Who is the least tolerant?

The OP is likely very young and/or listens to a lot of talk radio.

My advice.

Stop reducing humans to their religion, and stop being so obedient to a media culture that tells you to reduce people to their religion for the purpose of greasing the wheels of our foreign interventions.

Maybe it would help for you to play "devil's advocate" against your trusted news sources (just so you can consider potential limitations of the opinions you''ve adopted). Try this idea. Every time a Christian kills or tortures someone, we don't blame Christianity, we blame the fucking person. We punish the person as we should. Same with Muslims. We should punish the fucking person or persons who committed the crime.

Individuals should be held accountable for their acts. By expanding the blame to religions, you're letting the actual person who committed the heinous crime off the hook. By turning every individual act or rogue terrorist group into a cosmic war for civilization, you're making it easier for Washington to get involved, so they can spend our money getting in ill-conceived wars and occupying whole other continents. (Why do Republicans always trust Big Government's framing of national security issues?)

Big Government has a very real interest in controlling the energy resources of the Persian Gulf (which resources play a massive role in the health of the U.S. and global economies). This means Big Government needs to intervene in the Gulf Region to protect our interests. During the Cold War, we used the Soviet Threat as a justification to intervene in key regions (regions where we wanted to defend/open global markets). Today, having won the Cold War, we use the Terrorist Threat as context for intervention in key regions. The backlash of our intervention comes from radical Islam, which is very easy to characterize as barbaric (which characterization is used as a justification for increased intervention).

Reagan partnered with radical Islam in the 80s because he needed powerful regional allies against the Soviets. Use your google bro. Reagan called the Mujahideen (early Al Qaeda) freedom fighters. He made them stronger. He funded them to the hilt because they were key to trapping the Soviets in Afghan quicksand. Reagan also funded and supplied weapons to Iran, then Hussein. These monsters were just as barbaric then as they are now, but nobody said anything in the 80s because your news sources did what they are doing now: spinning the issue to the benefit of those in power.

Turn off talk radio and Fox News. Take your fucking brain back. Why not start blaming/punishing individuals for their crimes. When you take the bait and turn it into a global, national religious war for civilization, you are making it a Big Government issue - and Big Government always wastes our money and makes things worse.

You assume too many things and got it wrong, so hard to take you seriously.

Welllll... no. He called you out for blanket generalization/cum hoc fallacies, and you just don't want to break a brain sweat making a point without them.

It was that poster who made a lot of generalizations without backing anything up.

It is no secret that there are too many radical Muslims and I'm not apologizing for being concerned about that.

You cannot compare them to Christians. Bringing up the crusades is insane considering that was centuries ago.

I think some lefties need to turn off Rachel Maddow and MSNBC.
The OP is likely very young and/or listens to a lot of talk radio.

My advice.

Stop reducing humans to their religion, and stop being so obedient to a media culture that tells you to reduce people to their religion for the purpose of greasing the wheels of our foreign interventions.

Maybe it would help for you to play "devil's advocate" against your trusted news sources (just so you can consider potential limitations of the opinions you''ve adopted). Try this idea. Every time a Christian kills or tortures someone, we don't blame Christianity, we blame the fucking person. We punish the person as we should. Same with Muslims. We should punish the fucking person or persons who committed the crime.

Individuals should be held accountable for their acts. By expanding the blame to religions, you're letting the actual person who committed the heinous crime off the hook. By turning every individual act or rogue terrorist group into a cosmic war for civilization, you're making it easier for Washington to get involved, so they can spend our money getting in ill-conceived wars and occupying whole other continents. (Why do Republicans always trust Big Government's framing of national security issues?)

Big Government has a very real interest in controlling the energy resources of the Persian Gulf (which resources play a massive role in the health of the U.S. and global economies). This means Big Government needs to intervene in the Gulf Region to protect our interests. During the Cold War, we used the Soviet Threat as a justification to intervene in key regions (regions where we wanted to defend/open global markets). Today, having won the Cold War, we use the Terrorist Threat as context for intervention in key regions. The backlash of our intervention comes from radical Islam, which is very easy to characterize as barbaric (which characterization is used as a justification for increased intervention).

Reagan partnered with radical Islam in the 80s because he needed powerful regional allies against the Soviets. Use your google bro. Reagan called the Mujahideen (early Al Qaeda) freedom fighters. He made them stronger. He funded them to the hilt because they were key to trapping the Soviets in Afghan quicksand. Reagan also funded and supplied weapons to Iran, then Hussein. These monsters were just as barbaric then as they are now, but nobody said anything in the 80s because your news sources did what they are doing now: spinning the issue to the benefit of those in power.

Turn off talk radio and Fox News. Take your fucking brain back. Why not start blaming/punishing individuals for their crimes. When you take the bait and turn it into a global, national religious war for civilization, you are making it a Big Government issue - and Big Government always wastes our money and makes things worse.

You assume too many things and got it wrong, so hard to take you seriously.

Welllll... no. He called you out for blanket generalization/cum hoc fallacies, and you just don't want to break a brain sweat making a point without them.

It was that poster who made a lot of generalizations without backing anything up.

It is no secret that there are too many radical Muslims and I'm not apologizing for being concerned about that.

You cannot compare them to Christians. Bringing up the crusades is insane considering that was centuries ago.

I think some lefties need to turn off Rachel Maddow and MSNBC.

I think you need to turn off the Cum Hoc Fallacy spigot.
when I was in the army we used to hold Mormon services in a army barracks. They let us even have a small room for an office to lock up and keep things in.
A new chaplain showed up. Said Mormons weren't a mainline Christian denomination and could no longer have services on the base. So in essence we were kicked off and held services at a elks lodge
Someone told the old man (company commander) about it , and he went off on Mormons, how terrible we were, and we make a big deal about stuff. I was right there when this happened, and him not knowing i was LDS.
Any way someone mentioned to him the LDS had an area representative for the Mormon church on base, and when he asked who it was, and they told him; the look on his face was priceless

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