Who is the science denier now?

I've gotten to the point I don't even want to watch the "news." Every other word is unvaxxed. It ain't a vaccine. It is NOT safe and effective. Follow the "science." What a fucking joke.
Why did the CDC punish world-renowned vaccine scientist Dr. Martin Kulldorff for publicly disagreeing with them on vaccine safety? Why does Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook shadowban nearly every Federalist article on anything touching Covid-19, and why did they spend two years on massive information suppression campaigns against scientists, politicians, podcasters, and just ordinary citizens who had some questions, contrary data, and objections to elites’ demanded Covid response?

because the CDC works for the pharmacabal, not you....

Now that the facts cant be hidden and arent in dispute anymore how do we repair the wreckage wrought by libs and the bootlicker press?
Lockdowns are a short term tool to flatten the curve and buy time to put in place universal testing and tracing.

Hopefully we learn that lesson, for the next pandemic.
Now that the facts cant be hidden and arent in dispute anymore how do we repair the wreckage wrought by libs and the bootlicker press?
RW Federalist get's/cherry picks it's date from Tweets!
One showing more kids died of flu (84) than Covid (66).

Of course, Flu was virtually wiped out BY PRECAUTIONS FOR COVID in the 20/21 season.
Deaths down 95% from avg 30,000 to 600 overall.

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Lockdowns are a short term tool to flatten the curve and buy time to put in place universal testing and tracing.

Hopefully we learn that lesson, for the next pandemic.
Right now people are dying because of full and understaffed hospitals.
Serious operations put off. People don't want to go knowing the situation.
No one is flattening this Giant Spike.

Hospital workers are 10% sick, expecting double that.
Not just no beds, no personnel.
Natl Guard and Fed MDs/RNs are being called to many states' hospitals.

People are not going to many doctor/dental visits or routine screenings either.

We need mandatory masks indoors and vaccines now.
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no worries, the leftists will just move on to some other misery.
Now this would be a fun thing to watch (on a temporary basis of course) the sudden develop of a new leftist wing party tagged: The Fun Party lol

To be able to watch ^ numbers of progs instantly drawn in, particularly after having 2 years of constant drudgery of Biden’s senseless orders tweaked by the demands of leftist voters who don’t want to earn a living (some not understanding the concept even) for (fake) free stuff that didn’t happen! Many young voters wouldn’t even care about the new party’s platform as long as they have fun! Lots of free booze and songs about living the good life! Lol

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