Who killed Nicole Simpson?

Because the glove was saturated with blood and shrank. Something the inept prosecutors should have known before they had OJ try it on.

This has already been gone over a thousand times.
The prosecutors didn't have OJ try on the glove, it was the defense.
A surprising admission.

Brother A can’t “admit” to Brother B’s guilt.

He can speculate. He can claim. He can even provide evidence if he was there or a co-participant.

But only B could “admit” to his own alleged guilt of that crime.

And even then I doubt it would qualify as an actual admission. You know, since fuckin’ OJ did it and all.
When love turns to jelaousy it's a horrible thing.... he did it....but what do I know! :dunno:

Nicole was sweet and adorable!

Because the jury pool were a bunch of idiots. I lived in L.A. then. OJ should have been tried in the Beverly Hills courthouse based upon both his residence and the crime location. That courthouse is used to trying celebrities and doesn’t have star-struck judges like Lance Ito. A Beverly Hills jury would have been better educated than a downtown jury and would have convicted Simpson in a heartbeat. There wouldn’t have been any jurors saying things like “I don’t know no DNA, DNA just means OJ gots blood”. That’s a direct quote from one of the jurors interviewed on live TV after the verdict. the DA moved the trial to the downtown courthouse because after the Manson Family trials it had more facilities for the media and press. All of the sidewalks around the courthouse are fitted with phone, cable, electricity and are wide enough for media trucks. Also the trees are kept trimmed back enough that the satellite trucks have clear sky views. The DA had a slam-dunk case that was torpedoed by a stupid, ignorant, biased jury, a star-struck judge who allowed a lot of inadmissible testimony into the record and a team of the most corrupt, venal and able attorneys in the United States.
Yes, they were looking for exoneration and payback in the wake of Rodney King. But the entire prosecution from the DA, to the judge, to the prosecutors were more concerned with media coverage and the limelight. Two newbies prosecuting the case that should have never been in front of a jury. On the surface, it appeared to be a slam dunk case. OJ has all but admitted he did it in the years that have passed. Just a travesty of justice all the way around..
Yes, they were looking for exoneration and payback in the wake of Rodney King. But the entire prosecution from the DA, to the judge, to the prosecutors were more concerned with media coverage and the limelight. Two newbies prosecuting the case that should have never been in front of a jury. On the surface, it appeared to be a slam dunk case. OJ has all but admitted he did it in the years that have passed. Just a travesty of justice all the way around..
There have been many travesties of justice in our history. Our jury system doesn't work all the time because of individual bias among jurors. The Cayley Anthony case is another travesty of justice.
Why didn't the glove fit?
Why was blood that didn't match OJ or the victims found at the crime scene?
OJ had a very bad arthritis, he took medication for it and it reduced swelling and ease the pain. The defense team knew that at some point either the prosecution or they would have OJ put the gloves on, they then had OJ quit taking his meds for arthritis, his joint in his fingers swelled up and made it difficult to put on the glove. Michael Gilbert a former friend, sports agent, attorney wrote a book on OJ and revealed the strategy.
OJ had a very bad arthritis, he took medication for it and it reduced swelling and ease the pain. The defense team knew that at some point either the prosecution or they would have OJ put the gloves on, they then had OJ quit taking his meds for arthritis, his joint in his fingers swelled up and made it difficult to put on the glove. Michael Gilbert a former friend, sports agent, attorney wrote a book on OJ and revealed the strategy.
A nice story but not true.
Then why did the jury acquit him?
Jurors were being replaced almost on a daily basis. By the time the trial was over the jury was made up of ignorant juke and jive Tyrones and Laquishaniquas. The judge was incompetent and allowed the defense to literally get away with murder.

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