Who loves censorship?

The constitution is not a dictionary. You are still attempting to defend the use of censorship, just like clockwork.
Censorship is not unconstitutional, regardless of how you try to spin it. You know all speech isn’t protected. If FB allowed everything TS does, it’d be going down the tubes, too.
Censorship is not unconstitutional, regardless of how you try to spin it. You know all speech isn’t protected. If FB allowed everything TS does, it’d be going down the tubes, too.
This thread is not about if censorship is constitutional or not, nobody is talking about this.

I'm glad to see that you have pivoted to these new arguments about if censorship is constitutional or not, and protection of speech. This means that you now understand and accept that censorship is censorship, regardless of who does it or if it is protected or not. The reason why you are introducing these new arguments is that you support and defend censorship.

Let's first be clear on what censorship is, here is how Wikipedia defines censorship:

"Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information. This may be done on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "inconvenient". Censorship can be conducted by governments, private institutions and other controlling bodies."

Notice that censorship is censorship, regardless of if it is the government, a private institution, or other controlling bodies. If a private institution suppresses speech, it is still censorship. Censorship is still censorship, even when it isn't the government that is doing it.

Censorship is still censorship, regardless of if it is legal or not, regardless of if it is a violation of our first amendment rights or not, regardless of if it is right or wrong. Censorship is simply suppression of speech that is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "inconvenient".

So who loves censorship? All we have to do is watch how this thread unfolds, and we will see one side of the aisle supporting and defending censorship, and the other condemning it. Watch.
Democrats love censorship.
That's why folks like White 6 , konradv , metalwolf , C_Clayton_Jones , Flopper , and candycorn step right up to support and defend it.
No, we’re attacking those who would undermine the country by spreading false narratives. Liars don’t deserve the same consideration. It’s just more of that politically correct “all opinions are equally valid” BS. The right seems to be stealing their playbook from “Rules for Radicals”!
No, we’re attacking those who would undermine the country by spreading false narratives. Liars don’t deserve the same consideration. It’s just more of that politically correct “all opinions are equally valid” BS. The right seems to be stealing their playbook from “Rules for Radicals”!
Justifying censorship is a great way to defend that censorship that lefties love so much. Just like the opening post discusses. Your next post will be yet another one supporting censorship, thank you for validating the opening post.
Lefties are defending censorship on the threads about Google play censoring Truth Social. Naturally.
This is a lie.

Unlike those on the ignorant, dishonest right, liberals understand that the doctrine of free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed – not between or among private persons or private entities, such as social media.

Private social media are at liberty to edit their content at they see fit, which some might perceive as ‘censorship.’

To acknowledge the fact that private social media have the right to edit their content, to defend the right of social media to edit their content, it not to ‘defend’ censorship.

Moreover, to oppose the neo-fascist, authoritarian right’s desire to subject social media to punitive measures by government to compel conformity among social media is not to ‘defend’ censorship.

Indeed, liberals oppose all manifestations of censorship, and denounce it accordingly in the context of private speech and private society – but they oppose using the authority of the state to violate the First Amendment rights of social media, and appropriately so.
Wow, that must be frustrating.

Hows the hunt for voter fraud going?
Yes, shielding the topic by evading it is a method that lefties use to support and defend censorship. Thank you for validating my opening post again.
This is a lie.

Unlike those on the ignorant, dishonest right, liberals understand that the doctrine of free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed – not between or among private persons or private entities, such as social media.
From the opening post:

Let's first be clear on what censorship is, here is how Wikipedia defines censorship:

"Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information. This may be done on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "inconvenient". Censorship can be conducted by governments, private institutions and other controlling bodies."
It’s not like hate is constitutionally protected.
The Constitution doesn’t come into play at all – private social media, private speech, not subject to the First Amendment.

And private social media are at liberty to prohibit hate speech and exclude those who propagate hate speech, consistent with the First Amendment right to freedom of the press and freedom of association.

Again, to acknowledge and defend the right of Google Play to refuse to host ‘Truth’ Social is to neither defend nor condone Google Play refusing to host ‘Truth’ Social; it is to neither defend nor condone censorship.
This thread is not about if censorship is constitutional or not, nobody is talking about this.

I'm glad to see that you have pivoted to these new arguments about if censorship is constitutional or not, and protection of speech. This means that you now understand and accept that censorship is censorship, regardless of who does it or if it is protected or not. The reason why you are introducing these new arguments is that you support and defend censorship.

View attachment 690022
True irony.

The thread premise fails as a strawman fallacy – the strawman being the lie that ‘liberals’ support censorship.
Private social media are at liberty to edit their content at they see fit, which some might perceive as ‘censorship.’
This is not what the thread is about, but even if it was, "Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information. This may be done on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "inconvenient". Censorship can be conducted by governments, private institutions and other controlling bodies." Censorship is still censorship, regardless of who does the censoring, regardless of if it is legal or illegal, regardless of if it is constitutional, and regardless of if it is done by government or private sector.

You are putting up a big fight to support and defend censorship, just like the opening post said you would. Your next post will be to continue supporting and defending censorship, watch.
True irony.

The thread premise fails as a strawman fallacy – the strawman being the lie that ‘liberals’ support censorship.
The thread could have gone either way, but as we can see, it is lefties who are supporting and defending censorship, all the way through it. I never specified in the opening post that it would be lefties who end up supporting and defending censorship, but lefties have certainly demonstrated that this is how it is.
This is not what the thread is about, but even if it was, "Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information. This may be done on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "inconvenient". Censorship can be conducted by governments, private institutions and other controlling bodies." Censorship is still censorship, regardless of who does the censoring, regardless of if it is legal or illegal, regardless of if it is constitutional, and regardless of if it is done by government or private sector.

You are putting up a big fight to support and defend censorship, just like the opening post said you would. Your next post will be to continue supporting and defending censorship, watch.
Every time a rightie starts to lose an argument, we get told that’s not what the thread is about. It seems the more trouble Trump gets himself into, the more often it happens! Distraction anyone?
I do not respect exceptions to the bill of rights, especially when they are meant specifically to deceive me and to suppress my rights.

You are further demonstrating the point of my thread with your supporting and defending of censorship. See how I predicted your post right there in my opening post? I saw your post coming before you even saw the thread. You are validating my OP like clockwork.
How does democracy suppress your rights? The dirty little secret is that lefties would rather have a totalitarian government that issues edicts regarding social standards than elected representatives. Parents revolted in the relatively liberal area of Northern Virginia because the schools disrespected their rights to determine the education of their kids. The concept spread throughout the Country and the left is afraid that there is too much democracy going on.
Every time a rightie starts to lose an argument, we get told that’s not what the thread is about. It seems the more trouble Trump gets himself into, the more often it happens! Distraction anyone?
Shielding censorship by ignoring the real argument and introducing this new one demonstrates support and defense of censorship, as per the premise of the thread.


Shielding censorship by ignoring the real argument and introducing this new one demonstrates support and defense of censorship, as per the premise of the thread.

View attachment 690247
Isn’t that exactly what you’re doing? You’ve claimed victory every post, ignored the real argument and created a pretend argument. Sounds like Grade A hypocrisy to me.
Yes, shielding the topic by evading it is a method that lefties use to support and defend censorship. Thank you for validating my opening post again.
Wow, that must be frustrating that you can't get anyone to believe you.

Hows the hunt for massive voter fraud going again?

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