CDZ Who is the most beautiful First lady ever?

Hillary was pretty classy during Clintons first term, too. Not too shabby looking, either.
Let’s Move! accomplishments and collaborations include:

Impressive resume!

Michelle Obama is a First Lady who "Gets it"

With all respect because I know this is the clean zone

that is your opinion and you are trying to force your tastes down our throats rightwinger....

because you think you own this thread and you are going to say whatever you want ...

even though many of us totally disagree witth your taste


For many of us ...and with utmost respect to you....

Michelle Obama is not what you think it is.

She is all the contrary.

You are under no obligation to agree with me. If you think other First Ladies were more beautiful....provide some pictures

I did
Bush was a nice lady...but she looked like his mother instead of his wife.
Nancy I did not consider "most beautiful" FLOTUS. Hillary did not fit in that beauty department either. The only one that does, in my opinion, is Jackie. But for those that see Michelle as stunningly gorgeous and "most beautiful FLOTUS ever"....shrug. Different strokes for different folks.
The point is, she is NOT the "most beautiful". One eye is smaller than the other. Lower than the other. Her jaw is jacked, too. Beauty comes in many forms. Visual and non visual. Show pics of her with makeup and in a pretty dress but don't photoshop her fucked up eyes. Thats cheating.


Discuss some First Ladies you consider more beautiful. Ever seen Jackie Kennedys eyes? Yet she was considered gorgeous
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I am beholding Michelle and she is no beauty TO ME. Therefore, I will not "debate" what is beautiful to me vs what is beautiful to you. I stated the pics posted show photoshopping. I can "enhance" the elephant man too, but it would be cheating and not representing the person for whom he is. Same with those pics of Michelle.

Name some names

Who was more beautiful? Why?

Let's have some clean debate
Bush was a nice lady...but she looked like his mother instead of his wife.
Nancy I did not consider "most beautiful" FLOTUS. Hillary did not fit in that beauty department either. The only one that does, in my opinion, is Jackie. But for those that see Michelle as stunningly gorgeous and "most beautiful FLOTUS ever"....shrug. Different strokes for different folks.

Meh, I don't think she is most beautiful either, but she does look attractive in some of the pictures that were posted. If she wouldn't scowl so much, she would look a lot "softer."
Hillary was pretty classy during Clintons first term, too. Not too shabby looking, either.
I remember the Right ripping into her and their daughter.

Well face it, Chelsea was NOT a pretty child, as was Amy Carter!
Chelsea, bless her, had to grow into her face and hair. She did and now looks great. Bush's daughters were pretty too but had attitudes. But not any more. Must be tough to live in the WH for kids.
Sasha and Malia are nice looking. The eldest is a stunner. Wait til she hits her 20's and 30's. Obama better have a rifle handy cuz she is going to be a magnet.
Thread has been cleaned and reopened.

The thread title has been changed to fit within CDZ guidelines and make it suitable for real debate: Who is the most beautiful First Lady ever?

I'm gonna go with Dolly Madison who also made some kick ass ice cream

dolly Madison-------because she introduced ice cream in the white house----
and saved the painting of George Washington. (I think----I am not sure----but I am
sure about the ice cream. They say Jefferson introduced macaroni and cheese (?) )
Anyone can take a bad picture. I think`Michelle Obama is very attractive.
Very attractive? I suppose if you are attracted to women who are more manly than their husbands. I'm not attracted to Michelle in any way, and it's not because of her politics. I didn't think Barbara Stanwick was attractive for the same reason. The manly look on a woman is just off-putting to me.

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