Who is winning: Trump, Pelosi, Putin?

Who is winning?

  • President Trump

    Votes: 20 55.6%
  • Speaker Pelosi

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • Vlad Putin, Влади́мир Влади́мирович Пу́тин

    Votes: 14 38.9%

  • Total voters
Lets take a USMB poll on the State of the Union...be honest...

Specifically, on the State of the Union, Trump seems to have the upper hand.

On a partial government shutdown...the American citizens are winning.

Okay.....how are the American citizens winning?
Pay gains during Trump's first year in office are the best since the Great Recession
Labor market is thriving far better under Trump than under Obama
Black Activist Explains Why African-Americans Are Doing So Much Better Under Trump Than Obama

Oh I dont know, maybe if you pull your head out of your ass, and stop drinking the Liberal Kool Aid, you might see what is really going on in the United States. Doubt it, that would take work, and since your pie hole is way up your ass, it could be 2020 by the time all the sucking sound would be gone...

Overall, Putin is winning and the American people are losing.

Putin got exactly what he wanted. A completely paralyzed US government.
You are pleasing Deep State with saying that ^.

What has Putin to do with all American mess?
Putin Accuses U.S. Of 'Political Schizophrenia' Over Trump And Secrets

Is it fun for Putin to communicate with insane US government? I don't think so. He obviously prefers normal relationship with normal US government which could benefit both countries.

It's not Putin's fault Dems and their "leaders" are dumb and anti-American, Soros and his Deep State buddies have been orchestrating it for quite a while. OP should add "Soros" option on the voting: he's always winning when Americans are in trouble.
The "deep state" is a conservitard fantasy with no real existence.
tRump is a fucking weirdo but he's doing a decent job. I'd put him in for a second term. He's done nothing to personally piss me off, altho he acts like a clown, as do most of the red hats following him around like poodles. OK I guess since he's the first pResident without a dog or three.
Lets take a USMB poll on the State of the Union...be honest...

Specifically, on the State of the Union, Trump seems to have the upper hand.

On a partial government shutdown...the American citizens are winning.

Okay.....how are the American citizens winning?

The government shutdown helps in clarifying priorities, which parties/individuals want to play politics, which ones want to negotiate.
Overall, Putin is winning and the American people are losing.

Putin got exactly what he wanted. A completely paralyzed US government.
You are pleasing Deep State with saying that ^.

What has Putin to do with all American mess?
Putin Accuses U.S. Of 'Political Schizophrenia' Over Trump And Secrets

Is it fun for Putin to communicate with insane US government? I don't think so. He obviously prefers normal relationship with normal US government which could benefit both countries.

It's not Putin's fault Dems and their "leaders" are dumb and anti-American, Soros and his Deep State buddies have been orchestrating it for quite a while. OP should add "Soros" option on the voting: he's always winning when Americans are in trouble.
The "deep state" is a conservitard fantasy with no real existence.

When you find time, please watch these videos. They make a compelling case for opposing the deep state:

Judicial Watch 15-minutes
Dan Bongino 28-minutes
Overall, Putin is winning and the American people are losing.

Putin got exactly what he wanted. A completely paralyzed US government.
You are pleasing Deep State with saying that ^.

What has Putin to do with all American mess?
Putin Accuses U.S. Of 'Political Schizophrenia' Over Trump And Secrets

Is it fun for Putin to communicate with insane US government? I don't think so. He obviously prefers normal relationship with normal US government which could benefit both countries.

It's not Putin's fault Dems and their "leaders" are dumb and anti-American, Soros and his Deep State buddies have been orchestrating it for quite a while. OP should add "Soros" option on the voting: he's always winning when Americans are in trouble.
The "deep state" is a conservitard fantasy with no real existence.

When you find time, please watch these videos. They make a compelling case for opposing the deep state:

Judicial Watch 15-minutes
Dan Bongino 28-minutes

The deep state doesn't exist and I'm not going to watch your conspiracy theory videos.
The Democrats are undermining and dividing the US govt - have been for the last 2 years - far more than Putin and Russians ever hoped to.
Overall, Putin is winning and the American people are losing.

Putin got exactly what he wanted. A completely paralyzed US government.
You are pleasing Deep State with saying that ^.

What has Putin to do with all American mess?
Putin Accuses U.S. Of 'Political Schizophrenia' Over Trump And Secrets

Is it fun for Putin to communicate with insane US government? I don't think so. He obviously prefers normal relationship with normal US government which could benefit both countries.

It's not Putin's fault Dems and their "leaders" are dumb and anti-American, Soros and his Deep State buddies have been orchestrating it for quite a while. OP should add "Soros" option on the voting: he's always winning when Americans are in trouble.
The "deep state" is a conservitard fantasy with no real existence.

When you find time, please watch these videos. They make a compelling case for opposing the deep state:

Judicial Watch 15-minutes
Dan Bongino 28-minutes

The deep state doesn't exist and I'm not going to watch your conspiracy theory videos.

Give it a fucking rest, it's obvious the deep state exists. Hell a member of the "deep state" even wrote an op ed in the NYT to let everyone know they would resist Trump.
Lol, the deep state is a conservative boogieman, nothing more.

Just stop , you look ignorant. It's very obvious that there is a "deep state"

Remember when the NSA got caught hacking into the server of the House Intelligence Oversight Committee trying to find out what the Committee knew about their activities?

That's an example of "the deep state"

For God sakes man, there clearly are government bureaucrats who think THEY are in charge , not the elected leaders.
Lol, the deep state is a conservative boogieman, nothing more.

Just stop , you look ignorant. It's very obvious that there is a "deep state"

Remember when the NSA got caught hacking into the server of the House Intelligence Oversight Committee trying to find out what the Committee knew about their activities?

That's an example of "the deep state"

For God sakes man, there clearly are government bureaucrats who think THEY are in charge , not the elected leaders.
No. Those are some incidents your conspiracy theorists, pardon me, I mean republican media have seized on as "proof" of something that doesn't really exist.
Lets take a USMB poll on the State of the Union...be honest...

Specifically, on the State of the Union, Trump seems to have the upper hand.

On a partial government shutdown...the American citizens are winning.

Okay.....how are the American citizens winning?

The government shutdown helps in clarifying priorities, which parties/individuals want to play politics, which ones want to negotiate.

Yeah like the FBI, Coast Guard, IRS, Agriculture.....
The Democrats are undermining and dividing the US govt - have been for the last 2 years - far more than Putin and Russians ever hoped to.

Don't you worry yerself easy, the Corn Palace isn't booked this weekend.
Well Putin just got sanctions for his buddy OVD lifted so...you tell me
Lets take a USMB poll on the State of the Union...be honest...

Specifically, on the State of the Union, Trump seems to have the upper hand.

On a partial government shutdown...the American citizens are winning.

Okay.....how are the American citizens winning?

The government shutdown helps in clarifying priorities, which parties/individuals want to play politics, which ones want to negotiate.

Yeah like the FBI, Coast Guard, IRS, Agriculture.....

Yup, perhaps the FBI and IRS need to be shutdown...maybe the "new" word is reformed.

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