Who is winning: Trump, Pelosi, Putin?

Who is winning?

  • President Trump

    Votes: 20 55.6%
  • Speaker Pelosi

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • Vlad Putin, Влади́мир Влади́мирович Пу́тин

    Votes: 14 38.9%

  • Total voters
Overall, Putin is winning and the American people are losing.

Putin got exactly what he wanted. A completely paralyzed US government.
You forget to mention that Putin has his boy in the W.H., Trump.

And anyone with half a brain knows it.
So you are telling us, that you have 1/2 a brain....Bwaaaahhhhaaahhaaaaaa….Damn that was too fucking funny...
I voted Putin, by default. He wasn't playing chess, or even checkers with the very miniscule degree of meddling in the election.
He is surprised as anyone by the rise of the neocon and Russophobe response in the Democrap Party as the response to Hillary losing and Trump winning.

Just saw Kasparov explaining that Putin miscalculated the response of the dems, they used to be appeasers and peaceniks. Now they're as hawkish as the GOP hardliners. Putin won a battle but lost the war. He was counting on Hillary winning and Trump being the sore loser saying the elections are rigged...
It at first seems unfair. Two against one. The Trump/Putin cabal against an American standing up against them. However, always bet on the American.
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Lets take a USMB poll on the State of the Union...be honest...

Specifically, on the State of the Union, Trump seems to have the upper hand.

On a partial government shutdown...the American citizens are winning.

so, spending extra money, paying people for not working and shrinking the GDP growth are "wins" for the American people?

Damn, you people are just not very smart

Thank you.

just stating the obvious
I voted Putin, by default. He wasn't playing chess, or even checkers with the very miniscule degree of meddling in the election.
He is surprised as anyone by the rise of the neocon and Russophobe response in the Democrap Party as the response to Hillary losing and Trump winning.
Did Putin's boy enjoy his Big Macs the other night?

Soon he'll be dining on prison grub.
Obammy wasn’t there
Overall, Putin is winning and the American people are losing.

Putin got exactly what he wanted. A completely paralyzed US government.
You forget to mention that Putin has his boy in the W.H., Trump.

And anyone with half a brain knows it.
So you are telling us, that you have 1/2 a brain....Bwaaaahhhhaaahhaaaaaa….Damn that was too fucking funny...
No, I'm saying YOU have only half a brain. Proven by your love of Trump, :ahole-1:.

Btw, fuck off.
Overall, Putin is winning and the American people are losing.

Putin got exactly what he wanted. A completely paralyzed US government.
You forget to mention that Putin has his boy in the W.H., Trump.

And anyone with half a brain knows it.
So you are telling us, that you have 1/2 a brain....Bwaaaahhhhaaahhaaaaaa….Damn that was too fucking funny...
No, I'm saying YOU have only half a brain. Proven by your love of Trump, :ahole-1:.

Btw, fuck off.
No you said, and I quote you
You forget to mention that Putin has his boy in the W.H., Trump.

And anyone with half a brain knows it.
The only one who knows it is you, so you must have only half a brain...Bwaaahhhaaaahhaaaaa. You are too fucking funny....
I get the SOTU, but not sure of your logic for the shutdown?? The shutdown is a lose-lose

The shutdown helps to clarify games being played.

The left is playing games with national security in order to get votes.

They all supported a physical barrier not long ago and all agreed to spend $50 billion. Now they are playing dirty games just to try and make Trump look bad. The Dems have been on a luxury vacation with lobbyists so clearly they don't care about the average Americans.

Trump offered a compromise but Pelosi refused to even sit down and negotiate. She shut him down before even hearing him out. This is what we've come to expect from the leftists.

Trump was also right to deny Pelosi and her friends and families the plane. She was claiming to be headed to a war zone to have meetings with military. It's not her job and she has no authority to do that, especially when she and the others should have their sorry asses back in Washington working on a solution to end the shutdown.

Trump is doing exactly what he promised to do. The Dems and Repubs all promised the same in the past but didn't come through. There are no excuses for not working with him other than their need to make him look bad.

Dear Democrats, Stop telling us what Americans want... we already voted for what we want. Now let him do his job... Thank you!!
Overall, Putin is winning and the American people are losing.

Putin got exactly what he wanted. A completely paralyzed US government.
You forget to mention that Putin has his boy in the W.H., Trump.

And anyone with half a brain knows it.
So you are telling us, that you have 1/2 a brain....Bwaaaahhhhaaahhaaaaaa….Damn that was too fucking funny...
No, I'm saying YOU have only half a brain. Proven by your love of Trump, :ahole-1:.

Btw, fuck off.
No you said, and I quote you
You forget to mention that Putin has his boy in the W.H., Trump.

And anyone with half a brain knows it.
The only one who knows it is you, so you must have only half a brain...Bwaaahhhaaaahhaaaaa. You are too fucking funny....
I didn't vote for Trump so by default that makes me smarter then you, Trumptard.

And my Daddy never had to bail me out countless times like your boy Trump's old man did!

Thanks for playing, Trumptard.
Overall, Putin is winning and the American people are losing.

Putin got exactly what he wanted. A completely paralyzed US government.
You forget to mention that Putin has his boy in the W.H., Trump.

And anyone with half a brain knows it.
So you are telling us, that you have 1/2 a brain....Bwaaaahhhhaaahhaaaaaa….Damn that was too fucking funny...
No, I'm saying YOU have only half a brain. Proven by your love of Trump, :ahole-1:.

Btw, fuck off.
No you said, and I quote you
You forget to mention that Putin has his boy in the W.H., Trump.

And anyone with half a brain knows it.
The only one who knows it is you, so you must have only half a brain...Bwaaahhhaaaahhaaaaa. You are too fucking funny....
Gee, I wonder. Is it a coincidence that after Trump's Daddy went to that big building in the sky, Donnie had to turn to Russian oligarchs for a handout?

Overall, Putin is winning and the American people are losing.

Putin got exactly what he wanted. A completely paralyzed US government.
You forget to mention that Putin has his boy in the W.H., Trump.

And anyone with half a brain knows it.
So you are telling us, that you have 1/2 a brain....Bwaaaahhhhaaahhaaaaaa….Damn that was too fucking funny...
No, I'm saying YOU have only half a brain. Proven by your love of Trump, :ahole-1:.

Btw, fuck off.
No you said, and I quote you
You forget to mention that Putin has his boy in the W.H., Trump.

And anyone with half a brain knows it.
The only one who knows it is you, so you must have only half a brain...Bwaaahhhaaaahhaaaaa. You are too fucking funny....
I didn't vote for Trump so by default that makes me smarter then you, Trumptard.

And my Daddy never had to bail me out countless times like your boy Trump's old man did!

Thanks for playing, Trumptard.
Bwaaaahhhaaaaaaaa. .If I used only 1/8th my brain, I would be way smarter than a dumbass like you, who opened his pie hole and inserted his/her/its foot....
By removing sanctions, Trump made sure Russians received hundreds of millions of dollars.

Overall, Putin is winning and the American people are losing.

Putin got exactly what he wanted. A completely paralyzed US government.

Problem with your statement is you don't even believe it. The proof is "A completely paralyzed US government."..........I'll admit Putin has to be entertained. Let me know when the Democrats do their job, because its been their shutdown for weeks.

And ILMAO Putin winning. RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA! Just another clue how clueless we've become since the BIG RUSSIAN INVESTIGATION over nothing
This is Trump's Shutdown.

He said he was PROUD of it

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