Who Knows,In Five Years We Could Be Purchasing "Race And Gender Change Kits" At Wal-Mart.

In ten years there will be an ' app ' for it...
Available as a download to your cell phone implant in your brain....

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In ten years there will be an ' app ' for it...
Available as a download to your cell phone implant in your brain....

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how about an app that will tell u if the sexy lady passing u by wants u bad?
ok ok,lets see,just checking my schedule here, look like next thursday i will have an urge to become an obese white female running for president and for unknown reasons, will not take questions from anyone over the age of 7. thats odd.
i wonder if there is a kit that will make me look 1/32 cherokee.
I'm not sure. But, there is one that you could use to see if you're pregnant.
what? they have kits that will tell me if im pregnant? who ever came up with that idea?

I think it's part of OCare...
If you are a man in your 50's you need to have coverage in the event you become pregnant....
but what if i want a third boob? is there a kit for that at wal-mart or CVS?
i wonder if there is a kit that will make me look 1/32 cherokee.
I'm not sure. But, there is one that you could use to see if you're pregnant.
what? they have kits that will tell me if im pregnant? who ever came up with that idea?

I think it's part of OCare...
If you are a man in your 50's you need to have coverage in the event you become pregnant....
but what if i want a third boob? is there a kit for that at wal-mart or CVS?
No, that kit is only available at the CDC in Atlanta Georgia.
:banana::boobies: And who just can't wait? Just think, maybe by 2020 we will be walking through our
local wal-marts and come upon an isle fully loaded with up to 50 kinds of race and
gender "Switch-Kits". Hey, don't we all feel like becoming the opposite sex or a
completely different race at least three times a week? I know I do!!!
This will be the I-Pod trend of the future. Thank You Bruce Jenner and that
Bright and Amazing white bitch who decided that she needed to become the
President of the NAACP! you just gave "Johnson and Johnson" a new idea !!!

It's about your only shot at ever becoming a man.
i think a hot item will be the "Al Sharpton Switch Kit" then all of these obese guys can transform into an al sharpton look a like, and then make public speeches where they will make al look like a mentally incompetent baffoon mispronouncing at least half his words and making up all kinds of outlandish ridiculous facts about the history of white racists.
i think a hot item will be the "Al Sharpton Switch Kit" then all of these obese guys can transform into an al sharpton look a like, and then make public speeches where they will make al look like a mentally incompetent baffoon mispronouncing at least half his words and making up all kinds of outlandish ridiculous facts about the history of white racists.

That's really, really funny! Al Sharpton Switch Kit!!!! Zing!!!
i have always wanted to be a five foot, 4 inch white woman, about 130 pounds, wearing a white glove in my left hand, baseball bat in the right, and just jumping on real old cars parked in allyways, and just bashing all of the windows to smitherenes.
Well at least you keep buzy...
do you know if they are working on a "Chuck-Switch Kit". I think it would be so cool to be a guy named chuck on a wheel-chair and attend all of the Joe Biden speeches.
i have always wanted to be a five foot, 4 inch white woman, about 130 pounds, wearing a white glove in my left hand, baseball bat in the right, and just jumping on real old cars parked in allyways, and just bashing all of the windows to smitherenes.
Well at least you keep buzy...
do you know if they are working on a "Chuck-Switch Kit". I think it would be so cool to be a guy named chuck on a wheel-chair and attend all of the Joe Biden speeches.
That has more to do with identity changing mask of Mission Impossible, so you'd have to pay a hefty user fee..
i have always wanted to be a five foot, 4 inch white woman, about 130 pounds, wearing a white glove in my left hand, baseball bat in the right, and just jumping on real old cars parked in allyways, and just bashing all of the windows to smitherenes.
Well at least you keep buzy...
do you know if they are working on a "Chuck-Switch Kit". I think it would be so cool to be a guy named chuck on a wheel-chair and attend all of the Joe Biden speeches.
That has more to do with identity changing mask of Mission Impossible, so you'd have to pay a hefty user fee..
oh never mind them, too much trouble, i will just buy that "14 Year Old Girl In A Princess Outfit switch-kit" and just wear it to Hillary rallies.
In ten years there will be an ' app ' for it...
Available as a download to your cell phone implant in your brain....

Switching now to gay app....
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i want the futuristic "Weatherman With Tourrettes Syndrome" APP.
:banana::boobies: And who just can't wait? Just think, maybe by 2020 we will be walking through our
local wal-marts and come upon an isle fully loaded with up to 50 kinds of race and
gender "Switch-Kits". Hey, don't we all feel like becoming the opposite sex or a
completely different race at least three times a week? I know I do!!!
This will be the I-Pod trend of the future. Thank You Bruce Jenner and that
Bright and Amazing white bitch who decided that she needed to become the
President of the NAACP! you just gave "Johnson and Johnson" a new idea !!!
If the FDA approves them. ( How much money is on the table? )
they probably wont be able to make enough of these to keep up the demand in California
I just prefer my own clone of a younger me, larger penis also, to graph my head upon....then we can lay my other body to rest....I wonder what that costs now a days???
well this morning I woke up feeling like a Black woman who needed to go to wal-mart and buy "White Make Up" and then go apply for a job at the local pizzaria
:banana::boobies: And who just can't wait? Just think, maybe by 2020 we will be walking through our
local wal-marts and come upon an isle fully loaded with up to 50 kinds of race and
gender "Switch-Kits". Hey, don't we all feel like becoming the opposite sex or a
completely different race at least three times a week? I know I do!!!
This will be the I-Pod trend of the future. Thank You Bruce Jenner and that
Bright and Amazing white bitch who decided that she needed to become the
President of the NAACP! you just gave "Johnson and Johnson" a new idea !!!

Hey haven't you heard, they already have a kit to do that, its called:
I have a feeling that next week I will have the urge to become a weight lifting machine and then have the urge to beat the crap out of harry ried.

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