Who is watching the January 6th hearings?

Didn’t even know there were hearings going on. As usual Democrats waste valuable tax dollars. Gas is fucking $5 a gallon, inflation if running rampant, crime is up everywhere and border is out of control. Never mind the war in Ukraine. Joe Biden is joke. Democrats trying to divert attention else where.
The presentation is soooooooo boring. There is no "rebuttal" its a shit-show.
Not the Trump cult because snowflakes can't handle anything that dares challenge their precious feelings

Not the Trump cult because snowflakes can't handle anything that dares challenge their precious feelings
Not sure wtf you post means, but its the same shit over and over.
Its one sided and there are no crimes being alleged? So why are we watching this whiny presentation?
I understand your anger. You are far from pious and far from Virtuous. You are a slime bucket. But I think you know it.
Not angry at all....Having a great time watching an entertaining playoff hockey game.

And you can still go fuck yourself.
I will as soon as I hear the committee is an IMPARTIAL board designed to look at BOTH sides of complicity as well as what Ray Epps and some Antifa members were doing there, and not just another jacked-off attempt to railroad Trump and his supporters.

There was no "complicity" on the part of Democrats. This was a Donald J. Trump production and it started when he appointed the Three Amigos to top jobs at the Pentagon 3 days after the election was called for Joe Biden. All three were instrumental in keeping the DC NG penned up on base for 3 hours, while Trump's Proud Boys took the Capitol.
Intmidation was only part of it. There was a choreographed plan with lots of steps taken by lots of different groups. Of course, you don't care to find out about all that. All those complex facts would just confuse you. Best for you to just stick with the trump response. "nuh uhh"
please point out the roadmap of the choreograph.

should be simple enough to prove.
Jason Miller - Trump loyalist - admits that the campaign statistician informed Trump 2 days before election he was going to lose. All data showed that.

I told this board six months before the election Trump was going to lose. That’s when the MSM started pushing mail in ballots because Covid! I knew then that’s how they were going to steal it.
The right wing pumping up all these talking points and wanting you to not watch has me wanting to see what they so desperately don't want me to know.
then ask pelosi for the video.

or shut the fuck up with your one sided bullshit.
True, but just because the dems have a fool-proof voter-fraud scheme, doesn't mean that the election is legitimate. The mail-in votes were not properly managed. France does not even allow mail-in votes.

If they show credible evidence of their findings is that just confirmation bias, or proof?
The only things credible in the eyes of the deciders is that gas is averaging $5 per gallon and inflation is kissing 10 percent. This has all happened under Democrats and all of the Democrats are making excuses as opposed to providing solutions. That is credible.

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