Who is watching the January 6th hearings?

Sorry but I have a life nor do I have any interest in watching political theater. Everyone on this committee had there conclusions drawn long before they were ever seated on it. It’s the same with all these political dog and pony shows no matter which party is running it just showboating and grandstanding to try and get their viral moment.
Donald Trump defines what you think. You do not want to mess with that.
I think they'll have a ton of Republican voices, texts, emails, and videotape.

But we'll see.

If they cant speak during this fiasco the dems can go fuck themselves.
Which of course is the dem plan....hurl accusations and dont let conservatives respond.
This will go down as just another bullshit attempt to screw republicans and the American people will see right through it

I understand that the Reverend Jim Jones, I mean Donald Trump, will not allow his braindead, mindless followers from watching a presentation on what happened on January 6th.
The truth will set you free from the cult.

You know that you are dealing with a total TDS loser who confuses 'The Donald' with Rev. Jim Jones.

But I'll cut you a small break. We know that you are trying to do the best you can with a public school education.
It is totally obvious that Bidenista's have real boners for success to-nite!!
Only because they got nothing else going into the mid-terms and need to play out partisan politicized distraction for all it's worth!!

Onward and forward, bitchez!
There are more useful things to do. In fact, almost everything is more useful than to dwell on fantasy. So tonight, I think I'll dig for dinosaur bones in the back yard
Catholic schools and home schooling are both very, very superior.
Yea, that depends totally on the commitment from the parent.

Why do homeschoolers return to Public School for a few hours a day, while still technically being homeschooled, to take math? This happens on a regular basis.

Many Homeschooling parents can't handle the math.

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