Who Is Worse Than Jen Psaki?

Wow, a right winger who has a problem with a black person.

Must be a Tuesday.
Seems to me you have issues with any black person who doesn't stay on the plantation.
Bet you call them Uncle Toms all the time.

It has nothing to do with race to us.
It does seem to matter to her.
She hates straight....white....males.....
She's never going to be an effective spokesperson for the Biden Adm because she's a triple-bigot.
Or an Ultra-Bigot.
Wow, a right winger who has a problem with a black person.

Must be a Tuesday.
IMO? I don't think there is anything at all wrong with her being black, or gay.

. . . with that said? Her disparaging comments toward the FOX network should disqualify her, as it goes to prove she cannot maintain an unbiased professional attitude.
You can always be sure that when it comes to democrats today, they will not just disappoint, but replace one fool for someone FAR WORSE. If we had even a hundred MTGs in office, we still could not even break even with all the damage this non-American political party is doing to this country
We've gotta acknowledge it's not just the Dems- the GOP is totally complicit in this treason to the country.
They still won't officially come out & say the election was stolen with fraud. They know it was but they won't admit it, all while completely ignoring the absolute proof.
They are controlled opposition enabling our destruction & definitely not our friends

Who Is Worse Than Jen Psaki?​

I'm torn between Peppermint Pattie (Thanks MarathonMike) and good old
Baghdad Bob...
IMO? I don't think there is anything at all wrong with her being black, or gay.

. . . with that said? Her disparaging comments toward the FOX network should disqualify her, as it goes to prove she cannot maintain an unbiased professional attitude.
Absolutely. That a press secretary - whose job it is to answer questions from the press - would be so driven by deranged leftist hatred that she makes a false and terrible claim against ONE specific media station should be grounds for dismissal.
A number of Jewish groups have also objected to her based on her extreme hate and terrible claims against the Jewish State. Now imagine if Biden picked someone whom several black groups objected to. She would be history! (In fact, she wouldn’t have been selected at all.) But since they’re insulting the Jews, eh….they can suck it up.

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