Who is watching the January 6th hearings?

Always has been and trying desperately to stay in power.
It will only be a matter of time. There will be remnants of the large turd stain on history, that is Donald Trump, for a long time. It will be the same as neo-confederates and neo-Nazis.
There are more useful things to do. In fact, almost everything is more useful than to dwell on fantasy. So tonight, I think I'll dig for dinosaur bones in the back yard
You are scared to watch because you might hear something that will mess with your fake reality defined by your cult leader, Donald Trump.
The weakest minds do not like to examine facts that could shatter their fake reality. You are a coward.
I watched the first 10 minutes. Laughed my ass off at them trying to make pretty tame footage scary and menacing. I’m sure you were so scared you pissed yourself.
I'm watching the Josef Stolen Misery Index....

Shrinking GDP, $5/gal average gas for the first time in history, 40+ year inflation spike, no baby formula, empty shelves, and trannies and other mentally ill leftist faggots murdering our citizens....

What a shit show. I hardly care who Ray Epps or the FBI pipe bomber is at this point.
I'll wait for the GOP version in 2023....starring Nancy Pelosi and the FBI whistleblowers...
You are scared to watch because you might hear something that will mess with your fake reality defined by your cult leader, Donald Trump.
What you'll see is a seventeen month in the making, taxpayer funded Democrat campaign add. This message was paid for by me, the taxpayer, and I don't approve of wasting my money on garbage like this. But you go ahead and watch if you think you'll get some cheap thrills. It really sucks to be a person that is looking forward to watching that clown show tonight.
The right wing will not watch and get their opinions from right wing news talking heads and right wing radio like always.
You leftards will continue to get your opinions and thoughts from the left wing media (which is almost all of the media), the handmaiden apparatchik of the DNC. Just like always.
I plan on tuning-in... channel already changed to CNN... now we'll see whether the Dems deliver a Smoking Gun or a Nothingburger...
What a stupid democrat charade this will be wasting taxpayer money. Meanwhile, our taxes are about to skyrocket through the summer.
Who is watching the January 6th hearings?
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People around the world will be watching. The right wing billionaires won't be able to sweep this one away.

I hear there will be witnesses not heard from before. I have the feeling the producers of the major news networks carrying it, will be pulling out a surprise no one expects.

I know a lot of Republicans that are real nervous

They should be
The weakest minds do not like to examine facts that could shatter their fake reality. You are a coward.

I bet you would have loved the McCarthy hearings.

Just sayin'.

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