Who killed Seth Rich?

For the past several months, Democrats have based their "Resist 45" movement on unsubstantiated assertions that the Trump campaign coordinated with Russian intelligence officials to undermine the 2016 Presidential Election thereby 'stealing' the White House from Hillary Clinton. Day after day we've all suffered through one anonymously sourced, "shock" story after another from the New York Times and/or The Washington Post with new allegations of the 'wrongdoing'.

Murdered DNC Staffer Seth Rich Shared 44,053 Democrat Emails With WikiLeaks: Report | Zero Hedge

Murdered DNC Staffer Seth Rich Shared 44,053 Democrat Emails With WikiLeaks: Report | Zero Hedge

No matter what his parents say , they are back peddling because of a threat you can bet on it.
That private investigator I wouldn't be surprised if they find him dead some where down the road more so if they can't shut him up, or he gets too close to proving Seth was not murdered by some robber.
Don't forget we still have a lot of the OBAMA administration in TRUMP's office. Why do you think there are so many contradicting stories swirling around. THE TRUTH(s) are being leaked , and they are getting nervous.

The truth about Russia, Hillary's getting closer to her fate
I grew up on the streets of Detroit....muggers don't put two slugs in your back and run away without your wallet and watch.
Liberals reaction to hearing the truth.


Liberals reaction to seeing the truth.

yep. a popular thread today.
True, the deeper Trump steps in the doo-doo, the farther back the alt-right goes to dig up distracting alt-facts. :cool-45:
It's virtual doo-doo made up by the press. All anonymous sources, rumor, innuendo, wishful thinking and zero evidence.
As long as you admit that Breitbart et al. lead the pack or your post is just partisan drivel.
No Russia Hacking - Just Seth 'The Inside Leaker' Rich.

Don't underestimate the power of 'Snowflake Denial'. This will do nothing to deter snowflakes from continuing to make their debunked, false accusations.

Now it's a race to Seth's laptop with the 44,000 emails the D.C. police are holding....Hopefully Sessions gets there before Schumer does.
If its the DC Leos it will be deleted and a strange fire will occur in the evidence locker.
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yep. a popular thread today.
True, the deeper Trump steps in the doo-doo, the farther back the alt-right goes to dig up distracting alt-facts. :cool-45:
It's virtual doo-doo made up by the press. All anonymous sources, rumor, innuendo, wishful thinking and zero evidence.
As long as you admit that Breitbart et al. lead the pack or your post is just partisan drivel.
heh - "as long as you agree with me we're fine cause i'm right and you're wrong..."

love that attitude.
Hillary defies WH orders, rules, regs, and laws - places classified information on an unclassified unencrypted server, allows an IT company without proper security clearances to store her server in their unsecured, unencrypted bathroom, gives access to this classified information to people without security clearances - her IT Tech, her layers, her MAID, and allows her top aide Huma Abedin to send every classified emial/document she has home to an unsecure, unencrypted laptop sitting on the naked junk of her child porn pedophile sexual deviant husband.
- The NSA was recently hacked, the NSA that has some of the most sophisticated encryption protecting their systems that there is; yet, snowflakes want to try to argue that Hillary's unprotected server was more secure than the NSA's and never put US Natl security in danger. Bwuhahahaha

Seth Rich has been confirmed as the DNC / Hillary Insider leaking info to Wikileaks

Debbie WS hired 3 Pakistani brother spies connected to terrorists and gave them access to classified House files AND to the DNC's e-mails (that were 'hacked by the Russians') as well as DNC usernames and passwords.

...and snowflakes still want to claim it was the Russians.

This is the largest political scam in US history and attempt to play the 'victim' card while using it as an excuse for their loss and weapon to attack the guy who beat them.

No, it was NOT the Russians. It was the incompetent / criminal DNC, Hillary Clinton, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and 3 Pakistani spies hired by DWS.
Breaking Update!

Rush about talk about Seth Rich in the next segment after the top.of the hour.

Tune in!
There is evidence that former DNC staffer Seth Rich was in contact with Wikileaks. Can't ask him because he was murdered and his killer hasn't been identified.
Seth Rich, slain DNC staffer, had contact with WikiLeaks, say multiple sources
How is the weather there in the alt-right bubble? Obviously, the oxygen is almost nonexistent.
I know you are but what am I.
jUST TO POINT out that this is about the third Demo killed the last one was supposed to be suicide.

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