CDZ Who is the most beautiful First lady ever?

My vote would go to Eleanor Roosevelt.
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
There haven't been any good looking First Ladies really. The closest I guess would be Jackie Kennedy. The rest have been hard on the eyes. Michelle O is plain looking and that's the best one can say.
No question. In Modern day First Ladies, It would be Jackie.

Two First Ladies were present when the President was murdered before their eyes. Mary Lincoln and Jackie Kennedy

Mary Lincoln fell to pieces and was never the same. Jackie showed great strength under tremendous difficulty.

Interesting. I heard that Mary Lincoln had suffered from some kind of "illness" before President Lincoln was assassinated, long before. That probably played a big role in her issues afterwards.
Martha Washington


Gosh, look how the dressed back then. The purple dress looks beautiful but probably SO uncomfortable with the bustle and all that crap. Lol. :)
And I'm sorry, but anyone who attacks Laura Bush ,simply b/c they disliked her husband's politics is stupid,She as pure class as First Lady.
Across from the main campus of Princeton University is the Nassau Inn. It's been around since the university itself and the Yankee Doodle Tap Room is in the lower level.
Inside the Yankee Doodle Tap Room along the wall across from "Einstein's Table" where Albert Einstein inscribed his name with a pen knife, is a series of photographs of Princeton graduate luminaries. Michelle Obama is on that wall.

So whether you think she's good looking or not, she's got 99.9999% of other Americans beat hands down on intellect and academia...years ago. Own it.
Hard to say. We don't have THAT many photos. Paintings are NOT true representations. Jackie always looked a little downs syndomish to me. Eyes spread too wide apart. Hillary was actually cute when she was young. Not stunning but pretty and Katie Curric pretty. HAS to go to Michelle. She really does look stunning at times.

I won't be crass and explain why the others are not in the same league.
Across from the main campus of Princeton University is the Nassau Inn. It's been around since the university itself and the Yankee Doodle Tap Room is in the lower level.
Inside the Yankee Doodle Tap Room along the wall across from "Einstein's Table" where Albert Einstein inscribed his name with a pen knife, is a series of photographs of Princeton graduate luminaries. Michelle Obama is on that wall.

So whether you think she's good looking or not, she's got 99.9999% of other Americans beat hands down on intellect and academia...years ago. Own it.

Meh, Affirmative Action. Not impressed.
Across from the main campus of Princeton University is the Nassau Inn. It's been around since the university itself and the Yankee Doodle Tap Room is in the lower level.
Inside the Yankee Doodle Tap Room along the wall across from "Einstein's Table" where Albert Einstein inscribed his name with a pen knife, is a series of photographs of Princeton graduate luminaries. Michelle Obama is on that wall.

So whether you think she's good looking or not, she's got 99.9999% of other Americans beat hands down on intellect and academia...years ago. Own it.

Meh, Affirmative Action. Not impressed.

Can you provide a link to prove that?

"Michelle Obama was born on January 17, 1964 in Chicago, Illinois. She attended Princeton University, graduating cum laude in 1985, and went on to earn a law degree from Harvard Law School in 1988. """

Otherwise, it looks like AA worked for her. And your graduate degree is from where?
Do you deny she is beautiful?
compared to the other first ladies you have a point.....but i sure as hell aint going to act like some people do around here when they put these people on a pedestal and proceed to mess their underpants because of what they think they see....
The First Lady takes a lot of flack
She is a beautiful woman who has done a great job. Nothing wrong with pointing that out and nothing wrong with watching the vicious attacks against her
there is a difference between admiring someone and treating them like they are "gods" or royalty.....their shit stinks like everyone elses....

No one is doing that.
yea right....boy,someone sure stuck a flag in your ass...some people on the left have to change their underpants everytime they see pictures and stories of these 2 people...there are a couple of examples right here in this forum....

I have reported your post for flaming and violating the CDZ rules.
Hard to say. We don't have THAT many photos. Paintings are NOT true representations. Jackie always looked a little downs syndomish to me. Eyes spread too wide apart. Hillary was actually cute when she was young. Not stunning but pretty and Katie Curric pretty. HAS to go to Michelle. She really does look stunning at times.

I won't be crass and explain why the others are not in the same league.

Um, don't you think that comparing Jackie to a Downs syndrome person is kind of crass??? And if you think Hilary was or is cute, then you just have awful taste. :D

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