Who killed Seth Rich?

The Fox article is so full of red flag language it resembles koolaide. The police are "covering up", the FBI isn't pursuing it, and best of all powerful forces are seeking to prevent it from coming out.

Fox has since updated their story to distance themselves.
See, Fox News didn't wanna be shot in a dark alley, or something.
The Fox article is so full of red flag language it resembles koolaide. The police are "covering up", the FBI isn't pursuing it, and best of all powerful forces are seeking to prevent it from coming out.

Fox has since updated their story to distance themselves.
See, Fox News didn't wanna be shot in a dark alley, or something. The perp knows where Fox News (and his children) lives.
Of course this story is nothing but the rights attempt to distract people from the fact that Trump is handing over classified information to the Russians like he hands out work visas to young Russian escorts.
Now what are the Rats and Mediacrats going to "resist" the President with? The Seth Rich story settles the Wikileaks issue once and for all time. We told you rubes he'd gone rogue over the DNC's hatchet job on Bernie. We told you he was murdered in return, probably by Willy's boys from Little Rock. We told you Barry's spooks would all cover for him. And we told you the DNC had enough pull with the D.C. police to keep it covered up. So how about you snowflakes get back into the fetal position and give your thumbs a good long suck....The Russians aren't coming, even if they did, they couldn't afford our fine dining.

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No Russia Hacking - Just Seth 'The Inside Leaker' Rich.

Don't underestimate the power of 'Snowflake Denial'. This will do nothing to deter snowflakes from continuing to make their debunked, false accusations.
Seth Rich was the insider providing Assange information.

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz gave 3 Pakistani spies access to classified House files and access to DNC E-MAILS (supposedly hacked by the Russians) AS WELL AS DMEOCRAT E-MAILS, USERNAMES, AND PASSWORDS...

Hillary gave access to extremely classified files to individuals who had no security clearances - her lawyers, IT reps, and her maid.

No wonder the Democrats are trying to blame anyone else for their utter security F*-Ups that not only resulted in THEIR information being compromised but also put National Security in jeopardy!.
No Russia Hacking - Just Seth 'The Inside Leaker' Rich.

Don't underestimate the power of 'Snowflake Denial'. This will do nothing to deter snowflakes from continuing to make their debunked, false accusations.

Now it's a race to Seth's laptop with the 44,000 emails the D.C. police are holding....Hopefully Sessions gets there before Schumer does.
Now it's a race to Seth's laptop for the 44,000 emails the D.C. police are holding....Hopefully Sessions gets there before Schumer does.
Why do I have the awful feeling that laptop has already gotten the 'Hillary Clinton Bleachbit' treatment from the people who directed the DC police not to pursue this case...?
Did someone call SETH RICH'S death a SUICIDE?

I hope I am misunderstanding that idiocy.

He was walking down the sidewalk at night talking to his gf/wife and was shot to death.

That's not a suicide. It was a political hit.
in july of 2016 Seth a democrat staffer was gunned down in cold blood

as of late the family says they have proof he was emailing wikileaks

Marina Marraco on Twitter

The family back peddled-------------------- Think about why they went backwards because we can bet they were threatened over the bs.

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the family may have back peddled

who can blame them

they dont want to end up dead

but the investigation moves forward

after all it wasnt the family that found the evidence

but rather investigators
Breaking Now!

New evidence surfacing in the Seth Rich murder investigation may just quash the "Russian hacking" conspiracy theory. According to a new report from Fox News, it was former DNC staffer Seth Rich who supplied 44,000 DNC emails to WikiLeaks and not some random Russian cyber terrorist, as we've all been led to believe.

A federal investigator who reviewed an FBI forensic report detailing the contents of DNC staffer Seth Rich’s computer generated within 96 hours after his murder, said Rich made contact with WikiLeaks through Gavin MacFadyen, a now-deceased American investigative reporter, documentary filmmaker, and director of WikiLeaks who was living in London at the time.

The FBI had this info within 96 hours of the hit. This was an FBI coverup...

Remember when Assange said it wasn't the Russians, but a DNC staffer?

Now there is more ACTUAL evidence that it really was and it was the one who was "robbed"

"Rod Wheeler, a private investigator hired by the Rich family, suggests there is tangible evidence on Rich's laptop that confirms he was communicating with WikiLeaks prior to his death."

"Wheeler told FOX 5 that he will provide us with a full report with the new details."

Family's private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death

He is even going to provide the evidence in less than a year something Democrats have yet to do.
Julian Assange, hero of the right, and we all know how much the orange buffoon loves wikileaks!

Provide the "evidence" in less than a year? Why is he waiting so long?

Call us when the impeachment hearings start.
Breaking Now!

New evidence surfacing in the Seth Rich murder investigation may just quash the "Russian hacking" conspiracy theory. According to a new report from Fox News, it was former DNC staffer Seth Rich who supplied 44,000 DNC emails to WikiLeaks and not some random Russian cyber terrorist, as we've all been led to believe.

A federal investigator who reviewed an FBI forensic report detailing the contents of DNC staffer Seth Rich’s computer generated within 96 hours after his murder, said Rich made contact with WikiLeaks through Gavin MacFadyen, a now-deceased American investigative reporter, documentary filmmaker, and director of WikiLeaks who was living in London at the time.

The FBI had this info within 96 hours of the hit. This was an FBI coverup...


They better dig up Seth and put him on trial for collusion.

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