. I mean, the weather has just recently changed so dramatically that it has caused an influx of people wanting to move.

Yeah, but the funny thing, they start voting blue when they get there... which must suck for you. Georgia is already going Blue, and only DeSatan engaging in mass voter disenfranchisement keeps Florida red.
I know, man. We have darkies up here and they don't know their place. That must horrify you.

We have a higher percentage of black people in the South, so not where you are going with this.

Yeah, but the funny thing, they start voting blue when they get there... which must suck for you. Georgia is already going Blue, and only DeSatan engaging in mass voter disenfranchisement keeps Florida red.

Yeah, the stupid ones do. Every know and then there is one that is not pompous, stubborn and naive and wakes up to thre reality that it is voting blue that caused the environment they so much wanted to leave. Some are like you and just too dumb and stubborn to budge. It is better if they just stay up there and vote your city/state into a blue-heaven where you can all steal, shoot and murder and give most of your paychecks to the corrupt politicians that run that dump.
I know, man. We have darkies up here and they don't know their place. That must horrify you.
We have a higher percentage of black people in the South, so not where you are going with this.

He's just trying to falsely paint you as a racist, while obliviously showings us all who the real racist is.

That's pretty much established as normal behavior for that creature.
We have a higher percentage of black people in the South, so not where you are going with this.
Sure you do, when you proudly display your confederate flags.

Yeah, the stupid ones do. Every know and then there is one that is not pompous, stubborn and naive and wakes up to thre reality that it is voting blue that caused the environment they so much wanted to leave.

Did it though? Seems to me that the real problem has been the transition from an industrial economy to a service economy, and that shit started back in the 1980's when Ronnie Ray-gun was in charge.

Some are like you and just too dumb and stubborn to budge. It is better if they just stay up there and vote your city/state into a blue-heaven where you can all steal, shoot and murder and give most of your paychecks to the corrupt politicians that run that dump.
Do we really need to go through this again?

If the Blue States are such criminal meccas, um, why do the red states have the highest crime rates?

He's just trying to falsely paint you as a racist, while obliviously showings us all who the real racist is.

That's pretty much established as normal behavior for that creature.

Nice to see I'm still living rent free in your head, Stalker-Bob.

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