Who Needs Planned Parenthood??

Seems like the liberal crowd is firmly behind Planned Parenthood, private funding should not be a problem. Stop using public funds.
They do good work. Deal with it. We all fund lots of things we don't approve of personally.
I'm against taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood and PBS. It is not my job to secure your future. That is your job. If you don't want children, start your own birth control and if you want your present children to watch TV for kids, then find a way to pay for it yourself or start reading to your children. Novel idea. ( pun intended )

Obamacare should be paying for women's heath issues anyway. Remember this lie? O didn't tell you that most of them would not be in a network.....:lmao:

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan. Obamacare is not gonna affect you! You like your doctor, you like your plan, you keep it."
An interesting position considering the burden you've placed on society, but so be it. And please fix your Sanger quote lies. That's what they are BTW.
How's this for full context?

Woman, Morality, and Birth Control. New York: New York Publishing Company, 1922. Page 12.

We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members
They didn't want that rumor to start, since that's what it would have been, dumbass.
Margaret Sanger believed that women should have some control over their bodies when it came to reproduction,

that's all.

It's ghoulish, but not surprising, that you believe otherwise.

Women have complete control... some just choose not to exercise said control. Murdering unborn children is what's ghoulish.

Then step up and put your body where your mouth is - adopt a fetus and implant it :)

I'm a dude.... biology 101 pal. And btw, I've already raised 2 kids.. I'm done. What's your point?

Being a dude doesn't matter, it just gives you license to tell other women what to do with their bodies thinking you'll never have to carry and unwanted pregnancy. The Science of Male Pregnancy

If you don't want an "unwated pregnancy" keep your legs together. WTF is so hard about that?

That has nothing to do with the women who have unwanted pregnancies.

They deserve the right to choose a safe, legal abortion.
If you don't want an "unwated pregnancy" keep your legs together. WTF is so hard about that?

Or take a birth control pill before or after. Or use a diaphragm, or condom, or anti-seminal cream, norplant, iud, ad infintium...

Unwanted pregnancies happen.

A pregnant woman should have the right to a reasonable window of opportunity to legally, safely terminate a pregnancy if she does not want to have a child.
Since it dies the same time that she does, that matters very little, if at all.

How often is that the case?

And....it matters a great deal, since the death rate for abortion is very near 100%.

Then why don't you support sending women to prison for having abortions?

Here's the plan:

  1. ...the Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of certain federal funds to pay for abortion unless the pregnancy arises from incest, rape, or to save the life of the mother.
    Hyde Amendment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaHyde_Amendment

And for over 30 years Planned Parenthood has complied with that law and continues to do so. Nothing has changed.

Another of those classic lies from you, NYLiar.

Did you want to see the Hyde Amendment again?

Oh, then okay, show us where Planned Parenthood has been charged with violating the Hyde Amendment.

Cite the cases and the outcomes.
Since it dies the same time that she does, that matters very little, if at all.

How often is that the case?

And....it matters a great deal, since the death rate for abortion is very near 100%.

Then why don't you support sending women to prison for having abortions?

Here's the plan:

  1. ...the Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of certain federal funds to pay for abortion unless the pregnancy arises from incest, rape, or to save the life of the mother.
    Hyde Amendment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaHyde_Amendment

And for over 30 years Planned Parenthood has complied with that law and continues to do so. Nothing has changed.

Another of those classic lies from you, NYLiar.

Did you want to see the Hyde Amendment again?

Well we do have these cases,

where states have LOST cases in court where they tried to restrict abortion funding beyond the restrictions in the Hyde Amendment.

Federal court rules on Hyde Amendment in Michigan case. - PubMed - NCBI

Women have complete control... some just choose not to exercise said control. Murdering unborn children is what's ghoulish.

Then step up and put your body where your mouth is - adopt a fetus and implant it :)

I'm a dude.... biology 101 pal. And btw, I've already raised 2 kids.. I'm done. What's your point?

Being a dude doesn't matter, it just gives you license to tell other women what to do with their bodies thinking you'll never have to carry and unwanted pregnancy. The Science of Male Pregnancy

If you don't want an "unwated pregnancy" keep your legs together. WTF is so hard about that?

That has nothing to do with the women who have unwanted pregnancies.

They deserve the right to choose a safe, legal abortion.

Right to kill their scion?

And have the act paid for by those of us with a higher morality?

How.....Liberal of you.
Then step up and put your body where your mouth is - adopt a fetus and implant it :)

I'm a dude.... biology 101 pal. And btw, I've already raised 2 kids.. I'm done. What's your point?

Being a dude doesn't matter, it just gives you license to tell other women what to do with their bodies thinking you'll never have to carry and unwanted pregnancy. The Science of Male Pregnancy

If you don't want an "unwated pregnancy" keep your legs together. WTF is so hard about that?

That has nothing to do with the women who have unwanted pregnancies.

They deserve the right to choose a safe, legal abortion.

Right to kill their scion?

And have the act paid for by those of us with a higher morality?

How.....Liberal of you.

Since you don't believe women who have abortions are murderers, you effectively agree with me,

despite your phoney yakety yak rhetoric.
Remind us of how you would change our current abortion laws?

I would start by recognizing medical science, which you ghouls reject. A human fetus is human, period. Life is the presence of heart and brain activity - per the AMA. No human shall be killed without due process. If you seek to kill your offspring, make your case in court with an advocate for the intended victim.
Remind us of how you would change our current abortion laws?

I would start by recognizing medical science, which you ghouls reject. A human fetus is human, period. Life is the presence of heart and brain activity - per the AMA. No human shall be killed without due process. If you seek to kill your offspring, make your case in court with an advocate for the intended victim.

OK then, despite your weasel wording of it, you would:

1. Declare that personhood begins at conception

2. Declare the fertilized egg from that point on to have every right that born persons have.

3. Make abortion the crime of murder.

4. Send women who have abortions to prison for life, or an appropriate 1st degree murder punishment.
OK then, despite your weasel wording of it, you would:

1. Declare that personhood begins at conception

Because there is heart and brain activity at conception, sploogy?

Yer not real bright..

2. Declare the fertilized egg from that point on to have every right that born persons have.

3. Make abortion the crime of murder.

4. Send women who have abortions to prison for life, or an appropriate 1st degree murder punishment.

Son, you're a fucking moron who cannot discuss what I actually wrote and simply make up shit that matches the talking points you have from the hate sites...
I'm a dude.... biology 101 pal. And btw, I've already raised 2 kids.. I'm done. What's your point?

Being a dude doesn't matter, it just gives you license to tell other women what to do with their bodies thinking you'll never have to carry and unwanted pregnancy. The Science of Male Pregnancy

If you don't want an "unwated pregnancy" keep your legs together. WTF is so hard about that?

That has nothing to do with the women who have unwanted pregnancies.

They deserve the right to choose a safe, legal abortion.

Right to kill their scion?

And have the act paid for by those of us with a higher morality?

How.....Liberal of you.

Since you don't believe women who have abortions are murderers, you effectively agree with me,

despite your phoney yakety yak rhetoric.

Stop lying....

Oh...that's funny!

I just told the leopard to lose his spots!!!!
Remind us of how you would change our current abortion laws?

I would start by recognizing medical science, which you ghouls reject. A human fetus is human, period. Life is the presence of heart and brain activity - per the AMA. No human shall be killed without due process. If you seek to kill your offspring, make your case in court with an advocate for the intended victim.

"No human shall be killed without due process. If you seek to kill your offspring, make your case in court with an advocate for the intended victim."

‘tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished.'

They cannot....without renouncing the lessons that Marx and Stalin taught them.
It is at the very heart of Liberalism.

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