CDZ Who is the most beautiful First lady ever?

Let’s Move! accomplishments and collaborations include:

Beauty, class and grace.....


I am not dissing her looks. Just stating fact.

Gracie, this is the photoshop, yours may or may not be!

I guess when all one has is photoshop.......................

Now, we have a HUGE file of the Moooch without make up, and wearing some of the world's worst clothes....would you like to see some, NOT photoshopped?
Hossfly Vigilante Did you guys not see the warning I left earlier about trolling this thread?
No I didn't see the warning as I got sick and had to go puke and evacuate my bowels. But I'm back now and I'm fine and a revelation hit me square in the ass. I didn't realize how beautiful the First Lady really is and I love her. I love her so much I am going to confront her spouse? and take her away from him. Excuse me but I really dont feel good and I have to go puke some more.

See what debating in the CDZ does fer ya? Keep coming back, and by this time next week, me and you will be holding hands while we sing. :p I can't wait!
The point is, she is NOT the "most beautiful". One eye is smaller than the other. Lower than the other. Her jaw is jacked, too. Beauty comes in many forms. Visual and non visual. Show pics of her with makeup and in a pretty dress but don't photoshop her fucked up eyes. Thats cheating.
The point is, she is NOT the "most beautiful". One eye is smaller than the other. Lower than the other. Her jaw is jacked, too. Beauty comes in many forms. Visual and non visual. Show pics of her with makeup and in a pretty dress but don't photoshop her fucked up eyes. Thats cheating.
I find that flaws improve rather than detract.
And he inner beauty is lacking as well. I won't forget Rev Wright. Its there forever. She will never get over that any more than Jane Fonda getting past Hanoi Jane. Fact.
The point is, she is NOT the "most beautiful". One eye is smaller than the other. Lower than the other. Her jaw is jacked, too. Beauty comes in many forms. Visual and non visual. Show pics of her with makeup and in a pretty dress but don't photoshop her fucked up eyes. Thats cheating.

Gracie, there is no such thing as cheating in Photoshop....that's what photoshop is all about! You can either enhance, or ....well you KNOW the or!
The point is, she is NOT the "most beautiful". One eye is smaller than the other. Lower than the other. Her jaw is jacked, too. Beauty comes in many forms. Visual and non visual. Show pics of her with makeup and in a pretty dress but don't photoshop her fucked up eyes. Thats cheating.
I find that flaws improve rather than detract.
To you, ok. To me, no. I think she dresses nicely. I think she is down to earth. But she is no beauty, nor is she the the classiest first lady. Period.
Is having a different opinion not being "clean" or "nice"?
I can have a different opinion than yours....and still respect your rights to say what you say.....and I can have a different opinion without false photos or foul language. It's not too hard, really.

And I can also have a different opinion than yours bodecea....

And respectfully I don't find Michelle Obama all that ...

what can we say?

all that beautiful and sophisticated .....

but its just a matter of opinion....

it's all in the beholder's eye

I do prefer Jackie Kennedy... classy lady she was

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